Page 114 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 114

Geography, Ch-6, Natural vegetation &
         Geography             wildlife                                         0:15:32               English
         Cultural Heritage: Art,
         Music, Dance          Understanding Our Architectural Heritage         0:14:06               English
         Education             सोन क अड दन वाली मग                              0:08:04                Hindi
                               Science, Ch-7: Weather Climate and
         Science               Adaptation of Animals to Climate                 0:28:13               English
         Vocational            Hand Embroidery Part B                           0:13:54               English

         Vocational            कश सौंदय उपकरणों का प रचय                        0:19:42                Hindi
                                                       18 September 2022
         Physical education     COVID 19 Awareness                              0:12:46               English
         शारी रक िश ा          Yoga Olympiad-Hindi                              0:01:10                Hindi
         राजनीित िव ान         पाठ-5, औरतों न बदली दिनया भाग-1                  0:25:26                Hindi
         Cultural Heritage: Art,
         Music, Dance          Dance A Way of Expression-1                      0:29:33                Hindi

         General awareness     िकशोराव था की ओर (English Subtitles)             0:12:42                Hindi
         General Awareness     रौशनी और रग                                      0:15:55                Hindi
         History               Ch-5: Rulers and Buildings                       00:23:16              English
                               Finishing and costing of embroidered
         Vocational            Products                                         0:11:41               English
         Vocational            Design and Tracing Methods                       0:02:24               English
                                                       19 September 2022
                               िव ान, पाठ-7, मौसम जलवाय तथा जलवाय क
         िव ान                 अन प जतओं  ारा अनकलन                             0:12:53                Hindi

                               भगोल, पाठ-8: मानव-पयावरण अ ो ि या
         भगोल                  उ किटबधीय एव उपो   दश                            0:27:56                Hindi
         Education             छोटा ह या बड़ा                                    0:04:07                Hindi
         General               आओ कहानी िलखना सीख                               0:29:20                Hindi
         English               English, Honeycomb, Chapter-4, Chivvy            0:05:53               English
         Creative Activities:
         Art& Craft             खलता  आ कमल (Blooming lotus)                    0:04:45                Hindi
                               Maths, Ch-7: Congruence of Triangles
         Mathematics           (Part-2)                                         0:14:44               English
         Vocational            व ों पर लग दाग ध  छड़ाना                          0:34:04                Hindi
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