Page 89 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 89

Political Science       CH-5 Panchayati Raj (Social &      0:18:49         English
                                                     Political Life)
                  Creative Activities: Art &          Curious Rat               00:01:18         English
                        Mathematics           Whole Numbers (ch-2: Part 1)       0:21:53         English
                       Patriotic Song         I will bring glory to my Nation    0:05:18         English
                 Storytelling/Value education     Ek Din Ki Badshahat            0:12:04          Hindi

                          General                Foundational Literacy &         0:03:46         English
                                                    Numeracy (FLN)
                          General                 Nipun Bharat Anthem            0:01:46          Hindi
                           Filler             Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Tanvi     0:02:18         English
                                                    Jagadish- Sagar)
                          General                  Online Game Fraud             0:00:42         English
                           णिज्ञान                  तंतु स वस्त् तक भाग 2        0:17:35           ISL
                    Vocational Education          PLUMBING TOOLS                 0:14:18      English/Hindi
                                                Saturday, September 3, 2022
                          Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24          N.A.
                   Channel Detail & Time       Channel Detail & Time Table      00:00:50          N.A.
                           गणित               पाठ -1 अपनी संख्याओं की जानकारी    0:25:53          Hindi
                           संस्क ृ त              पाठ -२ अकारान्त स्त्ीहलंग      0:28:04          Hindi
                         Geography                 Our Country-India             0:21:42         English
                          Science               Food: Where Does It Come         0:05:35         English

                          General                Foundational Literacy &         0:03:46         English
                                                    Numeracy (FLN)
                          General                 Nipun Bharat Anthem            0:01:46          Hindi
                    Vocational Education          PLUMBING TOOLS                 0:14:18      English/Hindi
                          General                    Cyberbullying               0:01:11         English
                 Storytelling/Value education    Sunita ki Pahiya Kurshi         0:12:11          Hindi
                           Filler             Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya (Tessi     0:02:17          Hindi
                                                    Thomas- Ambar)
                           णिज्ञान               वस्तुओं क समूि बनाना भाग 1      0:28:23           ISL
                     Physical Education            Yoga - Chakkrasan             0:12:12          Hindi
                                                 Sunday, September 4, 2022
                          Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24          N.A.

       **The  channel  timings  begin  at  12  midnight  and  it  will  be  repeated  every  2.30  hours  daily  for
       approximately 10 times to make it a 24x7 channel
       ***Watch Live programs every Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
       ****Watch a Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counseling sessions (5:00 pm to
       5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday.
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