Page 76 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 76
Table Table
पर्ावरण अध्र्र्ि णकसयनों की कियनी-बीज की जुबयनी 0:25:25 Team RILM
तहन्दी रयख की रस्सी 0:30:08 श्री लव ओझय
Filler Real life situations- garbage 0:24:00
burning and what to do
EVS When the Earth Shook Part II 0:21:36 Mrs. Barsha
English Around the World- Part 2 0:18:08 Mrs. Jyoti Jenna
Filler Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Aarohi 0:02:19
Pandit- Vayu)
General Foundational Literacy & 0:03:46
Numeracy (FLN)
General Nipun Bharat 0:01:47
Health/Physical पोषि, स्वयस््र् और स्वच्छतय 0:06:39
Education/Yoga/ Sports
General Digital Footprints 0:00:57
CWSN The Little Bully-I 0:10:58 Team CIET
Friday, September 16, 2022
Montage Montage of the channel 0:00:24 Team CIET
Filler Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Tessi 0:02:17
Thomas- Ambar)
Channel Detail & Time Class 5 Channel Detail & Time 0:00:50
Table Table
गतणि पयठ -4 णिस्स और पूर े 0:23:14 Team RILM
COVID -19 Awareness Covid 19 Awareness 0:01:05 Amitabh
Together We Can Fight Bachchan
तहन्दी फसलों कय त्र्ौियर भयग -1 0:29:08 Pankaj Kumar
Mathematics How Many Squares? Part-1 0:24:46 Mr. Asim Mishra
Filler Introduction to waste segregation 0:13:40
& dry and wet bins
Storytelling गुलज़यर बच्चों क सयथ 0:12:38 र्ीम सी आई ई र्ी
CWSN स्वयमी की दयदी (णचत्रकथय) भयग 2 0:10:02
English Sing a Song of the People 0:21:00 Mrs. Barsha
**The channel timings begin at 12midnight and it will be repeated every 2.30hours daily for
approximately10 timestomakeit24x7channel
***Watch Live programs on every Wednesday at 2:00pmto3:00pm
****Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00pmto5:00pm) and live counseling session (5:00pmto5:30pm)
from Monday to Friday