Page 141 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 141
General Fake Job Alert 0:00:40 English
Filler Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Aarohi 0:02:19 English
Pandit- Vayu)
General Awareness COVID -19 Awareness Filler 0:01:05 English
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Montage Montage of the Channel 0:00:24 N.A.
Channel Details and Channel Detail & Time Table 0:00:50 N.A.
Time Table
गतिि पाठ 5: यूहक्लड की ज्याहिहत का पररचय 0:25:00 Hindi
COVID -19 Awareness COVID -19 Awareness Filler 0:01:06 Hindi
तवज्ञाि पाठ 3: परिािु एवां अिु 0:42:12 Hindi
Social Science: History India and the Contemporary World-I, 0:32:33 English
Ch - 3: Nazism and the rise of Hitler
Part - II
English Beehive, Chapter - 4: The Lake Isle 0:36:28 English
of innisfree
General Nipun Bharat Anthem 0:01:46 Hindi
General Foundational 0:03:46 English
General Digital Footprints 0:00:57 English
Filler Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Harshini 0:02:20 Hindi
Kanhekar- Agni)
Vocational Education Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: 0:07:00 English
Buttonhole Stitch
Friday, September 9, 2022
Montage Montage of the Channel 0:00:24 N.A.
Channel Details and Channel Detail & Time Table 0:00:50 N.A.
Time Table
Invocation/National वैष्िव जि तो तेिे कहिए 0:06:52 Hindi
Song/Vaishnav Jan
संस्क ृ ि पाठ 2: स्विथकाकिः भाग - 2 0:24:40 Sanskrit
सामातिक तवज्ञाि: अर्शास्त् अर्थशास्त्, पाठ 4: भारत िें िाद्य सुरक्षा, भाग - 1 0:21:30 Hindi
Cultural Heritage: Kala Utsav – 2019 0:03:48 N.A.
Art/Music & Dance Music – Instrumental Competition:
Boys: Leh Ladakh
Mathematics Chapter 12: Heron's Formula 0:31:53 English
Science Chapter - 13: Why we fall ill? Part - 0:32:50 English
General Nipun Bharat Anthem 0:01:46 Hindi
General Foundational 0:03:46 English
**The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 2.30 hours daily for
approximately10 times to make it a 24x7 channel.
***Watch Live programs on every Friday at 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
****Watch Live Webinars on ICT tools (4:00pmto5:00pm) and live counselling session
(5:00pmto5:30pm) from Monday to Friday.