Page 66 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 66

Transmission Schedule for September, 2022

                        Subject                    Title / Topic             Duration           Medium
                                                Thursday, September 1, 2022
                       Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24            N.A.
                 Channel Detail & Time     Class 5 Channel Detail & Time      0:00:50            N.A.
                         Table                        Table
                         Filler           Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Tanvi      0:02:18            Hindi
                                                 Jagadish- Sagar)
                    पर्ावरण अध्र्र्ि           पयठ - 17 फयाँद ली दीवयर        0:26:33            Hindi
                         Filler           Introduction to waste segregation   0:13:40           English
                                                & dry and wet bins
                         तहन्दी            चुनौती णिमयलर् की: िम क्र्य उगयते िैं   0:26:41       Hindi
                                                      भयग 1
                         EVS                    A Shelter so High!            0:26:58           English
                   Health Education           Covid-19 Prevention &           0:11:07           English
                        English            Topsy-turvy Land & Gulliver's      0:31:40           English
                        General                   Nipun Bharat                0:01:47            Hindi
                        General               Foundational Literacy &         0:03:46           English
                                                 Numeracy (FLN)
                        General                 Online Game Fraud             0:00:42           English
                        CWSN                     The Little Bully-I           0:10:58             ISL
                                                 Friday, September 2, 2022
                       Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24         Team CIET

                         Filler               Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya         0:01:12
                         Filler           Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Tanvi      0:02:18

       **The channel timings begin at 12midnight and it will be repeated every 2.30hours daily for
       approximately10 timestomakeit24x7channel
       ***Watch Live programs on every Wednesday at 2:00pmto3:00pm
       ****Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00pmto5:00pm) and live counseling session (5:00pmto5:30pm)
       from Monday to Friday
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