Page 145 - Nov_Transmission Schedule for Classes 1-12
P. 145

Chapter 1: Relations and Functions- Binary
           Mathematics                                                                    0:18:24      English
                                             Operations (Episode 4)

                                     Chapter 1. Electric Charges and Fields
              Physics                                                                     0:17:21      English
                                                    (Episode 9)

                                                  बुधवार, 9 नव र 2022
                                            Wednesday, 9 November 2022

          English - Vistas     Chapter 6. Vistas: On the Fact of It (Episode 1)           0:21:40      English

             जीव  व ान                     पाठ 16. पया वरण क े  मु े (भाग 4)              0:17:42         ह दी

            रसायन  व ान                        पाठ 15. ब लक (भाग 3)                       0:23:00         ह दी

         ह ी - अ भ    और         पाठ 3. अ भ    और मा म-  व भ  मा म  क े   लए              0:17:48         ह दी
                मा म                                लेखन (भाग 2)

        Political Science -          Chapter 5. Contemporary South Asia                   0:22:00      English
           World Politics                           (Episode 1)

        Economics - Micro           Chapter 3. Law of Variable Proportions                0:26:26      English
             Economics                              (Episode 2)

                                                बृह  तवार, 10 नव र 2022
                                             Thursday, 10 November 2022
              मनो व ान                     पाठ 5:  च क ा उपागम - भाग 3                    0:22:28         ह दी

        राजनी त  व ान -  व             पाठ 5. समकालीन द  ण ए शया - भाग 1                  0:13:08         ह दी
               राजनी त

           अथ शा  -
               अथ शा                     पाठ 6.   त धा र हत बाज़ार - भाग 1                 0:25:14         ह दी

                                     Chapter 2: Kings, Farmers and Towns
               History                                                                    0:15:26      English
                                                    (Episode 1)

        Accountancy (I) -        Chapter 5: Dissolution of a Partnership Firm

            Partnership                             (Episode 2)                           0:13:18      English

        Accountancy (I) -        Chapter 5. Dissolution of a Partnership Firm
            Partnership                             (Episode 3)                           0:11:28      English

        Geography - India         Chapter 5: Land Resources and Agriculture               0:14:17      English
        People & Economy                            (Episode 2)

        Geography - India         Chapter 5: Land Resources and Agriculture               0:14:34      English
        People & Economy                            (Episode 3)
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