Page 158 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 158
ग णत पाठ-11: रचनाए -1 ह द 0:29:24
Social Science
(Geography) Chapter 3: Water Resources Part-2 English 0:12:52
Mathematics Chapter 11: Constructions-1 English 0:34:52
Chapter 11:
Science The Human Eye and the Colourful World-1 English 0:17:00
04 September
Urdu Chp-3: Bheek Urdu 0:18:08
सामािजक व ान (अथ शा ) पाठ-5: उपभो ता अ धकार ह द 0:17:53
व ान पाठ-11: मानव न तथा रग बरगा संसार ह द 0:26:25
Environment Green Gold on Fire (Forest Fires) English 00:28:00
Social Science
(Economics) Chapter 5: Consumer Rights-1 English 0:21:23
Environment And thus man gets crushed AGAIN and AGAIN... Malayalam 00:25:17
Social Science (Political
Science) Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity-1 English 0:18:33
05 September
ह द पाठ-11: रामवृझ बऩीपुर : बालगो बन भगत ह द 0:23:49
सामािजक व ान (भूगोल ) पाठ-3: जल संसाधन भाग-1 ह द 0:19:54
वा य, शार रक श ा, योग
, खल क ू द योग : गोमुख आसन ह द 0:13:48
व ान पाठ-11: मानव न तथा रग बरगा संसार-1 ह द 0:20:51
Language (English) Chapter 11: The Proposal English 0:26:52
Sports The Sound Mind English 00:05:40
Mathematics Chapter 11: Constructions-2 English 0:21:40
Social Science (Political
Science) Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity-1 English 0:18:33
06 September
ह द पाठ-11: रामवृझ बऩीपुर : बालगो बन भगत ह द 0:23:49
सामािजक व ान (भूगोल ) पाठ-3: जल संसाधन भाग-2 ह द 0:24:51
व ान पाठ-11: मानव न तथा रग बरगा संसार-1 ह द 0:20:51
Travel Sivasagar - A Historical Place of Assam English 00:03:12
Chapter 11: Discussion on the theme of the Play 'The
Language (English) Proposal' English 0:32:35
Mathematics Chapter 11: Constructions-2 English 0:21:40
*The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 3 hours daily for 8 times to make it 24x7 channel
*Watch Live programmes on every Friday at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
*Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counseling session (5:00 pm to 5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday