Page 357 - December_Transmission_Schedule
P. 357
क ा - 11 क मा सक काय म सारण सारणी
Monthly Program Transmission Schedule of Class - 11
क ा – 11 क वषयवार सा ा हक काय म सारण सारणी
Subject-wise Weekly Program Transmission Schedule of Class – 11
सोमवार मंगलवार बुधवार बृह तवार शु वार श नवार र ववार
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
इ तहास
ह ी स ृ त ह ी ह ी समाजशा रसायन व ान
राजनी त
जीव व ान ग णत व ान लेखाशा वसाय भौ तक व ान इ तहास
अ यन
रसायन व ान भौ तक व ान अथशा भूगोल मनो व ान जीव व ान ग णत
English ودرا (उद ू ) English Psychology English History Sociology
History Geography Geography Mathematics Chemistry Physics
Accountancy Chemistry Economics Physics Mathematics Biology
☞ This table refers to the subject-wise weekly program schedule comprising programs of different
subjects/themes scheduled to be transmitted on a concerned day as a set of programs and the same
is repeated as a program cycle approximately 9 to 10 times a day and the same scheme is followed for
the whole month.
☞ For more info, kindly navigate to PM eVIDYA page on the SWAYAM PRABHA web portal or visit the
☞ The channel also telecasts Live Interactive Sessions with Subject Experts on every Saturday from
2.00 pm to 3.00 pm. You can also watch these sessions and other interesting videos on the NCERT
OFFICIAL YouTube channel by following the link:
☞ All the QR-coded video programs telecast on 12 PM eVIDYA TV Channels are also available on the
DIKSHA web portal. In case you miss watching any program/episode on TV or otherwise, you can
watch these programs on the DIKSHA web portal ( You can scan the QR code
of a program on TV with the help of the DIKSHA mobile app and watch/download the same on your
mobile phone.