Page 107 - Nov_Transmission Schedule for Classes 1-12
P. 107

सामा जक  व ान: भूगोल           समकालीन भारत - 1, पाठ 3: अपवाह, भाग - 1             0:22:11      Hindi

                Science               Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules, Part - II             0:37:12     English

             Mathematics                   Chapter 2: Polynomials, Part - III               0:29:17     English

                                      Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Split
         Vocational Education                              Stitch                          0:06:04      English

                                                मंगलवार, 22 नवंबर 2022
                                            Tuesday, 22 November 2022

                   ह ी              वै ा नक चेतना क े  वाहक चं शेखर व कट रमन, भाग - 1       0:22:10      Hindi

         सामा जक  व ान: भूगोल           समकालीन भारत - 1, पाठ 3: अपवाह, भाग - 2            0:24:27       Hindi

                Science               Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules, Part - III           0:29:25      English

             Mathematics                   Chapter 2: Polynomials, Part - IV               0:37:26      English

                                    Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Feather
         Vocational Education                              Stitch                          0:05:39      English

                                                 बुधवार, 23 नवंबर 2022
                                          Wednesday, 23 November 2022

                  ग णत                              पाठ 10: वृ , भाग - 2                   0:29:58       Hindi

                   व ान                            पाठ 7: जीव  म   व वधता                  0:26:05       Hindi

              S.St:History                   Nazism and the rise of Hitler                  0:22:10     English

                                    Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Feather
         Vocational Education                              Stitch                          0:05:39      English

                 English            Beehive, Chapter - 6: My Childhood, Part - 1           0:32:06      English

                                               बृह  तवार, 24 नवंबर 2022
                                           Thursday, 24 November 2022

                  ग णत                                 पाठ 11: रचनाएँ                      0:23:37       Hindi

                   व ान                                  पाठ 8: ग त                        0:23:39       Hindi

              S.St:History                            Social Change                         0:22:11     English

                 English                    My Childhood, No Men foreign                   0:25:30      English

                                         Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2:
         Vocational Education                      Herringbone Stitch                      0:07:08      English
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