Page 8 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 8
14 September
ह द पाठ -11: पतंग ह द 0:23:04
कला और श प टरम ट ू – 9 ह द 0:22:43
English Unit - 1: Three Little Pigs English 0:25:05
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 71-90 - 1 English 0:03:48
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 71-90 - 2 English 0:04:09
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 71-90 - 3 English 0:04:22
कहानी समु दर क कहानी Hindi 0:02:37
English (ISL) Unit - 1:Three Little Pigs English 0:08:00
कहानी बंदर और च ड़या Hindi 0:10:04
English (ISL) Chp 11: Shapes English 0:07:38
ह द (ISL) पाठ -11: पतंग ह द 0:08:44
15 September
ह द पाठ -11: पतंग ह द 0:23:04
English Unit - 1: Three Little Pigs English 0:25:05
कहानी Meena – Who is Afraid of the Bully ह द 0:12:15
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 91-100 - 1 English 0:05:13
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 91-100 - 2 English 0:04:02
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 91-100 - 3 English 0:05:07
Mathematics Chp-11 : Numbers from 91-100 - 4 English 0:04:28
कला और श प टरम ट ू – 10 ह द 0:24:42
English (ISL) Unit - 1:Three Little Pigs English 0:08:00
कहानी समु दर क कहानी Hindi 0:02:37
English (ISL) Chp 11: Shapes English 0:07:38
*The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 2:30 hours daily for 9 times to make
it 24x7 channel
*Watch Live programmes on every Monday at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm