Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas
Organized by CIET-NCERT in collaboration with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Theme for December, 2022 : Cyber Threats
What is Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas?
The Ministry of Home Affairs is implementing a scheme called the ”Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)” to deal with cyber crimes in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. In order to create awareness amongst students of schools & colleges, teachers and parents it is proposed to observe “Cyber Jaagrookta (Awareness) Diwas'' on the first wednesday of every month in all Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/ Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) and Municipalities by involving District Magistrates Police Authorities, Officers of Education Department etc.
About the Theme:
For the month of December, 2022 CIET-NCERT in collaboration with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has planned sessions on the theme “Cyber Threats”. A cyber threat is an activity intended to compromise the security of an information system by altering the availability , integrity , or confidentiality of a system or the information it contains, or to disrupt digital life in general. It describes any potential malicious attack that aims to get data illegally, interfere with digital operations, or contaminate information. The rapid and ongoing evolution of security vulnerabilities is one of the most challenging aspects of cybersecurity. Hacking methods are being developed rapidly by cybercriminals. Since they strike rapidly, timely security is more important than ever. Consequently, understanding the threat is one of the first steps in establishing a successful cybersecurity approach.
Four live interaction sessions will be conducted on the given theme, that is on the first Wednesday i.e. 07/12/2022 & the subsequent Friday’s (i.e. 09/12/2022, 16/12/2022, & 23/12/2022). At the end of the session series, a comprehensive quiz will be launched based on all the sessions conducted in the month of December, 2022 on“Cyber Threats” as a part of Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas.
- To increase an awareness of the various types of cyberthreats.
- To focus attention on security, creating sensitivity to the threats and vulnerabilities.
- Recognition of the need to protect data, information and systems
- Understand proper cyber hygiene, the security risks associated with users actions.
- To identify cyber attacks users may encounter via email and the web.
- To maintain integrity of data assets and safe networks.
- To ensure security flaws are immediately reported to prevent unauthorized access.

Who Can Participate?
Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.
Program Schedule
Day & Date | Title of the sessions | Resource Persons | Banner | Video Link |
Day - 1 : Wednesday
07/12/2022 |
Cyber Threats : Policy Perspective, Concept & Need for Awareness |
Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security Wing Commander K Venugopal (Retd) Global Head ISAC Aero, Aerospace and International Operations Mrs. Lakshmi-Mini Head-Intervention Officer, ISAC India Moderator: Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT |
Day 1 | Video |
Day - 2 : Friday
09/12/2022 |
Cyber Bullying - Concept & Safety Measures |
Wing Commander K Venugopal (Retd) Global Head ISAC Aero, Aerospace and International Operations Ms. Sharanya Research Assistant, Amrita Virtual Labs |
Day 2 | Video |
Day - 3 : Friday 16/12/2022 |
Identity Theft - Concept & Safety Measures |
Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security |
Day 3 | Video |
Day - 4 : Friday 23/12/2022 |
Phishing - Concept & Safety Measures |
Mrs. Neena Nithin Faculty Associate, Amrita Center for Cyber Security & Networks Mr. Harish R Senior Research Associate, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security |
Day 4 |
How To Participate?
Step 1: Registration : Register yourself by clicking the link https://forms.gle/4KbgZLvxgbtCM4dW7

Step 2: Watch live Panel Discussion: Participants have to attend Panel discussion, which will be live-streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel -http://youtube.com/ncertofficial on 07, December’ 2022 at 4:00- 5:00 pm. The session will also be telecast live on the following channels-
- PM eVIDYA Channel number 6-12 meant for Classes VI to XII.
- DD Free Dish Channel #28-34
- DISH TV Channel #2027-2033
- JIO TV Mobile App
- TATA SKY Channel #756
- AIRTEL Channel #437-440
- Den channel #517-527
If you have missed the live Sessions, you can watch the recording at the given link - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR1cmx4Ba3q8pEyt_SmpuqwH7b7M8LF78
Step: 3 Participation in Post-Session Activity and Certification: Post session quiz will be conducted based on the 3 sessions listed in the programme schedule, the link of the quiz will be released at the end the 4th session on 23rd December’ 2022. To get a certificate, participate and score 70% & above. Participants are allowed to take 1 attempt at the quiz and the certificate will be issued in the next 15 days.
Post-Session Quiz Link- https://forms.gle/seJ139UjvVZC7UAp8
Step 4: Submit Your Feedback: Submit your feedback using the link - https://forms.gle/JXxMym8Fv3MKcfBy9
This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning, and suggestions regarding the sessions on “Cyber Threats” organized by CIET-NCERT
Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us in further improvement of the virtual training process. Confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.
For any queries, reach us at cybersafety@ciet.nic.in or call IVRS PMeVIDYA number: 8800440559