The organized system of learning is undergoing tremendous change with the ever evolving educational structure, advancement in science, information and technology. In this digital era, smart gadgets, networks, immersive technologies etc. have become part and parcel of human life. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) has proved to be a contributing factor to accelerate the progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its speed, quality and accuracy. COVID-19 pandemic situation and the lockdown has transformed the society in general including every teachers, students and parents, who have skilled them in technology and empowered use of ICT intervention in education which have become a new normal. Several initiatives have been taken up at international and national levels to leverage the advantage of technology and integration in education as recognised by National Education Policy 2020.
The Conference Aims :
Provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the fields of ICT in Education and Training
Understand and provide the best ICT practices to ensure equitable use of technology and create world class educational digital content and capacity
Develop a critical understanding of the disruptive technologies in education
Provide a platform for the development of academic networks for collaboration and partnership to promote ICTs in school and teacher education.
Research Papers and presentations based on innovative practices are invited from the Teachers, Teacher Educators, Academicians, Educationists, Researchers, NGOs and the other functionaries working in the areas of School Education. The abstract of paper should be typed in about 200-250 words and full paper in about 2000-2500 words in MS-Word, font size 12 (Times New Roman) with line spacing 1.5. References should be given in APA style. The paper must contain the title, name of the authors, contact numbers and email- IDs.
Email-id for paper submission: ictconf@ciet.nic.in
Publication: The selected paper will be published in conference proceedings with ISBN and Best three full length papers will be published in Indian Journal of Educational Technology (IJET) of CIET-NCERT.
Paper presentation, Demonstration of tools, Portals, Apps and Panel discussion will be part of the Virtual Conference.
Modality :Will be informed to the selected participants.
Conference Dates : 24 to 26 March 2021
Last Date of Submission Abstract and Full Paper : 10 February 2021
Confirmation of Selected papers : 20 February 2021
Last date for Registration : 25 February 2021
Innovative ICT Pedagogies
- Blended Learning (BL)
- Flipped Classroom
- Mobile Learning (ML)
- Adaptive Learning
- Personalised Learning
- Self-regulated learning (SRL)
- Self-directed learning (SDL)
- Pervasive Learning
- Cyberschool and Cyber University
- ICT and Inclusive education
- ICT and Vocational Education
ICT based Teaching- Learning Resources and Platforms
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Free and Open Sources of Software (FOSS)
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
- Learning Management systems (LMS) like SWAYAM
- Content Management Systems (CMS) like DIKSHA
- Telecast, Broadcast, Podcast like PMeVIDYA, SWAYAM PRABHA, I Radio, etc.
- Virtual Laboratories Resources (eContent/ portals/ apps etc.) for children with social needs
- Social Media for Education
- Digital Games
Emerging Disruptive Technologies in Education
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Machine Learning
- Block Chains
- Computing Devices
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- Virtual Reality (VR)
- Mixed Reality (MR)
- Chat Bots
- Cloud ClassRoom (CCR)
- Gaming and Coding
- Robotics & Automation
- Big Data Management
- Cloud Computing
- Assistive Technologies
ICT for Professional Development
- Continuous professional development of teachers and school leaders in multiple modes
- Digital literacy and development of ICT skills and competencies among teachers, educators and leaders
- Integrating technology in curriculum transaction
ICT in School Governance
- ICT in Educational Management
- Role of ICT in School Leadership
- Information Management System (IMS)
- Impact of E-Governance in Schools
Research on Effective Practices of ICT in Education
- Impact/ Effect of ICT based Interventions in Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Technology adoption as innovation in school
- Impact of ICT in Sustainable Development
- Pedagogical perspective of ICT intervention in distance learning and virtual learning
- ICT and Inclusive education
- ICT and Vocational Education
- Role of ICT in bridging the gap of Linguistic/ Social/ Economical and Geographical Diversity
- New Technologies and Teaching-Learning strategies for children with special needs (CWSN)
Policies and Issues related to ICTs in School Education
- ET & ICT in Education - Perspectives of NEP-2020
- Planning and Analysis of policies on ICT in school education
- Universal access to quality content
- Cyber hygiene, Cyber Safety and Security
- Physical and mental health aspects of technology use
Resilient and Coherent Technology Solutions in Pandemic Situation
- Learning strategies and Innovations
- Opportunities and Challenges
- Barriers to Education in COVID-19 pandemic
- Impact of Technology in Education Post-COVID World
- Change in role of educators
The research paper based on the empirical finding related to ICT in School Education can also be submitted.

Prof. Sridhar Srivastava
Joint Director, NCERT

Prof. Amarendra P Behera
Joint Director, CIET-NCERT

Dr. Angel Rathnabai
Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT

Dr. Indu Kumar
Department of ICT & Training Division (DICT)

Dr. M. Siraj Anwar
Planning and Research Division (PRD)

Dr. Rajendra Pal
Media Production Division (MPD)

Dr. Shashi Prabha
Professor and Head
Planning and Research Division (PRD)

Sri Rajesh Kr. Nimesh
Associate Professor
Media Production Division (MPD)

Dr. Bharti
Associate Professor & Head
Department of ICT & Training Division (DICT)

Dr. Abhay Kumar
Assistant Professor
Planning and Research Division (PRD)

Dr. Rizvanul Haque
Assistant Professor
Media Production Division (MPD)

Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya
Assistant Professor,
Department of ICT & Training Division (DICT)

Dr. Neel Kanth
Assistant Professor
Media Production Division (MPD)

Dr. Amit Kumar Ranjan
Assistant Professor
Media Production Division (MPD)