Page 58 - Binder1
P. 58

Vocational Education                    Seed Germination                       0:06:44        English

                                               बृह  तवार, 8  दसंबर 2022
                                            Thursday, 8 December 2022

                  ग णत                             पाठ-8 दशमलव                         0:25:13         Hindi

                 इ तहास                        पाठ-6 नए    नए  वचार                    0:27:49         Hindi

                English                               Fair Play                        0:27:24        English

                Science              Ch-11 Light, Shadows And Reflections               0:14:19        English

          Vocational Videos                  Preparing ORS at Home                    0:05:45     English/Hindi
             English (ISL)                      Who am I? part-2                       0:26:46          ISL

                                                 शु वार, 9  दसंबर 2022
                                              Friday, 9 December 2022

                  व ान                            पाठ-8 शरीर म  ग त                    0:21:52         Hindi

                   ह ी                           पाठ 27  थ  क  शंका                    0:16:16         Hindi

           Political Science           CH-2 Diversity and Discrimination               0:27:30        English

             Mathematics                        Ch-10 Mensuration                      0:31:54        English

             English (ISL)                  The shepherd's Treasure                    0:11:23          ISL

        Vocational Education        TEN PLANTS FOR HOME DECORATION                     0:13:34        English

                                                श नवार, 10  दसंबर 2022
                                            Saturday, 10 December 2022

                  ग णत                     पाठ-9 आकड  का  ब न, भाग 1                   0:24:28         Hindi
                 सं  ृ त                       पाठ-6 समु तट: , भाग 1                   0:19:19         Hindi
              Geography                         Our Country-India                      0:21:42        English

                Science            Environmental Adaptation (ch-9: Part 01)            0:10:09        English

             English (ISL)                     The Old Clock Shop                      0:10:22          ISL

        Vocational Education                 गमले म  पौधा लगाने क   व ध               0:20:08          Hindi

                                                 र ववार, 11  दसंबर 2022
                                             Sunday, 11 December 2022

             राजनी त  व ान                   पाठ-9 शहरी  े  म  आजी वका                0:20:42          Hindi

         Activities (Science)       Sorting Materials into Groups (Part 1)             0:05:01        English

                History           A Dialogue with History; Past even-1                0:20:45         English

             English (ISL)                             Tansen                          0:20:15          ISL
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