Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) is a constituent unit of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India. Established in 1984 with the merger of the Center of Educational Technology (1973) and Department of Teaching Aids (1959), its chief aim is to promote Educational Technology especially mass media singly or in combinations (multimedia packages) to extend educational opportunities and improve quality of educational processes at the school level.
As a premier institute of Educational Technology at the National level, major functions of the CIET-NCERT are based on Research and Development, Training, Extension and Dissemination functions are as given below:
a. To design, develop, try out and disseminate alternative learning systems to achieve the national goal of universalisation of elementary and secondary education.
b. To address various educational problems at micro, meso and macro levels.
The areas of activities of the CIET based on Research and Development, Training, Extension and Dissemination functions are as given below:
- To design and produce media software materials viz., television/ radio (for both broadcast as well as non-broadcast use) graphics and other programmes for strengthening the transaction of curricular and co-curricular activities at the school level.
- To create competencies in development and use of educational software materials mentioned above through training in areas such as script development, media production, media communication, media research, technical operations, setting up studios, repair and maintenance of equipment.
- To develop plans for the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education.
- To train the faculty of Institutes of Advanced Study in Education/Colleges of Teacher Education and District Institutes of Education and Training in the use of Educational Technology in their teacher education programmes.
- To undertake research, evaluation and monitoring of the systems, programmes and materials with a view to improving the materials and increasing their effectiveness.
- To document and disseminate information, materials and media programmes for better utilization and to function as a clearinghouse/agency in the field of Educational Technology.
- To advise and coordinate the academic and technical programmes and activities of the State Institutes of Educational Technology (SIETs) set up by the MHRD in states of India.
Major Functions of CIET
- Design, develop and disseminate alternative learning systems
- Promote Educational Technology
- Train Personnel in Educational Technology
- Advise & Co-ordinate activities of SIETs
- Provide Consultancy and media support to other constituents of NCERT
Vision of our institute is to be the national pioneer and leader in various aspects of the professional improvement and advancement in educational communication and technology, grounded in theory, in research, in practice and in code of ethics, providing solutions by utilizing the innovations, research combined with design, building and managing the resource centre of quality educational media software and integration of technology and pedagogy.
The mission of Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) is to:
- act as a nodal resource centre for school education media software acquired through national, regional and international sources for reference and research.
- achieve excellence in design, research and production of educational software for children and teachers, including parents.
- contribute to teacher education through the convergence of appropriate technologies.
- build capacities of teachers/educators for quality improvement roles in school education.
- constructively inform educational policy makers and to critically appraise educational technology (ICT related) policy in India.