Page 130 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 130

Story Telling/ Value
         Education                 Birthday Party                                      0:14:22            English

                                   Chapter-2: Microorganisms: Friend or Foe,
         Science                   Part-1 (Harmful Mircoorganisms)                     0:18:43            English

         Vocational Video          क ा 8 घर पर बनाए हबल श   ू                          0:24:26             Hindi
                                                      21 September 2022
         िव ान                     पाठ-7 पौध एव जतओं का सर ण                           0:15:27             Hindi
         Sanskrit                  पाठ 1: सभािषतािन, भाग 1                             0:30:17        Sanskrit/ Hindi
         Creative Activities:
         Art/Craft                 Origami (Kagaz Kala)-5                              0:09:27             Hindi
                                   Chapter 6- Weavers, Iron Smelters and
         Social Science (History)     Factory Owners, Part-2                           0:15:45            English
         Cultural Heritage: Art,
         Music, Dance               Kala Utsav – 2022 –Dance-Classical(Girl)Delhi      0:05:05         English/Hindi
         Mathematics               Chapter 6- Squares and Square Roots, Part-1         0:27:49            English

         Vocational Video          क ा 8 कश सौंदय उपकरणों का प रचय                     0:19:42             Hindi
         Vocational Video          Identification of trees                             0:10:24         English/Hindi
                                                      22 September 2022
         गिणत                      पाठ-8 रािशयों की तलना                               0:25:22             Hindi
                                   पाठ-9: रा    ीय आदोलन का सघटनः  1870 क दशक स  े
         इितहास                    1947 तक                                             0:29:44             Hindi
         Story Telling/ Value
         Education                 आम की टोकरी                                         0:02:35             Hindi
         Creative Activities:
         Art/Craft                 Flat Flexagon                                       0:03:19            English
                                   Chapter-7 When I set out for
         English - Honeydew        Lyonnesse(Poem)                                     0:30:21            English

       *  The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will  be repeated every 2 hours daily for 11 times to make it 24x7
       *Watch Live programmes on every Thursday at 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

       * To see the exact timings of the programmes:
       *Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counselling session (5:00 pm to 5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday
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