Page 68 - Nov_Transmission Schedule for Classes 1-12
P. 68

सोमवार, 14 नवंबर 2022
                                             Monday, 14 November2022

                  व ान                       पाठ-5 पदाथ  का पृथ रण                     0:19:27         Hindi

                 भूगोल                      पाठ-6 पृ ी क े   मुख  ल प                  0:26:58         Hindi

                English                               Tansen                           0:28:11        English

            Mathematics                           Ch-7 Fractions                       0:19:36        English

            History(ISL)            What , Where,How and When? Part-1                 0:25:25           ISL

        Vocational Education                Preparing ORS at Home                     0:05:45     English/Hindi

                                                मंगलवार, 15 नवंबर 2022
                                            Tuesday, 15 November 2022

                 ग णत                            पाठ-7  भ , भाग 2                      0:27:08         Hindi

                  ह ी                               पाठ 23 हाथी                        0:14:46         Hindi

             Geography                  The Earth in the Solar System                  0:20:47        English

               Science                      CH-6 Changes Around us                     0:23:27        English

        Vocational Education                Preparing ORS at Home                     0:05:45     English/Hindi

            History(ISL)            What , Where,How and When? Part-2                  0:15:00          ISL

                                                 बुधवार, 16 नवंबर 2022
                                          Wednesday, 16 November 2022

                  व ान                 पाठ-5 पदाथ  का पृथ रण (भाग -01)                0:22:52          Hindi

                 सं  ृ त                     पाठ-14 अहह आः च , भाग 1                   0:21:05         Hindi

               History                    New Empires and Kingdoms                    0:20:56         English

            Mathematics            CH-5 Understanding Elementary shapes                0:25:23        English

            English ( ISL)                  The shepherd's Treasure                    0:11:23          ISL

        Vocational Education       TEN PLANTS FOR HOME DECORATION                      0:13:34    English/Hindi

                                               बृह  तवार, 17 नवंबर 2022
                                            Thursday, 17 November 2022

                इ तहास             रा , राजा और एक  ाचीन गणरा  (भाग -01)               0:19:59         Hindi

                English                    A Different Kind of School                   0:23:54        English

               Science                   Ch-7 Getting to Know Plants                   0:21:38        English
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