Page 57 - Binder1
P. 57

र ववार, 4  दसंबर 2022
                                             Sunday, 4 December 2022

         Physical Education                     Yoga - Chakkrasan                      0:12:12         Hindi

             राजनी त  व ान                  पाठ-9 शहरी  े ा म  आजी वका                 0:26:51         Hindi

         Activities (Science)              Activity 5- Filtration (ch-5)              0:02:54         English

                History             What, Where, How, & When (Part-01)                 0:34:12        English

        Political Science(ISL)              Understanding Diversity-I                  0:28:37          ISL

        Vocational Education                 गमले म  पौधा लगाने क   व ध               0:20:08     English/Hindi
                                                 सोमवार, 5  दसंबर 2022
                                             Monday, 5 December 2022

                  व ान                          पाठ-7 पौध  को जा नए                    0:28:12         Hindi
                  भूगोल                         पाठ -3 पृ ी क  ग तयाँ                  0:20:28         Hindi

                English                     The Wonder Called Sleep                    0:18:52        English

             Mathematics                   Ch-9 Data Handling, Part 1                  0:30:46        English

        Vocational Education                    Seed Germination                       0:06:44        English

        Political Science(ISL)             Understanding Diversity-II                  0:17:36          ISL

                                                मंगलवार, 6  दसंबर 2022
                                             Tuesday, 6 December 2022

                  ग णत                          पाठ-8 दशमलव, भाग 3                     0:26:30         Hindi

                   ह ी                             पाठ 26 बढ़े चलो                      0:13:08         Hindi

              Geography              India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife           0:16:36        English

                Science             Motion and Measurement of Distances                0:17:23        English

        Vocational Education                    Seed Germination                       0:06:44        English

             English (ISL)                      Who am I? part-2                       0:26:46          ISL
                                                 बुधवार, 7  दसंबर 2022

                                           Wednesday, 7 December 2022

                  व ान                          पाठ-7 पौध  को जा नए                    0:28:12         Hindi
                 सं  ृ त                         पाठ-5 वृ ाः , भाग 1                   0:24:22         Hindi

                History             What, Where, How, & When (Part-02)                 0:31:56        English

             Mathematics                   Ch-9 Data Handling, Part 2                  0:24:13        English

             English (ISL)                       Who am I? part-1                      0:26:49          ISL
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