Page 170 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 170

Transmission Schedule for September, 2022

               Subject                                Title of the Topic                                   Duration

      भौ तक  व ान                      पाठ 1. भौ तक जगत (भाग 1)                                              0:26:49

      जीव  व ान                        पाठ 11. पौध  म  प रवहन (भाग 1)                                        0:17:11

      History                          Chapter 1. From the Beginning of Time (Episode 1)                     0:17:22

      Chemistry                        Chapter 11. The p-Block Elements (Episode 1)                          0:17:27
      Chemistry                        Chapter 11. The p-Block Elements (Episode 2)                          0:19:00

      Mathematics                      Chapter 11. Conic Sections (Episode 3)                                0:21:19
                                                     04 September 2022

      रसायन  व ान                      पाठ 11. p- लॉक त व (भाग-I)                                            0:36:11
      इ तहास                           पाठ 1. समय क  शु आत स (भाग 2)                                         0:31:01
      ग णत                             पाठ 11. शंक ु  प र छद (भाग 1)                                         0:24:55
      Sociology                        Chapter 3. Book 2. Environment and Society (Episode 1)                0:25:34

      Physics                          Chapter 11. Newton's Law of Cooling                                   0:20:22
      Biology                          Chapter 11. Means of Transport                                        0:12:47

      Biology                          Chapter 11. Plant Water Relation                                      0:11:01
                                                     05 September 2022

       हंद - आरोह (भाग 1)              पाठ 11. आरोह (भाग 1) क व कबीर और उनक पद                               0:21:05
      जीव  व ान                        पाठ 11. पौध  म  प रवहन (भाग 2)                                        0:16:52
      रसायन  व ान                      पाठ 11. p- लॉक त व (भाग 2)                                            0:36:06

      English                          Chapter 7. Hornbill (Prose): The Adventure (Episode 3)                0:29:33

     *The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 3 hours daily for 7 times to make it 24x7 channel
     *Watch Live programmes on every Saturday at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
     *Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counselling session (5:00 pm to 5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday
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