Page 81 - Binder1
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वषय                                    काय  म शीष क                        अव ध         मा म
                 Subject                                  Program Title                      Duration      Medium

                                                 श नवार, 15  दस र 2022
                                             Saturday, 15 December 2022

              Mathematics                             पाठ-15: आलेख  से प रचय                  0:27:10       Hindi
                General                                Safety and Security                    0:05:39      English

                                          पाठ-9: रा ीय आदोलन का संघटनः 1870 क े  दशक स   े
       Social Science (History)                                                               0:29:44       Hindi
                                                             1947 तक
    Story Telling/ Value Education                          छोटा या बड़ा                       0:04:07       Hindi

          English - Honeydew                 Chapter-3, Macavity: The Mystery Cat             0:26:49      English
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,                Kala Utsav – 2022 –Dance                  0:03:55    English/Hindi
                 Dance                               Folk(Girl)Maharashtra

                                               Chapter-9 Reproduction in Animals
                 Science                    (Hermaphrodite and Sexually Dimorphic            0:05:20       English

            Vocational Video                     क ा 8 व   पर लगे दाग ध े छ ु ड़ाना            0:34:04       Hindi
                                                 र ववार, 16  दस र 2022
                                              Sunday, 16 December 2022
                 Science                            पाठ 5: कोयला और प ो लयम                   0:20:13       Hindi
                  Hindi                                पाठ 4: दीवान  क  ह ी                   0:19:57       Hindi

    Story Telling/ Value Education                      गुलज़ार ब   क े  साथ                   0:12:38       Hindi
                                        Chapter-7 Understanding Marginalisation, Part
   Social Science (Political Science)                                                         0:44:49      English
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,               Kala Utsav 2022 Vocal Music-                0:06:29   English/Hindi
                 Dance                                 Classical(Boy)KVS

              Mathematics                  Chapter-15 Introduction to Graphs, Part 2          0:14:49      English

            Vocational Video                          व   क  पहचान एवं मह                     0:20:13   English/Hindi
                                                 सोमवार, 17  दस र 2022
                                              Monday, 17 December 2022
              Mathematics                          पाठ-16: स ाओ क े  साथ खेलना               0:25:35        Hindi
                Sanskrit                              पाठ-9 स भ ग ः, भाग 2                    0:20:39       Hindi

    Story Telling/ Value Education                           चतुर बानर                        0:08:23       Hindi

                                             Chapter-2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural
      Social Science (Geography)                                                              0:27:14      English
                                               Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,               Kala Utsav 2022 Vocal Music-                0:06:29   English/Hindi
                 Dance                                 Classical(Boy)KVS

    Story Telling/ Value Education                  Khel Khel Main Animation                  0:06:30       Hindi

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