Page 78 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 78

Filler               Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya         0:02:19
                                            (Poonam Nautiyal- Jeevan )

                 Channel Detail & Time     Class 5 Channel Detail & Time      0:00:50
                         Table                        Table
                         Filler             Real life situations- garbage     0:24:00
                                              burning and what to do
                 COVID -19 Awareness           Covid 19 Awareness:            0:01:06         अणमतयभ बच्चन
                                            िम सब णमलकर Covid-19 से लड़
                                                     सकते िैं
                     शारीररक तशक्षा           पोषि, स्वयस््र् और स्वच्छतय     0:06:39       Team UNESCO
                      Storytelling               कयर्ूाणनस्र् सुधीर तैलंग     0:16:48        र्ीम सी आई ई र्ी

                         Filler           Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Aarohi     0:02:19
                                                  Pandit- Vayu)
                   Cultural Heritage            Kala Utsav – 2019             0:04:18
                                               Music – Instrumental
                                           Competition: Boys: Kendriya
                  General Awareness                रौशनी और रंग               0:15:55
                        CWSN                       ईदगयि भयग 1                0:14:40         Team CIET
                         कहािी                    गोद णलए दयदयजी              0:18:44        र्ीम सी आई ई र्ी

                   Physical Education          Growing Up Healthy             0:04:14
                    Health/Physical         भयवनयत्मक कल्र्यि एवं मयनणसक      0:04:59       Team UNESCO
                Education/Yoga/ Sports               स्वयस््र्
                      Storytelling            Beautiful Flower Book           0:14:42        र्ीम सी आई ई र्ी

                        General                   Nipun Bharat                0:01:47

                        General               Foundational Literacy &         0:03:46
                                                 Numeracy (FLN)

                        General                   Fake Job Alert              0:00:40
                        CWSN                       ईदगयि भयग 2                0:17:45         Team CIET
                                                Monday, September 19, 2022
                       Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24         Team CIET

                         Filler           Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Aarohi     0:02:19
                                                  Pandit- Vayu)

                 Channel Detail & Time     Class 5 Channel Detail & Time      0:00:50
                         Table                        Table
       **The channel timings begin at 12midnight and it will be repeated every 2.30hours daily for
       approximately10 timestomakeit24x7channel
       ***Watch Live programs on every Wednesday at 2:00pmto3:00pm
       ****Watch Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00pmto5:00pm) and live counseling session (5:00pmto5:30pm)
       from Monday to Friday
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