Page 171 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 171
Transmission Schedule for September, 2022
Subject Title of the Topic Duration
History Chapter 1. From the Beginning of Time (Episode 2) 0:16:28
Accountancy Chapter 11. Accounts from Incomplete Records (Episode 1) 0:22:40
06 September 2022
Sanskrit- Bhaswati पाठ 11. स म यः (भाग 1) 0:28:18
ग णत पाठ 12. वमीय या मती का प रचय (भाग 1) 0:28:06
भौ तक व ान पाठ 1. भौ तक जगत (भाग 2) 0:28:25
Urdu- Gulistan-e-Adab Chapter 1. Dastan (Episode 1) 0:25:03
Geography- Fundamental of Chapter 11. Water in the Atmosphere (Episode 1) 0:22:12
Physical Geography
Business Studies Chapter 11. International Trade (Episode 1) 0:19:20
07 September 2022
हंद - आरोह (भाग 1) पाठ 12. आरोह (भाग 1) मीरा और उनक पद 0:28:41
राजनी त व ान- भारत का पाठ 1. भारत का सं वधान स दांत और यवहार - सं वधान- यो और कस े 0:16:21
सं वधान स दांत और यवहार (भाग 1)
राजनी त व ान- राजनी तक पाठ 1. राजनी तक स धांत-एक प रचय (भाग 1) 0:14:03
स धांत
अथ शा म सांि यक पाठ 9. अथ शा म सांि यक - सांि यक य व धय का उपयोग 0:27:12
English Chapter 7. Hornbill (Prose): The Adventure (Episode 4) 0:32:42
Geography- Fundamental of Chapter 11. Water in the Atmosphere (Episode 1) 0:22:12
Physical Geography
Chemistry Chapter 11. The p-Block Elements (Episode 3) 0:18:51
*The channel timings begin at 12 midnight and it will be repeated every 3 hours daily for 7 times to make it 24x7 channel
*Watch Live programmes on every Saturday at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
*Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counselling session (5:00 pm to 5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday