Page 96 - Binder1
P. 96

सोमवार, 28  दसंबर 2022
                                            Monday, 28 December 2022

                  ग णत                  पाठ 13: पृ ीय  े फल और आयतन , भाग - 1              0:29:37       Hindi

                   व ान                         पाठ 10: गु  ाकष ण, भाग - 1                 0:35:17       Hindi

                History                Forest Society and Colonialism, Part - 2            0:30:06      English

                 English            Reach for the Top(Maria Sharapova)Part - 3             0:24:09      English

                                      Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Split
         Vocational Education
                                                          Stitch                           0:06:04      English

                                                मंगलवार, 29  दसंबर 2022
                                            Tuesday, 29 December 2022

                  ग णत                           पाठ 14: सां  क  भाग - 1                   0:33:34       Hindi

                   व ान                         पाठ 10: गु  ाकष ण, भाग - 1                 0:35:17       Hindi

                History                     Forest Society and Colonialism                 0:24:05      English

                 English            Reach for the Top(Maria Sharapova)Part - 4              0:21:51     English
                                         Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2:
         Vocational Education
                                                   Herringbone Stitch                      0:07:08      English

                                                बुधवार, 30  दसंबर 2022
                                          Wednesday, 30 December 2022

                  सं  ृ त                      पाठ 10: जटायोः शौय म् भाग - 1               0:26:52     Sanskrit

                 अथ शा                         पाठ 1, पालमपुर गाँव क  कहानी                0:36:46       Hindi
             Mathematics             Linear Equations in Two Variables Part - II           0:32:21      English

                Science              Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom, Part - III          0:30:29      English

                                      Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2: Lazy
         Vocational Education
                                                       Daisy Stitch                        0:05:40      English

                                                 बुधवार, 31  दसंबर 2022

                                          Wednesday, 31 December 2022
                  सं  ृ त                      पाठ 10: जटायोः शौय म् भाग - 2               0:25:14     Sanskrit

                   ह ी                       तज, पाठ 9: सा खयाँ एवं सबद, भाग - 1            0:22:18      Hindi

              Pol. Science                  Chapter - 5: Democratic Rights                 0:23:25      English

              Geography                 Natural vegetation and wildlife, Part - 2          0:15:35      English

                                         Hand Embroiderer, Unit 2 Session 2:
         Vocational Education
                                                    Buttonhole Stitch                      0:07:00      English
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