Page 78 - Binder1
P. 78

वषय                                    काय  म शीष क                        अव ध         मा म
                 Subject                                  Program Title                      Duration      Medium

     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                  Origami (Kagaz Kala)-1                   0:10:33       Hindi
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,       Kala Utsav – 2022 –Dance Folk(Boy)Odisha           0:05:05    English/Hindi

                 Science                 Chapter-9 Reproduction in Animals (Cloning)          0:10:23      English

            Vocational Video                        क ा 8 घर पर बनाए हबल श     ू              0:24:26       Hindi

                                                 शु वार, 7  दस र 2022
                                               Friday, 7 December 2022

                 Science                            पाठ 5: कोयला और प ो लयम                   0:20:13       Hindi
                Sanskrit                              पाठ-9 स भ ग ः, भाग 2                    0:20:39       Hindi
     Creative Activities: Art/Craft                  Origami (Kagaz Kala)-3                   0:17:18       Hindi

                                          Ch-7: Civilising the “Native”, Educating the
       Social Science (History)                                                               0:22:14      English
                                                          Nation, Part 1

     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,               Kala Utsav 2022 Vocal Music-                0:08:10   English/Hindi
                 Dance                             Classical(Girl)Maharashtra

              Mathematics                       Chapter-14: Factorisation, Part 1             0:29:01      English
            Vocational Video                                Hand tools                        0:15:12   English/Hindi

                                                 श नवार, 8  दस र 2022
                                             Saturday, 8 December 2022

              Mathematics                     पाठ-14 गुणनखंड (Factorisation), भाग 1           0:30:08       Hindi
       Social Science (History)                    पाठ-8: म हलाए, जा त एवं सुधार              0:24:56       Hindi
     Creative Activities: Art/Craft           सु र फ ू ल  क  कहानी – Book of Flowers          0:14:45       Hindi

          English - Honeydew                 Chapter-3, Macavity: The Mystery Cat             0:20:59      English
     Cultural Heritage: Art, Music,               Kala Utsav 2022 Vocal Music-                0:08:10   English/Hindi
                 Dance                             Classical(Girl)Maharashtra

                   योग                                        कोणासना                         0:02:37       Hindi

                                        Chapter-9 Reproduction in Animals (Difference
                 Science                                                                      0:06:37      English
                                          between Asexual and Sexual Reproduction)
            Vocational Video                             Plumbing Tools                       0:14:18   English/Hindi

            Vocational Video                          Identification of trees                  0:10:24   English/Hindi

                                                  र ववार, 9  दस र 2022
                                              Sunday, 9 December 2022
                 Science                               पाठ 6: दहन एवं  ाला                    0:25:46       Hindi

                  Hindi                                पाठ 3:  च  य  म यूरोप                  0:23:46       Hindi

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