Page 93 - Binder1
P. 93

बुधवार, 16  दसंबर 2022
                                          Wednesday, 16 December 2022

                  सं  ृ त                        पाठ 9:  सकतासेतुः भाग - 1                 0:23:56     Sanskrit

                 अथ शा                         पाठ 1- पालमपुर गाँव क  कहानी                0:36:46       Hindi

             Mathematics             Linear Equations in Two Variables Part - IV            0:21:49     English

                Science                 The Fundamental Unit of Life, Part - II            0:30:00      English

                                         Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2:
         Vocational Education
                                                    Buttonhole Stitch                      0:07:00      English

                                               बृह  तवार, 17  दसंबर 2022
                                            Thursday, 17 December 2022

                  सं  ृ त                      पाठ 10: जटायोः शौय म् भाग - 1               0:26:52     Sanskrit

                   ह ी                            श , पाठ 8: दोहे, भाग - 1                 0:23:32       Hindi

              Pol. Science          Chapter - 4: Working of Institutions, Part III         0:34:51      English

              Geography                     Chapter 6: Population, Part - 1                0:25:05      English
                                         Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2:
         Vocational Education
                                                    Buttonhole Stitch                      0:07:00      English

                                                शु वार, 18  दसंबर 2022
                                             Friday, 18 December 2022

                 इ तहास                   पाठ 5, आधु नक  व  म  चरवाहे, भाग - 2              0:21:38      Hindi

             राजनी त  व ान                    पाठ 1: लो    ा? लो     ?                     0:27:48       Hindi
               Economics                The story of village Palampur, Part - II           0:26:51      English

              Geography                     Chapter 6: Population, Part - 2                0:13:57      English
                                     Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Stem
         Vocational Education
                                                          Stitch                           0:04:46      English

                                                श नवार, 19  दसंबर 2022
                                            Saturday, 19 December 2022

                   ह ी                              पाठ 8: दोहे, भाग - 2                    0:19:09      Hindi
                  भूगोल                    पाठ 5:  ाक ृ  तक वन  त तथा व   ाणी               0:28:13      Hindi

                Science                           Chapter - 6: Tissues                     0:28:47      English
             Mathematics            Chapter 4: Linear Equations in Two Variables           0:20:20      English

                                      Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Split
         Vocational Education
                                                          Stitch                           0:06:04      English
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