Online Training on “Game Based Learning”

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Online Training on
“Game Based Learning”
Organized by CIET-NCERT in collaboration with AIM, NITI Aayog

The National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 focuses on the interplay of education and technology. NEP 2020 has set out laying standards to encourage the development of digital content, eventually fostering the betterment of the teaching-learning process. Learners acquire knowledge in the best manner when they are exposed to mediums enlightening and enriching their knowledge sharing process. Game based learning is an approach wherein students explore games through a learning context that is designed by the facilitators.

The core concept behind any medium of teaching is a learning process through repetition, failure and the accomplishment of goals. Game-based applies these core concepts to enhance learning. Students work toward a goal, choosing actions and experiencing the consequences of those actions. They actively learn and practice the right way to do things in the most entertaining way possible. This results in active learning instead of passive learning which keeps us highly engaged in practicing behaviors and thought processes that we can easily transfer from the simulated environment to real life.

Game development is not only linked to the use of technology but also reinforces problem-solving concepts. Digital Games are proven to be beneficial for the overall development of an individual. It promotes analytical thinking, logical reasoning and also enhances collaborative thinking among children.

As an effort to leverage the understanding of teachers, students, teacher educators, and various stakeholders on the exploration and utilization of Digital Games for teaching, learning and assessment in order to enrich the classroom experiences, CIET-NCERT in collaboration with AIM, NITI Aayog is organizing a five-day online training on “Game Based Learning” from June 20-24, 2022, as part of the online training series.


The objective of this online training is to orient teachers, teacher-educators and students, and various stakeholders to know more about digital game related to teaching, learning and assessment of specific subjects.

Who Can Participate?

Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.

Program Schedule
Day & Date Title of the sessions Resource Persons Banner Video Link
Day-1: Monday
Games Based Learning - Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera,
Joint Director, CIET-NCERT

Prof. R C Sharma,
Associate Professor, Ambedkar University,New Delhi
Prof. Indu Kumar,
Professor, CIET-NCERT
Day 1 Video
Day-2: Tuesday
Use of Digital Games in Teaching, Learning and Assessment Prof. Indu Kumar,
Professor, CIET-NCERT
Day 2 Video
Day-3: Wednesday
Exploring Digital Games for Learning Nutan Bharati
Associate Professor & Consultant - eLearning Laughing Tree Learning Network
Day 3 Video
Day-4: Thursday
Development of Digital Games using Lumi Ms. Sushumna RaoTadinada,
Ed-Tech trainer - Mentor, Learning Management System Ethiraj College for Women
Day 4 Video
Day-5: Friday
Development of Digital Games using Scratch Mr. Neeraj,
Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation

Ms. Farhana Begum,
Principal Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Day 5 Video
How To Participate?

Step 1: Registration : Register yourself by clicking the link - Or Scan the QR code-

Step 2: Watch live training sessions: Participants have to attend Panel discussion, which will be live-streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel - - from June 20-24, 2022 at 4:00- 5:00 pm (Monday to Friday). The session will also be telecast live on the following channels-

  • PM eVIDYA Channel number 6-12 meant for Classes VI to XII.
  • DD Free Dish Channel #28-34
  • DISH TV Channel #2027-2033
  • JIO TV Mobile App
  • TATA SKY Channel #756
  • AIRTEL Channel #437-440
  • Den channel #517-527

If you have missed the live Sessions, you can watch the recording at the given link -

Step: 3 Participation in Post-Session Activity and Certification: Participate in the post session quiz, score 70% & above to get a certificate.

Post-Session Quiz Link-

Opening Date - 24 June 2022 at 6:00 pm

Closing Date - 24 July 2022 at 6:00 pm

Participants are allowed to attempt the quiz only once and those scoring 70% and above in the quiz will receive a certificate of participation in their registered mail ID within 30 days of taking the post session quiz (Check in SPAM Mail if not found in the Inbox).

Step 4: Submit Your Feedback: Submit your feedback using the link -

This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning, and suggestions regarding the online training on “Game based Learning” organized by CIET-NCERT in collaboration with AIM, NITI Aayog. .

Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us in further improvement of the virtual training process. Confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.

For any queries, reach us at or call #8800440559 and talk to the experts during the live telecast.

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