Page 85 - Binder1
P. 85

वषय                                    काय  म शीष क                        अव ध         मा म
                 Subject                                  Program Title                      Duration      Medium

                                                   Memory; The Last Bargain
     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                  Origami (Kagaz Kala)-5                   0:09:27       Hindi

              Mathematics                      Chapter-16: Playing with Numbers               0:21:26      English

            Vocational Video                    क ा 8 क े श स दय उपकरण  का प रचय              0:19:42       Hindi
            Vocational Video                          Identification of trees                  0:10:24   English/Hindi
                                               बृह  तवार, 27  दस र 2022
                                             Thursday, 27 December 2022

              Mathematics                             पाठ-15: आलेख  से प रचय                  0:27:10       Hindi
                  Hindi                               पाठ 6: भगवान क े  डा कए                 0:10:33       Hindi

    Story Telling/ Value Education                      गुलज़ार ब   क े  साथ                   0:12:38       Hindi

                                             Chapter-2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural
      Social Science (Geography)                                                              0:11:35      English
                                          Vegetation and Wildlife Resources, Part - 3

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                       Paper Orchid                        0:03:32      English
    Story Telling/ Value Education                 A Sunrise at Ganga Sagar                   0:14:53        NA

                 Science                 Chapter-10 Reaching The Age Of Adolescence           0:18:57      English

            Vocational Video                         गमले म पौधा लगाने क   व ध                0:20:08   English/Hindi

            Vocational Video                             Plumbing Tools                       0:14:18   English/Hindi

                                                 शु वार, 28  दस र 2022
                                              Friday, 28 December 2022

                 Science                               पाठ 6: दहन एवं  ाला                    0:25:46       Hindi
                Sanskrit                              पाठ-9 स भ ग ः, भाग 2                    0:20:39       Hindi

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                  Origami (Kagaz Kala)-5                   0:09:27       Hindi

       Social Science (History)              Chapter-8: Women, Caste and Reform               0:21:05      English
              Mathematics                   Chapter 16 Playing with Numbers part 1            0:21:19      English

            Vocational Video                             गृह स ा हेतु पौध े                   0:23:49   English/Hindi

            Vocational Video                          Identification of trees                  0:10:24   English/Hindi

                                                श नवार, 29  दस र 2022
                                             Saturday, 29 December 2022

              Mathematics                          पाठ-16: स ाओ क े  साथ खेलना               0:25:35        Hindi
       Social Science (History)                    पाठ-8: म हलाए, जा त एवं सुधार              0:24:56       Hindi
    Story Telling/ Value Education                         आम क  टोकरी                       0:02:35        Hindi

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                       Flat Flexagon                       0:03:19      English

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