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काय म  सारण सारणी                             Program Transmission Schedule

                  दस र 2022                                        December 2022

                   वषय                                    काय  म शीष क                        अव ध         मा म
                 Subject                                  Program Title                      Duration      Medium

                                                 श नवार, 1  दस र 2022
                                             Saturday, 1 December 2022
              Mathematics                        पाठ-13: सीधा और   तलोम समानुपात              0:23:48       Hindi

       Social Science (History)         पाठ-7: देशी जनता को स  बनाना रा  को  श  त करना        0:27:14       Hindi

                   योग                                     पवन मु ासन                         0:03:01       Hindi

          English - Honeydew                Chapter-3, Glimpses of the Past, Part-1           0:35:51      English
                                                          Story Telling:
    Story Telling/ Value Education                                                            0:13:21       Hindi
                                                 Meena – 6 too young to Marry

            Vocational Video                        क ा 8 घर पर बनाए हबल श     ू              0:24:26       Hindi

            Vocational Video                     Preparing First Aid kit at home              0:07:11   English/Hindi
                                                 र ववार, 2  दस र 2022
                                              Sunday, 2 December 2022

                 Science                            पाठ 1: फसल उ ादन एवं  बंध                0:25:04        Hindi

                  Hindi                                पाठ 2: लाख क  च ड़या ँ                  0:10:35       Hindi
    Story Telling/ Value Education                         भूप त मयादस                        0:08:49       Hindi

     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,         Kala Utsav – 2019 Music – Instrumental           0:03:00         NA
                 Dance                             Competition: Girls: Sikkim

   Social Science (Political Science)      Chapter-7 Understanding Marginalisation            0:31:06      English
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,                Kala Utsav – 2022 –Dance                  0:03:55    English/Hindi
                 Dance                               Folk(Girl)Maharashtra

                                          Chapter-13: Direct and Inverse Proportions,
              Mathematics                                                                     0:27:52      English
                                                              Part 1

            Vocational Video                          Identification of trees                  0:10:24   English/Hindi

            Vocational Video                    Ten plants for home decoration                0:13:34      English
                                                 सोमवार, 3 अ ूबर 2022
                                              Monday, 3 December 2022

              Mathematics                        पाठ-13: सीधा और   तलोम समानुपात              0:23:48       Hindi
                Sanskrit                              पाठ-9 स भ ग ः, भाग 1                    0:16:39       Hindi

    General Awareness Programme                        Life cycle of a Plant                  0:16:20       Hindi

      Social Science (Geography)                      Chapter-1, Resources                    0:24:51      English

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