Page 63 - Binder1
P. 63

भूगोल (ISL)                      सौरमंडल म  पृ ी भाग 2                   0:16:39          ISL

        Vocational Education                    PLUMBING TOOLS                         0:14:18    English/Hindi

                                                मंगलवार, 27  दसंबर 2022
                                            Tuesday, 27 December 2022

                  ग णत                          पाठ-8 दशमलव, भाग 2                     0:24:16         Hindi

                   ह ी                           पाठ 27  थ  क  शंका                    0:16:16         Hindi

              Geography              India: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife           0:16:36        English

                Science              Ch-11 Light, Shadows And Reflections               0:14:19        English
        Vocational Education                 Preparing ORS at Home                    0:05:45     English/Hindi

             English (ISL)                     A Tale of Two Birds                     0:11:23          ISL

                                                बुधवार, 28  दसंबर 2022
                                          Wednesday, 28 December 2022

                  व ान                            पाठ-8 शरीर म  ग त                    0:21:52         Hindi

                 सं  ृ त                         पाठ-5 वृ ाः , भाग 1                   0:24:22         Hindi

                                     From Hunting, Gathering to Growing
                History                                 Food                           0:24:08        English

             Mathematics                        Ch-10 Mensuration                      0:31:54        English

             English (ISL)                    The friendly Mongoose                    0:10:34          ISL

        Vocational Education                 Preparing ORS at Home                    0:05:45     English/Hindi

                                              बृह  तवार, 29  दसंबर 2022
                                           Thursday, 29 December 2022

                  ग णत                          पाठ-8 दशमलव, भाग 3                     0:26:30         Hindi

                                    अशोक: एक अनोखा स ाट  जसने यु  का  ाग
                 इ तहास                                  कया                           0:30:11         Hindi

                English                               Fair Play                        0:27:24        English
                Science            Environmental Adaptation (ch-9: Part 01)            0:10:09        English

        Vocational Education                 Preparing ORS at Home                    0:05:45     English/Hindi

             English (ISL)                   The Banyan Tree part-2                    0:28:54          ISL

                                                शु वार, 30  दसंबर 2022
                                             Friday, 30 December 2022

                  व ान                            पाठ-8 शरीर म  ग त                    0:30:16         Hindi

                   ह ी                           पाठ 25 जयपुर से प                    0:20:59          Hindi
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