Page 79 - Binder1
P. 79

वषय                                    काय  म शीष क                        अव ध         मा म
                 Subject                                  Program Title                      Duration      Medium

    Story Telling/ Value Education                       बु  य  बलमत                          0:09:16       Hindi

                                        Chapter-7 Understanding Marginalisation, Part
   Social Science (Political Science)                                                         0:38:39      English

     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,                Kala Utsav – 2022 –Dance                  0:03:55    English/Hindi
                 Dance                               Folk(Girl)Maharashtra

              Mathematics                       Chapter-14: Factorisation, Part 1             0:27:50      English

            Vocational Video                        Preparing ORS at Home                    0:05:45    English/Hindi
                                                 सोमवार, 10  दस र 2022
                                              Monday, 10 December 2022
              Mathematics                     पाठ-14 गुणनखंड (Factorisation), भाग 1           0:30:08       Hindi

                Sanskrit                             पाठ-10 नी तनवनीतम्, भाग 1                0:16:40       Hindi

    General Awareness Programme                    भोजन या ा-  ास से  नकास तक                 0:11:55       Hindi
                                                  Chapter-1: Resources, Part-2
      Social Science (Geography)                                                              0:18:49      English
                                                      (Types of Resources)

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                  Origami (Kagaz Kala)-4                   0:16:47       Hindi

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                      Paper Skeleton                       0:03:49      English
                                               Chapter-9 Reproduction in Animals
                 Science                                                                      0:11:08      English
            Vocational Video                    क ा 8 क े श स दय उपकरण  का प रचय              0:19:42       Hindi

            Vocational Video                                 Tool Box                        0:05:22    English/Hindi

                                                मंगलवार, 11  दस र 2022
                                              Tuesday, 11 December 2022

           Physical education                             ाणायाम और  ान                       0:30:38       Hindi
   Social Science (Political Science)               पाठ-7 हा शयाकरण क  समझ                    0:29:43       Hindi

    Story Telling/ Value Education                      गुलज़ार ब   क े  साथ                   0:12:38       Hindi

              Mathematics                    Maths Activity: Corrugated Furniture             0:02:18      English

    General Awareness Programme                            Petrol Pump                        0:13:23      English
                General                                    जादुई  कताब                        0:15:55       Hindi

                                          Ch-7: Civilising the “Native”, Educating the
       Social Science (History)                                                               0:24:13      English
                                                          Nation, Part 2

            Vocational Video                    Ten plants for home decoration                0:13:34   English/Hindi
                                                 बुधवार , 12  दस र 2022
                                            Wednesday, 12 December 2022
                 Science                            पाठ 1: फसल उ ादन एवं  बंध                0:25:04        Hindi

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