“Digital Technology for Children With Special Needs”

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Online Training on

“Digital Technology for Children With Special Needs”

In an era where technology is reshaping the way we live and learn, the National Education Policy (NEP-2020) paves the way for an education revolution. NEP 2020 envisions a future where education is not just accessible to all, but truly inclusive, regardless of abilities or disabilities. It recognizes the pivotal role of Digital Technology as a catalyst for promoting inclusivity in education. It emphasizes the importance of leveraging digital technology to provide equitable access to high-quality education for every child. Additionally, NEP 2020 highlights the critical role of teacher training in effectively harnessing digital technology for educational purposes. New technologies can enable the exploration of new learning modalities that disrupt the traditional hierarchies of educational systems and develop genuine alternatives to rigid, passive learning approaches for children with special needs (CwSN) or Divyang. Extensive use of technology in teaching and learning, removing language barriers, increasing access for Divyang students, and educational planning and management is one of the fundamental principles of NEP 2020 and it also initiates for development a rich variety of educational softwares, made available for students and teachers at all levels, will be accessible to a wide range of Divyang students in all major Indian languages. ICT is recognized as a key enabler of inclusive education, and the NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of using ICT to provide access to quality education for all children.

Incorporating digital technology into the education of CWSN is not merely an option but a necessity in the modern education landscape. NEP 2020's focus on inclusivity and equity aligns perfectly with the potential of technology to empower children with special needs. It not only promises to bridge the educational disparities but also offers tailor-made support to cater to their unique requirements. It represents a significant step forward in building a more equitable and accessible education system for all. Digital technology can be a powerful tool for supporting children with special needs in their development and it can help them to develop their communication, social, and cognitive skills. It has the potential to revolutionize education for children with special needs. Students with disabilities exhibit a diverse range of abilities and needs, thus requiring a variety of instructional and assessment methods and strategies.By equipping educators with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively integrate digital tools, we can create a more equitable and inclusive educational system where every child, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to thrive. To provide CWSN with access to quality education, support their learning, and create a more inclusive learning environment, teachers need to be skilled in identifying the ICT needs of CWSN, selecting and using appropriate ICT tools and resources, adapting and developing educational materials using digital technology, integrating it into the classroom curriculum, and assessing and evaluating learning using digital technology.

With reference to the above context, the Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET-NCERT) is organizing an online training series on ‘NEP 2020: Recommendations on ET & ICT’ every second week of the month from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday to orient the stakeholders on the recommendations of NEP 2020 in leveraging digital technology. As a part of a series for the month of October, CIET-NCERT is organizing five hours of online training on “Digital Technology for Children With Special Needs” from 9th - 13th October 2023 from 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. The sessions will enhance the understanding of teachers, students, teacher educators, administrators and other stakeholders on the concept, need & scope and adjuvant areas of ICT for Inclusive Classrooms.


On completion of this training, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the key provisions of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 related to digital technology for Divyang.
  • Design and implement digital initiatives for Divyang inclusion.
  • Develop skills to use adaptive learning technologies to create individualized learning experiences for Divyang learners.
  • Leverage appropriate assistive technologies to support Divyang learners.
  • Identify the different UDL strategies that can be used to create more inclusive learning environments for Divyang learners.

Who Can Participate?

Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.

Program Schedule
Day & Date Title of the sessions Resource Persons Banner Presentation Link Video Link
Day 1: Monday
9 October 2023
Digital Technology for DIVYANG: Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Dr. Bharti Kaushik
Associate Professor, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
Day 1 Presentation_Day 1 Video
Day 2: Tuesday
10 October 2023
Digital Initiatives for DIVYANG Prof. Anupam Ahuja
Professor (Retired), NCERT, New Delhi
Day 2 Presentation_Day 2 Video
Day 3: Wednesday
11 October 2023
Assistive Technology Dr. Piyush Chanana
Lead Scientist and Coordinator National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies (NCAHT) IIT, New Delhi - 16
Day 3 Presentation_Day 3 Video
Day 4: Thursday
12 October 2023
Universal Design of Learning Prof. (Dr.) Renu Malaviya
Department of Education, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Day 4 Presentation_Day 4 Video
Day 5: Friday
13 October 2023
Adaptive Learning through Digital Technology Mr. Shankar Subbiah S
Director, Agate Infotek, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Day 5 Presentation_Day 5 Video

Organising Team:

Programme Advisory:

Prof. Amarendra P. Behra, Joint Director, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi

Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi

Programme Coordinator and Course Coordinator:

Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi

Course Co-Coordinator:

Dr. Komal Arora, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi

How To Participate?

Step 1: Registration : Register yourself by clicking the link :- https://forms.gle/fBHjZfhGW529uLnk7 or scan the QR Code-

Step 2: Watch live training sessions: Participants have to attend training sessions, which will be live-streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel -http://youtube.com/ncertofficial from October 09 - 13, 2023 at 4:00- 5:00 pm (Monday to Friday). The session will also be telecasted live on the following:

  • PM eVIDYA channels #6-12
  • DD Free Dish channel #28-34
  • DISH TV channel #2027-2033
  • Jio TV mobile app

If you missed the Live Sessions, you can watch the recording at the given link-  

Step: 3 Participation in Post-Session Activity and Certification: Participate in the post session quiz, score 70% & above to get a certificate.

Post-Session Quiz Link -  https://forms.gle/A9Mpw9nbCL5kXxwS6

Assessment Opening Date: 13th October 2023 by 6 pm
Assessment Closing Date: 23th October 2023 by 6 pm

Participants are allowed to attempt the quiz only once and those scoring 70% and above in the quiz will receive a certificate of participation on their registered Email ID within 30 days of taking the post session quiz (Check in SPAM Mail if not found in the Inbox). Queries related to non-issue of certificate will be entertained only after 30 days from the date of opening the post-session assessment (i.e 13th November, 2023). Response will be provided only to the mails sent to the mail ID training.helpdesk@ciet.nic.in

Step 4: Submit Your Feedback Submit your feedback using the link  https://forms.gle/dbcwcmP12jkSAipE8  or by scanning the QR code

This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning and suggestions regarding the online training on “Digital Technology for Children With Special Needs” organized by CIET-NCERT. Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us further improve the virtual training process. The confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.

For any queries, reach us at training.helpdesk@ciet.nic.in or call : 8800440559

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