Page 92 - SeptemberTransmissionSchedule
P. 92

Filler                Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya         0:02:19         English
                                                  (Aarohi Pandit- Vayu)
                           णिज्ञान               पदार्थों का पृर्थक्करण भाग 3    0:27:12           ISL
                     Vocational Videos           गमले में पौधा लगाने की हवहध     0:20:08      English/Hindi
                                                Thursday, September 8, 2022
                          Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24          N.A.

                   Channel Detail & Time       Channel Detail & Time Table      00:00:50          N.A.
                           गणित                Ch-3 Playing with Numbers,        0:26:52          Hindi
                                                         Part 1
                           इणतहास            पाठ -1 क्या, कब, और कसे PART -1     0:34:12          Hindi
                          English             Who Did Patrick's Homework         0:41:46         English
                          Science               Food Where Does It Come          0:18:07         English
                          General                Foundational Literacy &         0:03:46         English
                                                    Numeracy (FLN)
                          General                 Nipun Bharat Anthem            0:01:46          Hindi
                           Filler                Azadi ki Amrit Khainiya         0:02:20          Hindi
                                                (Harshini Kanhekar- Agni)
                          General                  Online Game Fraud             0:00:42         English
                           णिज्ञान             िमार चारों ओर क पररवतणन भाग 1     0:17:56           ISL
                    Vocational Education            Seed Germination             0:06:44      English/Hindi
                                                 Friday, September 9, 2022
                          Montage                Montage of the channel          0:00:24          N.A.

                   Channel Detail & Time       Channel Detail & Time Table      00:00:50          N.A.
                     Invocation/National               वैष्णव जन तो             00:06:52          हिन्दी
                     Song/Vaishnav Jan
                           णिज्ञान                  पाठ-2 भोजन क घटक             0:31:21          Hindi
                   COVID -19 Awareness           COVID -19 Awareness             0:00:40          Hindi
                            णहन्दी                       हततली                   0:15:10          Hindi
                      Political Science        CH-6: Rural Administration        0:21:46         English
                                                 (Social & Political Life)
                        Mathematics               CH-2 Whole Numbers             0:13:30         English
                 Storytelling/Value education        Rakh ki Rassi               0:12:56          Hindi

       **The  channel  timings  begin  at  12  midnight  and  it  will  be  repeated  every  2.30  hours  daily  for
       approximately 10 times to make it a 24x7 channel
       ***Watch Live programs every Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
       ****Watch a Live Webinar on ICT tools (4:00 pm to 5:00 pm) and live counseling sessions (5:00 pm to
       5:30 pm) from Monday to Friday.
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