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सतंबर 2022 सारण अनुसूची
Transmission Schedule for September 2022
क ा 1 क समय सारणी
सोमवार मंगलवार बुधवार वीरवार शु वार श नवार र ववार
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
ग णत ग णत ह द ह द ग णत ग णत मू य श ा
ह द ह द कहानी /सां क ृ तक कहानी /सां क ृ तक ह द ह द कहानी /सां क ृ तक
वरासत/कला और वरासत/कला और वरासत/कला और
श प श प श प
English English English English English English Story Telling/
Cultural Heritage/Art
and Craft
ودرا (उदू ) ودرا (उदू ) Mathematics Mathematics Story Telling/ Story Telling/ Story Telling/
Cultural Heritage/Art Cultural Heritage/Art Cultural Heritage/Art
and Craft and Craft and Craft
Mathemati Mathematics Language (ISL) Language (ISL) Language (ISL) Language (ISL) General ISL
cs (ISL) (ISL)
*Note: Watch live and interact with subject experts on Every Monday from 2:00pm – 3:00 pm.
Please follow the NCERT Facebook Page ( for the topics of
session. You can watch the live sessions through NCERT Official You tube channel:
To see the exact timings of the programmes:
*The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 2:30 hours daily for 9 times to make
it 24x7 channel
*Watch Live programmes on every Monday at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm