Webinar on ICT Tools

Fight COVID-19: Join us on Webinar

To fight COVID-19, enabling learning from Home and Practice Social Distancing, CIET-NCERT is organizing a month-long Webinar starting from 07 April, 2020 for the enrichment and professional development of students, teachers, teacher educators and researchers. The webinar intends to cover various themes related to Educational Technology (ET) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. The webinar will encompass topics related to creation and dissemination of e-contents, Content-Pedagogy-Technology integration, use of ICT in teaching-learning and assessment, OER, use of various ICT tools, creation of AR/VR contents, mobile app and AI based platforms etc. Being a premier institution working in the field of ET and ICT for school education and teacher education, CIET invites the learners to join us in the Webinar which will be held daily. This series of interactive sessions will hopefully be a stepping stone in the enhancement of knowledge and skill of those working in the field of education.

How to join Webinar?

Join us for the live webinar from 04:00 pm to 05:00 pm, Monday to Friday on 'NCERT OFFICIAL' YouTube channel . Subscribe the channel for regular notification. You can watch this webinar telecast through

  • PM eVidhya Channel
  • DD FreeDish #128
  • DishTV #950
  • Tatasky #756
  • Airtel #440
  • Videocon #477
  • Sundirect #793 and
  • Jio TV Mobile app

Webinar will be conducted in English and Hindi. For Further queries contact training@ciet.nic.in

List of Webinars

S.no Date Title Resource Person Actions
1227 22 October 2024 गणित के शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ऑडियो और वीडियो संसाधन डॉ. प्रवीन कुमार चौरसिया, प्रोफेसर (गणित), क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा संस्थान (आरआईई), अजमेर
1226 21 October 2024 गणित के शिक्षण एवं अधिगम के लिए आईसीटी - नीतिगत परिप्रेक्ष्य, आवश्यकता एवं क्षेत्र डॉ. ए.के. वझलवार प्रोफेसर, डीईएसएम, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
1225 18 October 2024 Digital Games and Apps for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Mr. Rohit Upadhyaya TGT Mathematics, CSA GBSSS New Friends Colony, New Delhi
1224 17 October 2024 Immersive Technologies for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Dr. Mohd. Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
1223 16 October 2024 FOSS for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Dr. Madhu B Assistant Professor, RIE-NCERT, Mysore, Karnataka
1222 15 October 2024 Audio and Video Resources for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Dr. Jaganmohana Rao Gurugubelli Assistant Professor, MPD, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi

Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
1221 14 October 2024 ICT for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics - Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Dr. A. K. Wazalwar Professor, DESM, NCERT, New Delhi

Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
1220 11 October 2024 मानसिक स्वास्थ्य और सोशल मीडिया डॉ. राजेश सागर प्रोफेसर (मनोचिकित्सा) अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (AIIMS) नई दिल्ली
1219 10 October 2024 मीडिया साक्षरता कौशल विकसित करना सुश्री बिंदु चौधरी, वरिष्ठ सरकारी विद्यालय शिक्षिका और स्वयंसेवी प्रशिक्षक - साइबरपीस कॉर्प्स
1218 09 October 2024 सोशल मीडिया के खतरों को पहचानना और उनसे निपटना सुश्री अनिंदिता मिश्रा, वरिष्ठ सलाहकार साइबरपीस फाउंडेशन, नई दिल्ली
1217 08 October 2024 युवा और सोशल मीडिया सुश्री स्वाति अरोड़ा, प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर, साइबरपीस
1216 07 October 2024 सोशल मीडिया का परिचय - भूमिका, लाभ और खतरे सुश्री अनिंदिता मिश्रा, वरिष्ठ सलाहकार साइबरपीस फाउंडेशन, नई दिल्ली
1215 04 October 2024 Mental Health and Social Media Prof. Manish Prateek, Professor and Pro Vice-Chancellor, DBS Global University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
1214 03 October 2024 Developing Media Literacy Skills Ms. Bindu Chaudhary, Senior Govt School Teacher and Volunteer Trainer - CyberPeace Corps
1213 02 October 2024 Identifying And Handling Social Media Threats Ms. Anindita Mishra, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace
1212 01 October 2024 Youth And Social Media Ms. Swati Arora, Project Manager, CyberPeace
1211 30 September 2024 Introduction to Social Media- Role, Benefits, Threats Ms. Anindita Mishra, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace
1210 27 September 2024 Biteable का उपयोग करके एनीमेशन बनाना श्रीमती सोना ओ के स्नातकोत्तर शिक्षक (कंप्यूटर विज्ञान) राष्ट्रीय आईसीटी पुरस्कार प्राप्तकर्ता परमाणु ऊर्जा केंद्रीय विद्यालय - 3 तारापुर, महाराष्ट्र
1209 26 September 2024 Pixton का उपयोग करके कॉमिक स्ट्रिप्स बनाना सुश्री प्रतिमा सिंह सहायक अध्यापक पी एम श्री उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय धुसाह बलरामपुर उत्तर प्रदेश
1208 25 September 2024 Stop Motion एनीमेशन बनाना श्री अमोल किसन हंकारे, विषय शिक्षक, जिल्हा परिषद शाळा नं २, कुची, महाराष्ट्र
1207 24 September 2024 Krita का उपयोग करके एनीमेशन बनाना श्री संतोष कुमार बिसेन, पीजीटी (जीवविज्ञान), जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़
1206 23 September 2024 शिक्षण-सीखने की प्रक्रिया में एनीमेशन: नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, अवधारणा और क्षेत्र डॉ प्रणिता गोपाल सहायक प्रोफेसर, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

श्री प्रतीक शर्मा, ग्रेड - I, ग्राफ़िक सहायक, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
1205 20 September 2024 Creating Animations Using Biteable Mrs. Sona O K, PGT Computer Science, Atomic Energy Central School-3, Tarapur
1204 19 September 2024 Creating Comic Strips using Pixton Ms. Pratima Singh, Head Teacher, Primary School Dhusah L, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh
1203 18 September 2024 Creating Stop Motion Animation Mr. S. Simon Peeter Paul, PST Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, Puducherry
1202 17 September 2024 Creating Animation using Krita Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT (Biology), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
1201 16 September 2024 Animation in Teaching-Learning Process: Policy Perspective, Concept, and Scope Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
1200 12 September 2024 शैक्षिक ऐप्स और गेम: सीखने के अवसरों को अधिकतम बनाना सुश्री काजल कश्यप प्रोजेक्ट इंजीनियर सी-डैक, नोएडा
1199 11 September 2024 सीमाएँ निर्धारित करना: स्क्रीन टाइम और वास्तविक जीवन को संतुलित करना सुश्री श्रेया दोशी सहायक प्रोफेसर गीतांजलि महाविद्यालय, राजकोट
1198 10 September 2024 साइबरबुलिंग: माता-पिता अपने बच्चों की सुरक्षा कैसे कर सकते हैं? श्री शिवांश रघुवंशी नॉलेज एसोसिएट सी-डैक
1197 09 September 2024 डिजिटल युग को आगे बढ़ाने में माता-पिता की भूमिका श्री आकाश मिश्रा प्रोजेक्ट इंजीनियर सी-डैक, हैदराबाद
1196 06 September 2024 Parental Controls: Tools and Techniques for Managing Digital Access Mr. Daveet Singh Lobana Project Engineer CDAC
1195 05 September 2024 Educational Apps and Games: Maximizing Learning Opportunities Ms. Bhumika Narang Project Engineer CDAC, Bangalore
1194 04 September 2024 Setting Boundaries: Balancing Screen Time and Real Life Prof. Shreya Doshi Assistant Professor Geetanjali College, Rajkot
1193 03 September 2024 Cyberbullying: How Parents Can Protect Their Children Mr. Prashant Srivastava Project Engineer CDAC
1192 02 September 2024 Role of Parents in Navigating the Digital Age Mr. M. Jagadish Babu Project Manager ISEA- CDAC
1191 30 August 2024 मीडिया साक्षरता और अहिंसक संचार डाॅ. वेदाभ्यास कुंडू, प्रोग्राम ऑफिसर, गांधी स्मृति एवं दर्शन समिति
1190 29 August 2024 विज्ञापन साक्षरता डॉ. मीता उज्जैन, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, पाठ्यक्रम निदेशक, AD& PR भारतीय जन संचार संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
1189 28 August 2024 समाचार साक्षरता डॉ. अर्चना कुमारी, एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, सेंटर फॉर मीडिया स्टडीज, स्कूल ऑफ सोशल साइंसेज़, जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली
1188 27 August 2024 मीडिया साक्षरता : योग्यता एवं कौशल डॉ. भावना पाठक, मीडिया साक्षरता कार्यकर्ता, ऑडियोविज़ुअल बहुभाषी डिजिटल सामुदायिक मीडिया प्लेटफ़ॉर्म मीडिया डिक्शनरी पहल के संस्थापक
1187 26 August 2024 मीडिया साक्षरता : नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, अवधारणा, आवश्यकता और क्षेत्र डॉ.आदित्य कुमार शुक्ला निदेशक, एमिटी स्कूल ऑफ कम्युनिकेशन एमिटी यूनिवर्सिटी मध्य प्रदेश ग्वालियर
1186 23 August 2024 Media Literacy and Non-Violent Communication Ms. Sarima Thakur, Academic cum Teaching Associate, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi
1185 22 August 2024 Advertising Literacy Dr. Shikha Rai, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi
1184 21 August 2024 News Literacy Dr. Pawan Koundal Associate Professor Department Of New Media Indian Institute Of Mass Communication, New Delhi
1183 20 August 2024 Media Literacy: Competency and Skills Prof. (Dr.) KS Arul Selvan, Director, School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi
1182 19 August 2024 Media Literacy: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Need and Scope Prof. (Dr.) Anubhuti Yadav Head, Department of New Media Course Director, PG Diploma in Digital Media, Indian Institute of Mass Communication (Deemed to be University)
1181 16 August 2024 व्यक्तिगत वित्तीय खातों की सुरक्षा और साइबरदोस्त डॉ. दीपक कुमार वरिष्ठ तकनीकी प्रबंधक I4C, गृह मंत्रालय
1180 15 August 2024 साइबरस्पेस में वित्तीय सुरक्षा पर कानूनी और विनियामक ढांचा श्री लविश सेठ कानूनी सहायक I4C, गृह मंत्रालय
1179 14 August 2024 वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी की पहचान और वित्त की पुनःप्राप्ति श्री अखिलेश उप निदेशक I4C, गृह मंत्रालय
1178 13 August 2024 वित्तीय परिदृश्य में साइबर सुरक्षा संबंधी खतरों हेतु आसूचना एवं फोरेंसिक श्री सुश्री प्रिया साइबर फॉरेंसिक विशेषज्ञ I4C, गृह मंत्रालय
1177 12 August 2024 वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी और CFMC में हालिया साइबर अपराध के रुझान लेफ्टिनेंट कर्नल बादल कौशिक निदेशक I4C, गृह मंत्रालय
1176 09 August 2024 Safeguarding Your Financial Accounts and CyberDost Dr. Deepak Kumar Senior Technical Manager I4C, MHA
1175 08 August 2024 Legal and Regulatory Framework on Financial Safety in Cyberspace Sh. Lavesh Legal Assistant I4C, MHA
1174 07 August 2024 Financial Fraud Detection and Recovery Sh. Rushi Mehta Senior Programme Manager I4C, MHA
1173 06 August 2024 Cybersecurity Threats Intelligence & Forensics in the Financial Landscape. Ms. Priya Cyber Forensics Expert I4C, MHA
1172 05 August 2024 Recent Cybercrime Trends in Financial Frauds and CFMC Sh. Akhilesh DD I4C MHA
1171 02 August 2024 Creating Graphics using Canva (Hindi) Ms. Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale Assistant Teacher Z P School Pimpalgaon Tarfe Mahalunge Pune, Maharashtra (National Teacher Awardee 2023) (National ICT Awardee 2019)
1170 01 August 2024 Use of WhatsApp in the Teaching-Learning Process (Hindi) Dr. Bushra Hussain Assistant Professor & Program coordinator B.Ed & DECCE Centre for distance and online education Jamia millia Islamia, New Delhi
1169 31 July 2024 Creating Blog using Blogger (Hindi) Mr. Yogesh Raghunath Sonawane Head of IT Department SCERT Pune, Maharashtra
1168 30 July 2024 Learner Collaboration through Google Drawing and Jamboard (Hindi) Dr Sameer Babu M Associate Professor Department of Educational Studies Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
1167 29 July 2024 Create Interactive Video Lessons using TED-Ed (Hindi) Dr. Ashraf Nawaz Assistant Professor Department of Education & Training Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad
1166 26 July 2024 मुक्त शैक्षिक संसाधनों (ओईआर) के डेटा संग्रह कोष सुश्री सुषुम्ना राव ताड़िनाडा, एड-टेक विशेषज्ञ, स्वतंत्र सलाहकार
1165 25 July 2024 शिक्षण, अधिगम और मूल्यांकन के लिए ओईआर का संपादन प्रो (डॉ) संजना विज, स्कूल ऑफ लिबरल आर्ट्स, उप निदेशक, एमिटी अकादमिक स्टाफ कॉलेज, प्रमुख, सेंटर ऑफ एक्सीलेंस फॉर इनोवेशन इन एजुकेशन एंड डिप्टी डीन स्टूडेंट्स वेलफेयर, एमिटी यूनिवर्सिटी हरियाणा, मानेसर (गुरुग्राम), इंडिया
1164 24 July 2024 शैक्षिक लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए ओईआर डॉ. पापिया उपाध्याय, सहायक आचार्य, स्कूल ऑफ एजुकेशन, नेताजी सुभाष मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय, कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल
1163 23 July 2024 मुक्त शैक्षिक संसाधनों (ओईआर) के लिए क्रिएटिव कॉमन्स लाइसेंस डॉ. जीतेन्द्र पाण्डेय आचार्य, कंप्यूटर विज्ञान, स्कूल ऑफ कंप्यूटर साइंस एंड आईटी, उत्तराखंड मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय, हलद्वानी, उत्तराखंड
1162 22 July 2024 मुक्त शैक्षिक संसाधन (ओईआर): अवधारणा, संभावनाएं और नीति डॉ. पापिया उपाध्याय, सहायक आचार्य, स्कूल ऑफ एजुकेशन, नेताजी सुभाष मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय, कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल
1161 19 July 2024 Repositories of Open Educational Resources (OER) Mrs. Sushumna Rao Tadinada, OER Advocate, Independent Ed-tech Consultant, Hyderabad, India
1160 18 July 2024 Curating OER for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Dr. Indira Koneru, International eLearning Consultant and Former Associate Dean & Head, eLearning Department, Icfai Business School (IBS) India
1159 17 July 2024 OER for Achieving Educational Goals Dr. Papiya Upadhyay, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata, West Bengal
1158 16 July 2024 Creative Commons Licenses for Open Educational Resources (OER) Dr. Jeetendra Pande Professor of Computer Science School of Computer Science & IT, Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Uttarakhand
1157 15 July 2024 Open Educational Resources (OER): Concepts, Scope and Policy Dr. B. Shadrach, Director, CEMCA, New Delhi
1156 12 July 2024 डिजिटल क्षेत्र में मानसिक कल्याण सुनिश्चित करना सुश्री अलीशा अरोड़ा सहायक आचार्या, क्लिनिकल ​​​​मनोविज्ञान, सीआईपी, रांची
1155 11 July 2024 डिजिटल क्षेत्र में मानसिक स्वास्थ्य संबंधी चिंताएँ श्रीमती. यशिता अहलूवालिया पीएचडी (नैदानिक ​​​​मनोविज्ञान) विद्वान, एम्स, नई दिल्ली
1154 10 July 2024 डिजिटल क्षेत्र में शारीरिक कल्याण सुनिश्चित करना डॉ. दिपाली नेगी, डीएम (व्यसन मनोरोग) रेजिडेंट, एम्स, नई दिल्ली
1153 09 July 2024 डिजिटल वेलनेस को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक डॉ. श्रेया शुक्ला, डीएम (व्यसन मनोचिकित्सा) रेजिडेंट, एम्स, नई दिल्ली
1152 08 July 2024 डिजिटल वेलनेस - एक सिंहावलोकन "डॉ. यतनपाल सिंह बल्हारा, आचार्य, मनोचिकित्सा, एम्स, नई दिल्ली।"
1151 05 July 2024 Ensuring Mental Wellbeing in Digital Spaces Ms. Alisha Arora Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, CIP, Ranchi
1150 04 July 2024 Mental Health Concerns in Digital Spaces Ms. Yashita Ahluwalia PhD (Clinical Psychology) Scholar, AIIMS, New Delhi
1149 03 July 2024 Ensuring Physical Wellbeing in Digital Spaces Dr. Deepali Negi, DM (Addiction Psychiatry) Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi
1148 02 July 2024 Factors that Impact Digital Wellness Dr. Shreya Shukla, DM (Addiction Psychiatry) Resident, AIIMS, New Delhi
1147 01 July 2024 Digital Wellness - An Overview Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Professor of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi
1146 28 June 2024 OS टिकटिंग टूल: DIKSHA पर उत्पन्न समस्याओं हेतु समस्या समाधान मार्गदर्शिका श्री संजय वरयानी, प्रोडक्ट मैनेजर,
डिजिटल इंडिया कॉर्पोरेशन (डीआईसी), दिल्ली

सुश्री काजल गुप्ता, सलाहकार,
दीक्षा-पीएमयू, अर्न्स्ट एंड यंग, ​​नई दिल्ली
1145 27 June 2024 दीक्षा पर ज्यामिति पढ़ाने में कोलैब जियो टूल का लाभ उठाना श्री गुंटुकु प्रसाद, वैज्ञानिक एफ एवं एचओडी,
राष्ट्रीय सूचना विज्ञान केंद्र (एनआईसी), दिल्ली

सुश्री ऋचा तिवारी, वैज्ञानिक डी/संयुक्त निदेशक (आईटी),
शिक्षा परियोजना प्रभाग, राष्ट्रीय सूचना विज्ञान केंद्र (एनआईसी), नई दिल्ली

सुश्री एना गुप्ता, अकादमिक सलाहकार - दीक्षा,
सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
1144 26 June 2024 शैक्षणिक तालमेल को उद्घाटित करना: दीक्षा और गूगल क्लासरूम प्रो. इंदु कुमार, प्रमुख,
डीआईसीटी, सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

श्री हेमंत भल्ला, रीजेनल मैनेजर वर्कस्पेस और क्रोमओएस,
गूगल फॉर एजुकेशन , गुड़गांव, हरियाणा

श्री अजीत कुमार, मुख्य प्रबंधक - लर्निंग एंड डेवलपमेंट (L & D),
लर्निंग लिंक्स फाउंडेशन, दिल्ली
1143 25 June 2024 दीक्षा के 'फोकस एरिया' (केन्द्रीय विषयों) की व्याख्या प्रो. इंदु कुमार, प्रमुख,
डीआईसीटी, सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

डॉ. प्राची शर्मा, वरिष्ठ शैक्षणिक सलाहकार - दीक्षा,
सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
1142 24 June 2024 दीक्षा का होम पेज और नेविगेशन प्रो. इंदु कुमार, प्रमुख,
डीआईसीटी, सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

डॉ. प्राची शर्मा, वरिष्ठ शैक्षणिक सलाहकार - दीक्षा,
सीआईईटी, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1141 21 June 2024 OS ticketing tool: Troubleshooting Guide for DIKSHA’s concern Mr.Sanjay Varyani, Product Manager,
Digital India Corporation(DIC), Delhi Mr. Pathikrit Ghosh, Consultant, DIKSHA-PMU,
Ernst&Young, New Delhi
1140 20 June 2024 Leveraging CollabGEO tool in teaching Geometry on DIKSHA Mr. Guntuku Prasad Scientist F/Sr Director(IT) and HoD
Education Projects Division National Informatics Centre (NIC), New Delhi

Ms Richa Tiwari, Scientist D/Joint Director (IT)
Education Projects Division National Informatics Centre(NIC), New Delhi

Ms. Ana Gupta, Academic Consultant - DIKSHA,
CIET, NCERT, New Delhi"
1139 19 June 2024 Unlocking Educational Synergy: DIKSHA & Google Classroom Prof. Indu Kumar, Head,

Ms. Sonia Mehra Agarwal, Community Manager,
Google for Education, Gurgaon, Haryana

Mr. Hemant Bhalla, Workspace GTM & ChromeOS Product Partnerships Manager,
Google for Education, Gurgaon, Haryana
1138 18 June 2024 Demystifying ‘Focus Areas’ of DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, Head,

Dr.Prachi Sharma, Senior Academic Consultant
1137 17 June 2024 DIKSHA ‘s HomePage and its Navigation Prof. Indu Kumar, Head,

Dr.Prachi Sharma, Senior Academic Consultant
1136 14 June 2024 मैलवेयर और रैनसमवेयर हमले श्री संदीप अरोड़ा
वाइस प्रिंसिपल
केंद्रीय विद्यालय, जेएनयू परिसर
1135 13 June 2024 फ़िशिंग हमले सुश्री नीरू मित्तल,
पीजीटी(कंप्यूटर साइंस),
शहीद राजपाल डीएवी पब्लिक स्कूल दयानंद विहार
1134 12 June 2024 पहचान संबंधी खतरे सुश्री चांदनी अग्रवाल,
राष्ट्रीय आईसीटी पुरस्कार विजेता,
महाराजा अग्रसेन मॉडल स्कूल, पीतमपुरा दिल्ली
1133 11 June 2024 साइबर बुलिंग के खतरें सुश्री विनीता गर्ग
प्रमुख, आईटी
एसआरडीएवी पब्लिक स्कूल
1132 10 June 2024 साइबर खतरे: परिदृश्य को समझना सुश्री अन्नी कुमार
पीजीटी कंप्यूटर साइंस
विकास भारती पब्लिक स्कूल
1131 07 June 2024 Malware and Ransomware Attacks Mr. Sandeep Arora
Vice Principal
JNU Campus
1130 06 June 2024 Phishing Attacks Ms. Neeru Mittal,
PGT(Computer Science),
Shaheed Rajpal DAV Public School Dayanand Vihar
1129 05 June 2024 Identity Threats Ms. Chandni Agarwal,
National ICT Awardee,
Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
1128 04 June 2024 Cyberbullying Threats Ms. Vineeta Garg
PGT Computer Science
SRDAV Public School
1127 03 June 2024 Cyber Threats: Understanding the Landscape Ms. Anni Kumar
PGT Computer Science
Vikas Bharati Public School
1126 31 May 2024 Enriching Online Orientation on Jaadui Pitara & e-Jaadui Pitara Prof. Suniti Sanwal Head, Dept. of Elementary Education
Dr. Upasana Ray Associate Professor, Planning and Research Division, CIET, NCERT
Ms. Shweta Tiwari Senior consultant, Diksha"
1125 30 May 2024 Enriching Online Orientation on Jaadui Pitara & e-Jaadui Pitara Prof. Suniti Sanwal Head, Dept. of Elementary Education
Dr. Upasana Ray Associate Professor, Planning and Research Division, CIET, NCERT
Ms. Shweta Tiwari Senior consultant, Diksha
1124 29 May 2024 Enriching Online Orientation on Jaadui Pitara & e-Jaadui Pitara Prof. Suniti Sanwal Head, Dept. of Elementary Education
Dr. Upasana Ray Associate Professor, Planning and Research Division, CIET, NCERT
Ms. Shweta Tiwari Senior consultant, Diksha
1123 28 May 2024 Enriching Online Orientation on Jaadui Pitara & e-Jaadui Pitara Prof. Suniti Sanwal Head, Dept. of Elementary Education
Dr. Upasana Ray Associate Professor, Planning and Research Division, CIET, NCERT
Ms. Shweta Tiwari Senior consultant, Diksha
1122 27 May 2024 Enriching Online Orientation on Jaadui Pitara & e-Jaadui Pitara Prof. Suniti Sanwal Head, Dept. of Elementary Education
Dr. Upasana Ray Associate Professor, Planning and Research Division, CIET, NCERT
Ms. Shweta Tiwari Senior consultant, Diksha"
1121 24 May 2024 Exploring Testportal for Teaching-Learning (Hindi) Dr. Ansar Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Department of Teacher Training & NFE (IASE), Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi
1120 23 May 2024 Online Assessment using Pro Profs Quiz Maker (Hindi) Dr. Faiza Altaf,
Assistant Professor,
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, College of Teacher Education, Asansol West Bengal
1119 22 May 2024 Creating Online Puzzles using Puzzel.org (Hindi) Dr Andleeb
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Teacher Training & Non-Formal Education (IASE) Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
1118 21 May 2024 Creating Interactive Presentations using Wooclap Dr Sameer Babu M
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Studies Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
1117 20 May 2024 Poll Everywhere Dr.Saba Anees Assistant professor Central University of kerala
1116 17 May 2024 Game-based learning through Baamboozle (Hindi) Dr. Mohd. Suhail, Assistant Professor, SCERT, Delhi
1115 16 May 2024 Integration of Facebook in Education (Hindi) Dr Shradha Vasisht,
Founder, SabkiShiksha Foundation, New Delhi
1114 15 May 2024 Enhance Teaching- Learning using Classroom Screen (Hindi) Dr. Meenakshi Rathi,
Assistant Professor of Commerce Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal Department of Higher Education,
Madhya Pradesh
1113 14 May 2024 metastudio.org: Learning through STEM Projects (Hindi) Prof. Nagarjuna G.,
Visiting Faculty Indian Institute of Science Education and Research IISER Pune,
Former Professor Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR Principal Investigator Gnowledge Lab
1112 13 May 2024 Getting Started with Google Workspace for Education (Hindi) Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta Lecturer SCERT, Delhi
1111 09 May 2024 Unlocking Educational Synergy: DIKSHA & Google Classroom (Hindi) Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya
Assistant Professor CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
Mr. Hemant Bhalla
Workspace GTM & ChromeOS Product Partnerships Manager Google for Education, Gurgaon, Haryana
Ms. Sonia Mehra Agarwal
Community Manager Google for Education Gurgaon, Haryana
1110 08 May 2024 Unlocking Educational Synergy: DIKSHA & Google Classroom Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya
Assistant Professor CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
Mr. Hemant Bhalla
Workspace GTM & ChromeOS Product Partnerships Manager Google for Education, Gurgaon, Haryana
Ms. Sonia Mehra Agarwal
Community Manager Google for Education Gurgaon, Haryana
1109 07 May 2024 Creating Mind Map using E-Draw (Hindi) Dr. Rekha Kaushal, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, School of Liberal Arts, GD Goenka University, Sohna, Haryana
1108 06 May 2024 Express Creativity with Adobe Express (Hindi) Dr. Bushra Hussain, Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator, B.Ed & DECCE, Centre for Distance and Online Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
1107 03 May 2024 Creating Polls with Vevox (Hindi) Dr. Mira Mishra, Assistant professor, School of Education and Humanities, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad
1106 02 May 2024 Creating Animation using Krita (Hindi) Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT Biology, PM Shri JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, Raipur (CG)
1105 01 May 2024 Cyber Hygiene Dr Suresh G Isave, Associate Professor, Tilak College of Education, Pune
1104 30 April 2024 Creating Mind Maps using FreePlane (Hindi) "Mr. Amol Kisan Hankare Subject Teacher Z. P. School No. 2, Kuchi Maharashtra"
1103 29 April 2024 Creating Posters and Newsletters with Microsoft Publisher (Hindi) "Prof. Ganesh Channa Eminent Educationist IT Expert & Environmentalist Solapur, Maharashtra"
1102 26 April 2024 Creating Mind Maps using WiseMapping (Hindi) " Dr. Parvesh Lata Associate Professor and Head Department of Education,School of Liberal Arts GD Goenka University, Gurugram "
1101 25 April 2024 Creating Interactive Lessons with Curipod (Hindi) "Ms. Mohini Arora, HOD-Computer Science, Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi"
1100 24 April 2024 Integration of X/Twitter in Teaching and Learning (Hindi) "Ms. Manu Gulati Assistant Professor State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi (Fulbright Scholar 2018) (National Awardee Teacher 2017) (National ICT Awardee Teacher 2014)"
1099 23 April 2024 Create online collaborations with PBworks (Hindi) "Dr. Sayyada Aiman Hashmi, PGT of English, PM Shri KV Andrews Ganj, New Delhi (KVS Regional Incentive Awardee) (Fulbright Alumna) "
1098 22 April 2024 Enhance Teaching-Learning using Edublog (Hindi) "Ms. Kunda Jayawant Bachhav, Assistant Teacher, NMC School No. 18, Nashik, Maharashtra. (State Teacher Awardee 2023)"
1097 19 April 2024 Learning Through Olabs (Hindi) "Dr M Sasikumar, Executive Director, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mumbai, Maharashtra"
1096 18 April 2024 Creating Collaborative works using ideaboardz (Hindi) Dr. Monica Nagpal Assistant Professor (Visiting) School of Education and Research MIT-ADT University, Pune
1095 17 April 2024 Xmind: Mind Map & Brainstorm (Hindi) "Dr. Meenakshi Rathi, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal, Department of Higher Education, Madhya Pradesh"
1094 16 April 2024 Exploring Mendeley for Citation and Reference (Hindi) "Mr. Yogesh Raghunath Sonawane Head of IT Department SCERT Pune, Maharashtra"
1093 15 April 2024 Create Worksheets using Wizer (Hindi) "Ms. Neeta Bhaskar Arsule Assistant Teacher (State Teacher Awardee 2021) Zilha Parishad Primary School Kothala Jalna, Maharashtra"
1092 12 April 2024 Explore Chemistry with ChemTube 3D (Hindi) "Dr. Yogendra Kumar Kothari ( National ICT Awardee ) Assistant Professor Govt. College of Education, Ujjain (M.P)"
1091 11 April 2024 Get Started with Image Editing with Pixlr (Hindi) Dr. Bhavna Chibber Principal Laburnum Public School Gurugram, Haryana
1090 10 April 2024 Creating Stories using inklewriter (Hindi) "Ms. Sonia Wadhwa Head of the School Salwan Junior School, Naraina Vihar & Technology Integration Specialist Salwan Education Trust, New Delhi"
1089 09 April 2024 Creating Animations Using Biteable (Hindi) Mrs. Sona O K PGT Computer Science Atomic Energy Central School - 3 Tarapur
1088 08 April 2024 Digital Portfolio with Bulbapp (Hindi) Ms. Jainus Jacob PRT Embassy of India School (Kendriya Vidyalaya) Moscow, Russia
1087 05 April 2024 Create Assessment Using Plickers (Hindi) "Mr. Alok Kumar Academic Consultant CIET, NCERT New Delhi"
1086 04 April 2024 Explore Educational Games Using Educaplay (Hindi) "Dr. Shahnaz Bano Academic Consultant CIET, NCERT New Delhi"
1085 03 April 2024 Phishing, Vishing & Smishing: Key Concepts and Protective Measures " Ms. Chandni Agarwal Head of the Computer Department Maharaja Agrasen Model School Pitampura, Delhi"
1084 02 April 2024 Learning through Digital Games: eduActiv8 & GCompris (Hindi) "Mrs. Rekha Choudhary PGT (Biology) Kendriya Vidyalaya No. - 1, Delhi Cantt"
1083 01 April 2024 Creating Visual Stories With Adobe Spark (Hindi) "Ms. Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale Assistant Teacher Z P School Pimpalgaon Tarfe Mahalunge Pune, Maharashtra (National Teacher Awardee 2023) (National ICT Awardee 2019)"
1082 30 March 2024 वीडियो संसाधनों का मूल्यांकन और प्रसार "डॉ. आशीष के. अवधिया, सहायक निदेशक (प्रशिक्षण एवं विकास), इन्दिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली"
1081 29 March 2024 वीडियो संसाधनों की रिकॉर्डिंग और संपादन "श्री बुद्धि प्रकाश, (निर्माता, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी),
श्री वीरेंद्र कुमार (संपादक, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी)"
1080 28 March 2024 वीडियो संसाधन विकसित करने की प्रक्रिया "डॉ. गौरव सिंह, आचार्य , मीडिया प्रोडक्शन डिवीजन, सीआईईटी, राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद् (एनसीईआरटी)"
1079 27 March 2024 पटकथा लेखन "श्री अजीत होरो, ऑडियो रेडियो निर्माता (सेवानिवृत्त), सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1078 26 March 2024 वीडियो संसाधन: नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, अवधारणा, प्रारूप और संभावनाएं "डॉ. मो. मामूर अली, सहायक आचार्य, जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया, नई दिल्ली"
1077 22 March 2024 Explore TeacherMade Tool for Digital Activities (Hindi) "Dr Puneet Rahi Academic Consultant CIET, NCERT"
1076 21 March 2024 Explore SurveyHeart "Mr. Amol Kisan Hankare Subject Teacher Z. P. School No. 2, Kuchi Maharashtra"
1075 20 March 2024 Explore Seesaw "Mr. Sourabh Deep Computer Faculty Govt Sen Sec School, Naushera Majitha Road, Amritsar"
1074 19 March 2024 Creating Digital Interactive Notebooks using Slidemania "Ms. Jainus Jacob PRT Embassy of India School (Kendriya Vidyalaya) Moscow, Russia"
1073 18 March 2024 Exploring Fliphtml5 & Flipsnack "Mrs. Rekha Choudhary, PGT (Biology), Kendriya Vidyalaya, No. - 1, Delhi Cantt"
1072 15 March 2024 सहायक तकनीक "डॉ. पीयूष चानना, प्रमुख वैज्ञानिक और समन्वयक, राष्ट्रीय सहायक स्वास्थ्य प्रौद्योगिकी केंद्र (एनसीएएचटी) आईआईटी, नई दिल्ली"
1071 14 March 2024 डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से अनुकूलित अधिगम "श्री सोम कृष्ण शोधार्थी, शिक्षा विभाग, शिक्षा विद्यालय, हिमाचल प्रदेश केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय, हिमाचल प्रदेश"
1070 13 March 2024 अधिगम की सार्वभौमिक रूपरेखा "प्रो (डॉ.) रेनू मालवीय, शिक्षा विभाग, लेडी इरविन कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली"
1069 12 March 2024 दिव्यांगों के लिए डिजिटल पहल "प्रो. अनुपम आहूजा, आचार्य (सेवानिवृत्त), एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1068 11 March 2024 दिव्यांगों के लिए डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी: नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, आवश्यकता एवं संभावनाएं "डॉ. भारती कौशिक, सह - आचार्य, सीआईईटी - एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1067 08 March 2024 Cyber Club Activities on Legal Aspects of Cyber Safety "Ms. Mohini Arora, HoD Computer Science, Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park
Ms. Neeru Mittal, PGT Computer Science, SRDAV Public School"
1066 07 March 2024 Cyber Club Activities on Socio- Ethical Aspects of Cyber Safety "Ms Indu, Vice Principal, KVS
Ms. Vineeta Garg PGT Computer Science, SRDAV Public School"
1065 06 March 2024 Cyber Club Activities on Psychological & Physical Aspects of Cyber Safety "Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Addictions Clinic, AIIMS
Ms. Akanksha Rajguru PhD Scholar AIIMS"
1064 05 March 2024 Cyber Club Activities on Technical Aspects of Cyber Safety and Security "Mr. Sandeep Arora Vice Principal JNU Campus
Ms. Anni Kumar, PGT Computer Science, Vikas Bharati Public School"
1063 04 March 2024 Cyber Clubs : Concept, Need & Scope "Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace
Dr. Deepak Kumar, Sr. Cyber Intelligence Expert, I4C, MHA"
1062 01 March 2024 कैलकुलस के शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास "श्री बेनी वर्गीस, अनुसंधान एवं प्रकाशन अधिकारी, नवोदय नेतृत्व संस्थान, कनकोना, गोवा राष्ट्रीय आईसीटी पुरस्कार (2016) यूएसए फुलब्राइट प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार (2023)"
1061 29 February 2024 3D ज्यामिति के शिक्षण और सीखने के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास "सुश्री सुनीता गुप्ता पी जी टी गणित, जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, डिंडोरी मध्य प्रदेश"
1060 28 February 2024 2D ज्यामिति के शिक्षण और सीखने के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास "श्री आशुतोष आनन्द राष्ट्रीय ICT पुरस्कार प्राप्त शिक्षक (2015) राष्ट्रीय अध्यापक पुरस्कार प्राप्त शिक्षक (2019) एकेडमिक रिसोर्स परसन (ARP) बाराबंकी, उत्तर प्रदेश"
1059 27 February 2024 GeoGebra : विशेषताएँ और संभावनाएँ "कुमारी संगीता गुलाटी राष्ट्रीय आईसीटी पुरस्कार विजेता, संस्कृति विद्यालय, नई दिल्ली"
1058 26 February 2024 गणित के शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ई-सामग्री: आवश्यकता, संभावनाएं और FOSS "डॉ. ए.के. वझलवार आचार्य, डीईएसएम, एनसीईआरटी, नईदिल्ली"
1057 23 February 2024 Creating Animations using Animaker "Ms. Roopali Arora PGT(Economics) Sanskriti School New Delhi "
1056 22 February 2024 Evaluating OMR Sheets using Evalbee "Poonam Urmalia National ICT Awardee Lecturer Physics Government Higher Secondary School Camp-1 Bhilai Dist-Durg Chhattisgarh"
1055 21 February 2024 Creating Quizz using Quizalize Mrs. Sangita Panchal
1054 20 February 2024 Explore Grammarly "Mrs. Purvi Kumar Head-IT and Robotics department Ganga International School, Hiran Kudna, New Delhi"
1053 19 February 2024 Creating Quiz using https://myquiz.org/ "Dr. Naveen Gupta Head of ICT Department St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh Delhi"
1052 16 February 2024 मिश्रित अधिगम में मूल्यांकन और प्रतिक्रिया "प्रो. हृषिकेश सेनापति, आचार्य, क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा संस्थान, एनसीईआरटी, भुवनेश्वर, ओडिशा - 751022"
1051 15 February 2024 मिश्रित अधिगम की रूपरेखा का विकास "डॉ. गौरव सिंह प्रोफेसर, सेंट्रल इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ एजुकेशनल टेक्नोलॉजी (सीआईईटी), एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली -110016"
1050 14 February 2024 मिश्रित अधिगम में प्रौद्योगिकी उपकरण और संसाधन "प्रो. मानस रंजन पाणिग्रही, उपकुलपति और अध्यक्ष अकादमिक, संगम विश्वविद्यालय, भीलवाड़ा, राजस्थान - 311001"
1049 13 February 2024 मिश्रित अधिगम के मॉडल "प्रो. संदीप संचेती, उपाध्यक्ष, अनुसंधान संबंध और अकादमिक राजदूत, एल्सेवियर, साइबर सिटी, गुरुग्राम, हरियाणा - 122002"
1048 12 February 2024 मिश्रित अधिगम: नीति अनुशंसाएँ, अवधारणा, आवश्यकता और संभावनाएंमिश्रित अधिगम: नीति अनुशंसाएँ, अवधारणा, आवश्यकता और संभावनाएं "प्रो. मर्मर मुखोपाध्याय, अध्यक्ष, शैक्षिक प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन अकादमी (ईटीएमए), गुरुग्राम, हरियाणा - 122003"
1047 09 February 2024 Demystifying Cyber Threat Intelligence "Dr Deepak Kumar Sr Cyber Intelligence Expert, I4C, MHA"
1046 08 February 2024 Online Banking and Cyber Security Concerns "Shri Vishal Dhiman Deputy Director, I4C MHA"
1045 07 February 2024 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Attacks "Shri Amit Sankholia Deputy Director, I4C MHA"
1044 06 February 2024 Ransomware Emerging Threats and its Countermeasures Dr. Deepak Kumar, Sr. Cyber Intelligence Expert, I4C, MHA
1043 05 February 2024 Internet of Things (loT) . Shri Amit Giri, Consultant, I4C, MHA
1042 02 February 2024 Teach Online with TEACHMINT Dr Pooja Yadav
1041 01 February 2024 Explore App. Diagram Hari Krishna Arya
1040 31 January 2024 Explore Homework App Uday Singh Beniwal
1039 30 January 2024 Interactive Presentations using Slido Anni Kumar
1038 29 January 2024 Create Interactive Learning Experiences using CurrikiStudio (Hindi) "Mr. Umesh Raghunath Khose Assistant Teacher Z.P.P.School Jagdambanagar, Kaddora Dharashiv Mahrashtra"
1037 26 January 2024 रसायन विज्ञान के शिक्षण और सीखने के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास करना "डॉ. आनंद कुमार आर्य, सहायक प्रोफेसर, आरआईई, अजमेर "
1036 25 January 2024 भौतिकी के शिक्षण और सीखने के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास "श्री रमेश प्रसाद बडोनी आईटी फैकल्टी और भौतिकी लेक्चरर, एससीईआरटी उत्तराखंड"
1035 24 January 2024 जीव विज्ञान के शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ई-सामग्री का विकास "डॉ. यश पॉल शर्मा सहायक प्रोफेसर केरल केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय, कासरगोड, केरल "
1034 23 January 2024 विज्ञान शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ई-सामग्री विकसित करने की प्रक्रिया "डॉ. अजीता देशमुख सहायक प्रोफेसर एमआईटी विश्वविद्यालय, पुणे, महाराष्ट्र "
1033 22 January 2024 विज्ञान शिक्षण और अधिगम के लिए ई-सामग्री: नीति अनुशंसा, अवधारणा, आवश्यकता और क्षेत्र "डॉ. कल्पना मस्की, सहायक प्रोफेसर, क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा संस्थान (आर.आई.ई.), भोपाल"
1032 19 January 2024 Integration of Virtual Labs in teaching-learning of Languages "Dr Varun Ashokan, Assistant Professor in Language Education, Department of Education, RIE Bhubaneswar
Ms. Priyakshi Gupta, Former teacher & Sr. Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi "
1031 18 January 2024 Integration of Virtual Labs in teaching-learning of Science "Ms. Nidhi Adlakha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT,New Delhi
Ms. Shashi Priya, Content Developer, CIET-NCERT,New Delhi "
1030 17 January 2024 Integration of Virtual Labs in teaching-learning of Mathematics "Dr. Praveen Kumar Chaurasiya Professor in Mathematics, RIE Ajmer
Ms. Ana Gupta, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT,New Delhi "
1029 17 January 2024 Integration of Virtual Labs in teaching-learning of Mathematics "Dr. Praveen Kumar Chaurasiya Professor in Mathematics, RIE Ajmer
Ms. Ana Gupta, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT,New Delhi "
1028 16 January 2024 Virtual Labs as a Learning Tool "Dr. Rajesh D, Associate Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi "
1027 15 January 2024 Virtual Labs: Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera , Joint Director, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
Prof. Indu Kumar Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT ,New Delhi
Ms. Nidhi Adlakha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
1026 12 January 2024 शिक्षा के लिए सोशल मीडिया "प्रो. अनुभूति यादव, प्रमुख, न्यू मीडिया एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग, भारतीय जनसंचार संस्थान, नई दिल्ली"
1025 12 January 2024 शिक्षा के लिए सोशल मीडिया "प्रो. अनुभूति यादव, प्रमुख, न्यू मीडिया एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग, भारतीय जनसंचार संस्थान, नई दिल्ली"
1024 11 January 2024 शिक्षा में कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता "डॉ. रेजाउल करीम सहायक प्रोफेसर , सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1023 10 January 2024 गेमिंग और खेल आधारित शिक्षा "प्रो. इंदु कुमार, प्रमुख, डीआईसीटी सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1022 09 January 2024 डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी समन्वित नवोन्मेषी शिक्षाशास्त्र "डॉ. गौरव सिंह प्रोफेसर, सीआईईटी - एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1021 08 January 2024 शिक्षा में विघटनकारी तकनीक "डॉ. आर.सी. शर्मा निदेशक - मानव संसाधन विकास केंद्र, डॉ. बी.आर. अम्बेडकर विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली"
1020 05 January 2024 Defending Against Digital Threats: Recognizing and Avoiding Cyber Attacks Mr. Davinder Kumar, Consultant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
1019 04 January 2024 Cyber Hygiene For Classrooms: Best Practices for Teachers and Students Ms. Nisha Dua, Mentor and Coach, Cyber safety & Security
1018 03 January 2024 Safe Socializing Online Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
1017 02 January 2024 Safeguarding the Virtual Space Ms. Komal Aggrawal, Project Engineer, ISEA- CDAC
1016 01 January 2024 Understanding the Basics of Cyber Hygiene Dr. Sunil B. Mane, Associate Professor, COEP Technological University ,Pune
1015 29 December 2023 इंटरैक्टिव वीडियो का विकास डॉ अजिता देशमुख, प्रोग्राम लीडर - एम.एससी. ई-लर्निंग, एमआईटी-एडीटी विश्वविद्यालय, पुणे
1014 28 December 2023 पाठ्यक्रम प्रस्तुति का विकास डॉ ओम सिंह चुंडावत, प्रधानाचार्य, एचएएल न्यू पब्लिक स्कूल, बैंगलोर
1013 27 December 2023 छवि आधारित इंटरएक्टिव संसाधनों का विकास श्री मनोज कौशिक, प्रमुख, शैक्षिक प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग, एससीईआरटी, हरियाणा
1012 26 December 2023 LUMI के विशेष संदर्भ में इंटरैक्टिव संसाधन विकसित करने के लिए FOSS डॉ. मो. मामूर अली, सहायक प्रोफेसर, जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया, नई दिल्ली
1011 25 December 2023 इंटरएक्टिव संसाधन: अवधारणा, प्रारूप, आवश्यकता और दायरा डॉ. संजय कुमार पंडागले, सह प्राध्यापक, क्षेत्रीय शिक्षा संस्थान, भोपाल (म.प्र.)
1010 22 December 2023 Interactive Learning through Flippity (Hindi) "Mr. Firoz Khan, Assistant Teacher, PM Shri UPS, Chidawak, Uttar Pradesh "
1009 21 December 2023 miMind for Teaching-Learning (Hindi) "Ms. Neeru Mittal, PGT Computer Science, SR DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar, New Delhi "
1008 20 December 2023 Exploring QuizMaker for Teaching-Learning (Hindi) "Ms. Pratima Singh, Head Teacher, Upper Primary School, Dhusah, Uttar Pradesh "
1007 19 December 2023 Create Interactive Videos using PlayPosit (Hindi) "Mr. Amol Kisan Hankare, Subject Teacher, Z P School, Kuchi, Maharashtra "
1006 18 December 2023 Creating Mindmap using Mindomo (Hindi) "Ms. Vineeta Garg, IT Head, SR DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar, New Delhi "
1005 15 December 2023 भाषाओं के विशेष संदर्भ में वर्चुअल लैब का शिक्षाशास्त्रीय उपयोग डॉ. अमित रंजन, सहायक प्रोफेसर, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
1004 14 December 2023 विज्ञान के विशेष संदर्भ में वर्चुअल लैब का शिक्षाशास्त्रीय उपयोग "सुश्री निधि अदलखा, वरिष्ठ शैक्षणिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

सुश्री लतिका साहनी, अनुदेशी अभिकल्पक, अमृता क्रिएट (अमृता सेंटर फॉर रिसर्च इन एनालिटिक्स, टेक्नोलॉजीज एंड एजुकेशन) अमृता विश्व विद्यापीठम, कोयंबटूर"
1003 13 December 2023 गणित के विशेष संदर्भ में वर्चुअल लैब का शिक्षाशास्त्रीय उपयोग "श्री वैभव सिंह, प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर, ईटीयू, सीडीएसी, मुंबई

सुश्री करिश्मा मेंढे, वरिष्ठ परियोजना अभियंता, ईटीयू, सीडीएसी, मुंबई"
1002 12 December 2023 वर्चुअल लैब एक शिक्षण उपकरण के रूप में "प्रो. शशि प्रभा, विभाग प्रमुख, योजना एवं अनुसंधान प्रभाग, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

सुश्री एना गुप्ता, अकादमिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1001 12 December 2023 वर्चुअल लैब एक शिक्षण उपकरण के रूप में "प्रो. शशि प्रभा, विभाग प्रमुख, योजना एवं अनुसंधान प्रभाग, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

सुश्री एना गुप्ता, अकादमिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
1000 11 December 2023 वर्चुअल लैब: नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, आवश्यकता और संभावनाएं "डॉ. गुलशन मुहीद, वरिष्ठ शैक्षणिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली

सुश्री एना गुप्ता, अकादमिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली"
999 08 December 2023 Smart Parenting: Effective Monitoring and Surveillance Dr Jasbir Kaur Thadhani, Assistant Professor, Rashtriya Raksha University
998 07 December 2023 Interventions and Strategies for Effective Cyber Parenting Geetesh Kumar Singh, Asst. Prof. of Clinical Psychology, Rashtriya Raksha University
997 06 December 2023 Challenges and Problems in Cyber Parenting Dr. Raakesh Kriplani, Consulting Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Rashtriya Raksha University
996 05 December 2023 Types of Parenting Styles in the Digital Age Dr. Sayan Bandyopadhyay, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Rashtriya Raksha University
995 04 December 2023 Generational Perspectives in Cyber Parenting Dr. Raakesh Kriplani, Consulting Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Rashtriya Raksha University
994 01 December 2023 क्रिएटिंग इंटरैक्टिव प्रेजेंटेशन यूजिंग वूक्लैप "श्री आनंद बालाजी अनामवाद, प्राथमिक अध्यापक, जिला परिषद स्कूल, महलपाड़ा, महाराष्ट्र "
993 01 December 2023 क्रिएटिंग इंटरैक्टिव प्रेजेंटेशन यूजिंग वूक्लैप "श्री आनंद बालाजी अनामवाद, प्राथमिक अध्यापक, जिला परिषद स्कूल, महलपाड़ा, महाराष्ट्र "
992 30 November 2023 क्रिएटिंग माइंड मैप यूजिंग ई-ड्रा "सुश्री संगीता पांचाल, एचओडी कंप्यूटर साइंस (सेवानिवृत्त), हंसराज मॉडल स्कूल, नई दिल्ली "
991 29 November 2023 "क्रिएट इंटरैक्टिव वर्कशीट्स यूजिंग टॉपवरक्शीट्स " "श्री संदीप, प्राथमिक अध्यापक, गवर्नमेंट मॉडल संस्कृति प्राइमरी स्कूल, फ़तेहपुर, पंचकुला, हरियाणा "
990 28 November 2023 क्रिएटिंग माइंडमैप्स विद MIRO "सुश्री मृणाल नंदकिशोर गंजले, सह अध्यापक, जेडपी स्कूल, पिंपलगांव, पुणे, महाराष्ट्र "
989 27 November 2023 कोलेबोरेशन यूजिंग ज़ोहो नोटबुक "डॉ. नवीन गुप्ता, प्रमुख, आईसीटी विभाग, सेंट मार्क सीनियर सेकेंडरी पब्लिक स्कूल, मीरा बाग, नई दिल्ली "
988 24 November 2023 ऑडियो संसाधनों का प्रसार श्री प्रवीण कुमार, सहायक प्रोफेसर, एमिटी यूनिवर्सिटी, ताशकंद, उज़्बेकिस्तान
987 23 November 2023 ऑडियो संसाधन विकसित करने के लिए FOSS श्री मृगेन्द्र सिंह, राष्ट्रीय आईसीटी पुरस्कार विजेता, सैनिक स्कूल, कपूरथला, पंजाब
986 22 November 2023 ऑडियो संसाधनों की रिकॉर्डिंग, संपादन और मूल्यांकन सुश्री विमलेश चौधरी, ऑडियो रेडियो प्रोड्यूसर, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
985 21 November 2023 ऑडियो संसाधन विकसित करने की प्रक्रिया प्रो. इंदु कुमार, विभाग प्रमुख-डीआईसीटी और टीडी, सीआईईटी- एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
984 20 November 2023 ऑडियो संसाधन: नीति परिप्रेक्ष्य, अवधारणा, आवश्यकता और दायरा डॉ. रिज़वानुल हक, सहायक प्रोफेसर, सीआईईटी-एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
983 17 November 2023 Exploring Test Portal for Teaching Learning Ms.Aprajita Rai, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
982 16 November 2023 Creating Interactive Games and Quizzes using Make It Dr. Urvashi Sachdeva, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
981 15 November 2023 Developing Interactive Resources with special reference to LUMI Dr. Shahnaz Bano, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
980 14 November 2023 Creating Assessments Using Easy Test Maker Ms. Diksha Dewan, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
979 10 November 2023 शिक्षा के लिए डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म का लाभ प्रो. इंदु कुमार, विभाग प्रमुख-डीआईसीटी और टीडी, सीआईईटी- एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
डॉ. प्राची शर्मा, वरिष्ठ अकादमिक सलाहकार, सीआईईटी- एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
978 09 November 2023 डिजिटल शिक्षा के लिए मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन का लाभ डॉ. मोहम्मद मामूर अली, सहायक प्रोफेसर, जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया, नई दिल्ली
977 08 November 2023 ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण और पाठ्यक्रमों के माध्यम से डिजिटल शिक्षा डॉ. जितेन्द्र कुमार पाटीदार, सहायक प्रोफेसर, अध्यापक शिक्षा विभाग- एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
976 07 November 2023 डिजिटल शिक्षा के लिए प्रसारण का लाभ डॉ. अभय कुमार, सहायक प्रोफेसर, सीआईईटी - एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
975 06 November 2023 स्कूल और शिक्षक शिक्षा के लिए डिजिटल प्रौद्योगिकी का लाभ: नीति अनुशंसाएँ प्रो. इंदु कुमार, प्रमुख-डीआईसीटी और टीडी, सीआईईटी- एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली
974 03 November 2023 Social media Management in Digital Era Sh Raminder Singh, Scientist E, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
973 02 November 2023 Social Network Security Sh Raminder Singh, Scientist E, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
972 01 November 2023 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Sh Raminder Singh, Scientist E, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)
971 31 October 2023 Social Network Threat in Digital Era Mr. Akash Sharan, Scientist B, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, (NIELIT)
970 30 October 2023 Social Networking and Social Engineering Mr. Akash Sharan, Scientist B, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, (NIELIT)
969 27 October 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Haresh Kumar
968 26 October 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sanjeev Kumar Taneja
967 25 October 2023 Panel Discussion on Cyber Saftey Month DS Oberio, Scientist F & Director, NIELIT Patna, Bihar
Major Vineet Kumar, Global President, Cyber Peace Foundation
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Professor & Coordinator of SHUT Clinic, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
966 25 October 2023 Panel Discussion on "Digital Citizenship: A Step towards a Secure World" Dr. Ananth Prabhu Gurpur, Professor, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
Moderator: Dr. rejaul Karim barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
965 23 October 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Dr. Naveen Gautam, Govt. Senior Secondary School Mundkhar,Bhoranj, Distt. – Hamirpur, H.P.
964 20 October 2023 Evaluation and Dissemination of Video Resources Dr. Pranita Gopal, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
963 19 October 2023 Recording and Editing of Video Resources Mr. Rajesh Kange, Studio Incharge, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Tilak Maharastra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra
962 18 October 2023 Script Writing Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
961 17 October 2023 Process of Developing Video Resources Dr. Mohd. Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
960 16 October 2023 Video Resources: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Format and Scope Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
959 13 October 2023 Adaptive Learning through Digital Technology Mr. Shankar Subbiah S, Director, Agate Infotek, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
958 12 October 2023 Universal Design of Learning Prof. (Dr.) Renu Malaviya, Department of Education, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, New Delhi
957 11 October 2023 Assistive Technology Dr. Piyush Chanana, Lead Scientist and Coordinator National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies (NCAHT) IIT, New Delhi - 16
956 10 October 2023 Digital Initiatives for DIVYANG Prof. Anupam Ahuja, Professor (Retired), NCERT, New Delhi
955 09 October 2023 Digital Technology for DIVYANG: Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Dr. Bharti Kaushik, Associate Professor, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
954 06 October 2023 Role of Various Stakeholders in Promoting Digital Wellness Dr. Sushmita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor in Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations of Education, NCERT
953 05 October 2023 Ensuring Well-Being in Digital Space Dr. Smita N. Deshpande, Professor of Psychiatry, St John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
952 04 October 2023 Managing Digital Addiction Ms. Akanksha Rajguru, PhD Scholar, AIIMS, New Delhi
951 02 October 2023 Digital Wellness: Policy, Perspectives, Concept & Needs Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Additional Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Addictions Clinic, AIIMS, New Delhi
950 02 October 2023 Dimensions of Digital Wellness Ms. Lini Philip, Clinical Psychologist, National Drug Dependence Treatment Center
949 29 September 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Chemistry Dr. Deepty Gupta Assistant Professor, Inter University Centre for Teacher Education (IUCTE), BHU, Varanasi
948 28 September 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Physics Dr. Biju Kadinhiyil Assistant Professor, Central university of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu
947 27 September 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Biology Dr. Yash Paul Sharma Assistant Professor, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, Kerala
946 26 September 2023 Process of developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science Dr. Ajita Deshmukh Assistant Professor, MIT University, Pune, Maharashtra
945 25 September 2023 eContent for Teaching and Learning of Science: Policy Recommendations, Concept, Need & Scope Prof. Shashi Prabha Professor, CIET,NCERT,New Delhi
944 21 September 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Barinder Singh, Computer Faculty, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Khusropur, District Jalandhar, Punjab
943 19 September 2023 Express Creativity with Adobe Express Mrs. Ramya Sriram, Computer Science Facilitator, Campus K International School, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
942 18 September 2023 Creating Interactive Lessons with Curipod Ms. Mohini Arora, HoD, Computer Science, Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute Subroto Park, New Delhi
941 16 September 2023 Creating Interactives using Thinglink Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
940 15 September 2023 Assessment and Feedback in Blended Learning Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty, Professor, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
939 14 September 2023 Technology Tools and Resources in Blended Learning Prof. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean Academics, Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
938 13 September 2023 Designing Blended Learning Prof. Jayashree Shinde, Head, Dept. of Educational Technology and Director, Teaching-Learning Centre (PMMMNMTT-MoE), SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, Maharashtra
937 12 September 2023 Models of Blended Learning Prof. Sandeep Sancheti, Vice Chancellor, Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat
936 11 September 2023 Blended Learning: Policy Recommendations, Concept, Need and Scope Prof. Marmar Mukhopadhyay, Chairman, Educational Technology and Management Academy (ETMA), Gurgaon, Haryana
935 08 September 2023 Legal Ways of Handling Cyber Threats Mr. Jitendra Singh, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Rakesh Deswal, INSP, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
934 07 September 2023 Mobile: Security, Threats and Safety Measures Dr. Deepak Kumar, Consultant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Shinku Saran Singh, Deputy Commandant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
933 06 September 2023 Securing IoT Devices Mr. Davinder Kumar, Consultant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Commandant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
932 05 September 2023 Cybersecurity Risks with Internet of Things (IoT) Mr. Davinder Kumar, Consultant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
Dr. Deepak Kumar Sr. Cyber Intelligence and Digital Forensic Professional, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
931 04 September 2023 Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Security :What ? Why? Mr. Rushi Mehta, Consultant, Indian Cybercrime Coordination Centre (I4C), Ministry of Home Affairs
930 01 September 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ravi Pratap Singh, Head Teacher, Primary School, Dhaurahra, Colonelganj, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh
929 31 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Uttam Kumar Dewangan, Primary School Teacher, Govt. New Primary School Patharidih, Block Dharsiwa, Raipur, Chattisgarh
928 30 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Parmod Kumar, State Program Officer, NEP, Panchkula, Haryana
927 29 August 2023 स्कूली शिक्षा के लिए ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रम Ms. Monica Chaurasia, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Mr. Raj Mohan Pandey, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
926 28 August 2023 Online Courses for School Education Ms. Kriti Gautam, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Shivangi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
925 25 August 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of 3D Geometry Dr. Sukesh A, Assistant Professor, Government College of Engineering, Kannur, Kerala
924 24 August 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of Calculus R Ramanujam, Post Graduate Teacher, MNKM Govt HSS, Pulapatta, Kerala
923 23 August 2023 Developing eContent for Teaching and Learning of 2D Geometry Dr. Madhu B, Assistant Professor, RIE-NCERT, Mysore, Karnataka
922 22 August 2023 GeoGebra: Features and Possibilities Ms. Sangeeta Gulati National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School, New Delhi
921 21 August 2023 eContent for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Need, Scope and FOSS Dr. A. K. Wazalwar, Professor, DESM, NCERT, New Delhi
Dr. Angel Rathnabai S., Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
920 18 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Smt. Latha Ramachandran, Primary Teacher (Retired), Kendriya Vidyalaya, CLRI Campus, Adyar, Chennai
919 17 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Dr. Asad Ahmad, PGT Economics, Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIM Prabandh Nagar, Lucknow
918 16 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Himani Asija, Principal, Ambience Public School, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
917 14 August 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Mohd. Ayaz Raina, Teacher Educator, DIET, Rajouri Jammu & Kashmir
916 11 August 2023 Leveraging Mobile Applications for Digital Education Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya Assistant Professor CIET- NCERT, New Delhi
915 10 August 2023 Digital Education through Online Courses & Online Trainings Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT, New Delhi
914 09 August 2023 Leveraging Digital Platform for Education Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
913 08 August 2023 Leveraging Broadcast for Digital Education Prof. Rajendra Pal, Head, MPD, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
Mr. Ajit Kumar Horo, Audio Radio Producer- Grade I (Rtd) CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
912 08 August 2023 Leveraging Broadcast for Digital Education Prof. Rajendra Pal, Head, MPD, CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
Mr. Ajit Kumar Horo, Audio Radio Producer- Grade I (Rtd) CIET - NCERT, New Delhi
911 07 August 2023 Leveraging Digital Technology for School and Teacher Education: Policy Recommendations Prof.Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
910 04 August 2023 Aadhar and Digital Financial Transactions Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Joint Director at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bangalore
909 03 August 2023 Digital Financial Transactions in the Era of AI Prof. Vallikumari Vatsavayi, Co-Chief Investigator, ISEA Project, MEITY, GoI
908 02 August 2023 Digital wallets and mobile payment security, Online Gaming frauds Mr. E Naresh, Project Officer, C-DAC, Hyderabad
907 01 August 2023 Investment scams, Loan apps, and security Dr. Sunil B. Mane, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Pune
906 31 July 2023 Online banking and Secured practices Mr. M Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, C-DAC, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, GOI
905 28 July 2023 Development of Interactive Video Dr. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor MIT-ADT University, Pune
904 27 July 2023 Development of Course Presentation Dr. Om Singh, Principal HAL New Public School, Bangalore
903 26 July 2023 Development of Image Based Interactive Resources Dr. V. Malathi Associate Professor Ethiraj College forWomen, Chennai
902 25 July 2023 FOSS for Developing Interactive Resources with special reference to LUMI Ms. Sushumna Rao Tadinada Ed -Tech Trainer-Mentor Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai
901 24 July 2023 Interactive Resources: Concept, Format, Need and Scope Dr. Angel Rathnabai Assistant Professor CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
900 21 July 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Rajesh Y N, Assistant Teacher, Government High School, Mallupura, Mysore Karnataka
899 20 July 2023 Creating Polls with Vevox Ms. Aprajita Rai, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
898 19 July 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Mohan K R, Block Resource Person, Krishnaraja Pete., Mandya, Karnataka
897 18 July 2023 Online Courses for School Education Ms. Kriti Gautam, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Shivangi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
896 17 July 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. B M Chaudhari, Post Graduate Teacher (English), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Khedgaon, Nashik, Maharashtra
895 14 July 2023 Pedagogical usage of Virtual Labs- Science Prof. Shashi Prabha, Head, PRD, CIET-NCERT
894 13 July 2023 Pedagogical usage of Virtual Labs- Languages Dr. Amit Ranjan, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
893 12 July 2023 Pedagogical usage of Virtual Labs- Mathematics Dr. Madhu B, Assistant Professor, RIE, Mysore
892 11 July 2023 Virtual Labs as a Learning Tool Dr. Anand Arya, Associate Professor, RIE Ajmer
891 10 July 2023 Virtual Labs: Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT
890 07 July 2023 Collaborating & Communicating Safely on Gaming Sites Mr. Abhishek Singh, Lead Policy Advocacy, CyberPeace Foundation
889 05 July 2023 Secure Communication on eLearning Platforms Dr. Sharad Sinha, Professor & Head, Dept. of Teacher Education, NCERT
888 04 July 2023 Efficient & Secure Data Sharing Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Additional Director/ Scientist E, MeitY
887 03 July 2023 Modes of online communication Ms. Anandita Mishra, Senior Trainer, CyberPeace Foundation
886 03 July 2023 Modes of online communication Ms. Anandita Mishra, Senior Trainer, CyberPeace Foundation
885 30 June 2023 Dissemination of Audio Resources Mr. Parveen Kumar, Assistant Professor, Amity University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
884 29 June 2023 FOSS for developing Audio Resources Mr. Mrigender Singh, National ICT Awardee, Sainik School, Kapurthala, Punjab
883 28 June 2023 Recording, Editing and Evaluation of Audio Resources Mr. Ajit Kumar Horo, Audio Radio Producer- Grade I (Rtd), CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
Ms. Vimlesh Chaudhary, Audio Radio Producer- Grade II, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
882 27 June 2023 Process of developing Audio Resources Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
881 26 June 2023 Audio Resources: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Format and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Anupam Ahuja, Former Professor and Head IRD, NCERT, New Delhi
880 26 June 2023 Audio Resources: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Format and Scope Ms. Shirley Jacob, Programme Executive, Akashvani (Rtd), Consultant, Operations Division Prasar Bharati House, New Delhi
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT, New Delhi
879 23 June 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. V. Nesamani, Secondary Grade Teacher, Panchayat Union Middle School, Sundakkampalayam, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu
878 22 June 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Hilal Ahmad Lone, Teacher, Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School Kangan Ganderbal, Jammu & Kashmir
877 21 June 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. M. Kohila, S.M.R.V. Hr. Sec. School, Vadasery, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
876 20 June 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Vikrant Kelkar, Assistant Teacher, G.H.S Handli, Somwaret Taluk, Kodagu, Karnataka
875 19 June 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Mamta Narula, Headmistress, Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
874 16 June 2023 Artificial Intelligence in Education Dr. Rejaul Karim, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Bani Dhawan, Head of Education, South Asia, Google, Gurugram
Dr Shitanshu Mishra, National Information Technology Officer, UNESCO-MGIEP
873 15 June 2023 Gaming and Game Based Learning Prof Indu Kumar, Head, DICT, CIET-NCERT
Mr. Vignesh Mukund, Associate National Programme Officer, UNESCO-MGIEP
872 14 June 2023 Social Media for Education Prof. Anubhuti Yadav, Head, Department of New Media & Technology, Indian Institute of Mass Communication
Dr. Gaurav Singh, Professor · Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh
871 13 June 2023 Innovative Pedagogies with Digital Technology Dr. Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Dr. Biju. K, Assistant professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur
870 12 June 2023 Disruptive Technologies in Education Dr. R.C. Sharma, Director - Human Resource Development Centre, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi
Dr. Kaushal Bhagat, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, kharagpur
869 09 June 2023 Ethical Aspects of Cyber Safety and Security Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation
Ms. Anindita Mishra, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
868 08 June 2023 Legal Aspects of Cyber Safety and Security Mr. Robin Sabestian, Assistant Commandant, I4C-MHA
Mr. Rushi Mehta, Cyber Security Professional, I4C-MHA
867 07 June 2023 Psychological Aspects of Cyber Safety and Security Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Additional Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Addictions Clinic, AIIMS, New Delhi.
866 06 June 2023 Technical Aspects of Cyber Safety and Security Mr. M Jagadish Babu , Project Manager, C-DAC, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, GOI
Prof. Mustafa Basthikodi, Head, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
865 05 June 2023 Cyber Safety and Security: Policy Perspective, Need and Scope Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Ms. Nisha Dua, Principal Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT (Moderator)
864 02 June 2023 ICT for Foundational Learning Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET- NCERT
Prof. Suniti Sanwal, Head & Professor, Department of Elementary Education, NCERT
Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
863 01 June 2023 Digital Initiatives by NCERT Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Abhay Kumar, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
862 31 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Dharmaraj.S, Teacher, Panchayat Union Primary School, Denad Kotagiri, Dist.- Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu
861 30 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. N. Anbazhagan, B.T. Assistant (Physics), Panchayat Union Middle School, Uthiramerur, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nad
860 29 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Bergin G., Post Graduate Teacher (Physics), GBHSS, Sayalgudi, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu
859 26 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Uma Rani Chiluka, Secondary Grade Teacher, GPS Lalaguda No. 2, Hyderabad, Tele Counsellor at Manodarpan
858 25 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Sajikumar V.S., Art Teacher, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Alappuzha, Kerala
857 24 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. S.Sakthivel Murugan, Graduate Teacher, Panchayat Union Middle School, Sholinganallir, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu
856 23 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Parambir Singh Kathait, Lecturer (English), Govt. Inter College Nagrajadhar Karakot, Kirtinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand
855 22 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Manisha Ramkisan Giri, Graduate Teacher, Nutan Marathi School No.5 Rahuri Municipal, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
854 19 May 2023 Online Courses for School Education Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Mahak Mourya, Content Developer, CIET-NCERT
853 18 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Jagdamba Prasad Dobhal, TGT (Mathematics), Govt. Inter College Uppu, Garhwal, Uttarakhand
852 17 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Chakrapal Tiwari, Principal, Swami Atmanand Govt. Utkrisht Higher Sec. School No. 01, Janjgir, Champa, Chhattisgarh
851 16 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Bijal Damani, PGT (Commerce), SN Kansagra School, Rajkot, Gujarat
850 15 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Krishna Kumar Patel, TGT Science, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Chisda, Sakti, Chhattisgarh
849 12 May 2023 Online Courses for School Education Ms. Monica Chaurasia, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Mr. Rashid Hassan, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
848 11 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Supriy Bahukhandi, Lecturer (Mathematics) Government Inter College, Pajitilani Kalsi, Dehradun
847 10 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Devkaran Singh, Principal, Govt Senior Secondary School, Kharatwasiya, Taranagar, Churu, Rajasthan
846 09 May 2023 Digital Jaadui Pitara and FLN Resources: Pedagogical uses for Learning, Teaching and Assessment Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Prachi Sharma, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
845 08 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Umesh Chandra Pandey, Principal, Government Inter College Syalidhar, Almora, Uttarakhand
844 05 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Shafi Ajis Shaikh, Science Teacher, Zilla Parishad Upper Primary School, Bitargaon Bk, Umarkhed, Yavatmal, Maharashtra
843 03 May 2023 Fostering Safe and Responsible Cyber Culture and Launch of eRaksha Competition 2023 Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation
842 03 May 2023 Fostering Safe and Responsible Cyber Culture and Launch of eRaksha Competition 2023 Ms. Nisha Dua, Principal Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
Mr. Sinku Sharan Singh, Deputy Commandant, I4C-MHA
841 02 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Baldevpari J. Pari, Secondary Grade Teacher, Secondary School Kathrota, Junagadh, Gujarat
840 01 May 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Rakeshkumar Jayantilal Rajgor, Head Teacher, Panchha Primary School, Mehsana, Gujarat
839 28 April 2023 Creating Assessments using Easy TestMaker Mr. Rashid Hassan, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
838 27 April 2023 Enhance Teaching-Learning using Edublog Ms. Kunda Bachhav, Primary Teacher, NMC School No. 18 Nashik, Maharashtra
837 26 April 2023 Exploring Mendeley for Citation and Reference Mr. Yogesh Sonawane, HOD, IT Dept, SCERT Maharashtra, Pune
836 25 April 2023 Enhance Teaching-Learning using Classroom Screen Dr. Meenakshi Rathi, Assistant Professor, HOD Commerce, Department of Higher Education, Madhya Pradesh
835 24 April 2023 Creating Interacive Worksheets using Worksheet Zone Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT (Science), Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
834 21 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Preema Charles Rego, National ICT Awardee Teacher
833 20 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. K. Revathi, Primary School Teacher, Govt. Primary School, Pillaiyarkuppam, Bahoure, Puducherry
832 19 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Dr. Yogendra Kumar Kothari, Lecturer (Chemistry), Govt. Excellence Higher Secondary School, Madhav Nagar, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
831 18 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Sudhir Suresh Pai, ICT Teacher, S.S. Angle Higher Sec. School, Mashem, Canacona, South Goa, Goa
830 17 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Sukanya De, PGT (Mathematics), Mahadevi Birla Shishu Vihar, Ironside Road, Kolkata, West Bengal
829 14 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr.Thangaraja M, Secondary Grade Teacher, PUMS Parappatti, Salem,Tamil Nadu
828 13 April 2023 PM eVidya: DTH Channels Dr. Nidhi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
827 12 April 2023 PM eVidya: Augmented Reality Dr. Yash Paul Sharma, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
826 11 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Suresh Kumar Ola, Headmaster, Govt. Upper Primary School, Dhamkali Johari, Radhakishanpura, Sikar, Rajasthan
825 10 April 2023 NDEAR- Vidya Samiksha Kendra Mr. Sathyaraj Iyer, DIKSHA PMU, CIET-NCERT
824 07 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. I. Glory Rosaline, Principal, Concordia Higher Secondary School, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu
823 06 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. R.V. Raghavendra Rao, PGT Biology, JNV Srikakulam
822 05 April 2023 Ensuring Safe and Supportive eLearning Environment Ms. Nisha Dua, Coach and Mentor - Cyber Wellness and Safety, Principal Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
821 04 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Pokuri Srinivasa Rao, School Assistant (P.S), ZPHS Nanginarapadu, Anakapalli, Andhra Pradesh
820 03 April 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Shambulingaiah K., State Admin, NISHTHA, DSERT Bangalore, Karnataka
819 31 March 2023 Online Courses on DIKSHA Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
818 30 March 2023 Digital Jaadui Pitara, FLN and Education for All Vertical Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Prachi Sharma, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
817 29 March 2023 Virtual Lab and Vocational Education Vertical Ms. Nidhi Adlakha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Pinky Singh, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
816 28 March 2023 Energized Textbook and Digital Resources Dr. Prachi Sharma, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
815 27 March 2023 DIKSHA : Policy Perspectives and Scope in Education Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Rejaul Karim, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
814 24 March 2023 Ethical Practices in Online Education Dr. Ananth Prabhu Gurpur, Professor & Principal Investigator, Cyber Security & Digital Forensics CoE, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
813 24 March 2023 Ethical Practices in Online Education Dr. Mustafa Basthikodi, Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE (Data Science), Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
812 23 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. S. Ganesh, BT Assistant Teacher, Panchayat Union Middle School Kilariyam, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu
811 22 March 2023 Enhance Maths and English Skills through IXL Ms. Monica Chaurasia, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
810 21 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Neeru Mittal, SRDAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar, New Delhi
809 20 March 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Odisha Ms. Debasmita Chakra, Principal, DIET Keonjhar, Odisha
Dr. Santosha Kumar Parida, Principal, DIET Puri, Odisha
808 20 March 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Odisha Ms. Debasmita Chakra, Principal, DIET Keonjhar, Odisha
Dr. Santosha Kumar Parida, Principal, DIET Puri, Odisha
807 17 March 2023 Ethics - E-Commerce and Banking Transactions Mr. Vamshi Krishna P, Joint Director, C-DAC, MeitY,GoI
806 16 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. R. Elavarasan, Graduate Teacher, Panchayat Union Middle School Vedapatti, Salem, Tamil Nadu
805 15 March 2023 Making Maps using QGIS Dr. Tejashi Roy, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
804 14 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. J. Senthil Selvan, TGT (Mathematics), GHSS Kallur Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu
803 13 March 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Goa Mr. Nagaraj Honnekeri, Director, SCERT Goa
Dr. Gopal Chandra Pradhan, Associate Professor, SCERT Goa
802 10 March 2023 Ethics - Social Media Platforms Mr. M Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, C-DAC, MeitY,GoI
801 09 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Adal Arasan, TGT (Science), Government Senior Secondary School Rangachang, South Andaman, A & N Islands
800 07 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Kalpesh L Chotalia, Upper Primary Teacher, Shri Nagpur Primary School, Kalavad, Jamnagar, Gujarat
799 06 March 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Himachal Pradesh Ms. Rajni Sankhyan, Associate Professor & Officiating Principal, SCERT, Himachal Pradesh
Ms. Mangesh Kumari, Trained Graduate Teacher (Science), SCERT, Himachal Pradesh
798 03 March 2023 Internet Ethics for Various User Groups and Security Measures Ms. Simi, Knowledge Management Lead, C-DAC, MeitY,GoI
797 02 March 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Dhayananth K B, TGT (English), Government Higher Secondary School, Kanjampatti, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
796 01 March 2023 Ethics in Emerging Digital Space Ms. K Indraveni , Joint Director, C-DAC, MeitY,GoI
Shri. Yash Dhingra, Scientist C, Cert-In, MeitY,GoI
Dr. Ananth Prabhu Gurpur, Professor & Principal Investigator, Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
795 28 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Omprakash Mishra, Headmaster, Govt. UGHS Dhanpur, Dist. - Koraput, Odisha
794 27 February 2023 PM eVidya: A step forward in digital education Dr. Nidhi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
793 24 February 2023 Media Literacy and Non-Violence Communication Dr. Vedabhyas Kundu, Programme Officer, Gandhi Smriti
792 23 February 2023 Teaching Learning in Media and Information Literacy Prof. KS Arul Selvan, Director, School of Journalism and New Media Studies, IGNOU
791 22 February 2023 Advertising Literacy Dr. Kulveen Trehan, Assistant Professor, USMC, GGSIPU
790 21 February 2023 Media Literacy: Competency and Skills Prof. Anubhuti Yadav, Head, Department of New Media & Technology, Indian Institute of Mass Communication
789 20 February 2023 Media Literacy: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Need and Scope Prof. Sanjay Dwivedi, Director General, IIMC
Prof. Anubhuti Yadav, Head, Department of New Media & Technology, Indian Institute of Mass Communication
Dr. Amit Ranjan, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
788 17 February 2023 Online Sexual Abuse Ms. Shruti Bist, Associate Lawyer, Seth Associates
787 16 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Manohar Subramanian, Secondary Grade Teacher, Panchayat Union Primary School, Velliyanai, Karur, Tamil Nadu
786 15 February 2023 Creating videos using Animoto Ms. Heena Madaan, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
785 14 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Sangita Panchal, Retired PGT (Computer Science), Hans Raj Model School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
784 13 February 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by NCERT - Virtual Labs on DIKSHA - Your Learning Partner Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT & TD, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Nidhi Adlakha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
783 10 February 2023 Phishing & Financial Frauds Ms. Khooshi Seth, Legal Intern, Seth Associates
782 09 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Dipen Khanikar, Assistant Teacher, Chi Chia Bokuloni Girls High School, Dibrugarh, Assam
781 08 February 2023 Creating Mind Maps using FreePlane Ms. Neetu Sharma, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
780 07 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Prajapati Mehulkumar Mohanbhai, Upper Primary Teacher, Dolatpura (Dabhala) Govt. Primary School, Vijapur, Mahesana, Gujarat
779 06 February 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - NVS Mr. Rajesh Chelle, Assistant Commissioner (IT)
Mrs. Kirti Panwar, Assistant Commissioner (Acad)
778 03 February 2023 Ransomware & Malware Attacks Ms. Aarushi Chopra, Associate lawyer, Seth Associates
777 02 February 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Amaravaju Laxmi Natham, ZPHS Indalwai, Indalwai, Nizamabad, Telangana
776 01 February 2023 Cyber Crimes: Concept & Need for Awareness Mr. Rakesh Maheshwari, Sr. Director & Group Coordinator, Cyberlaws
Dr. Karnika Seth, Cyberlaw Expert & Advocate, Supreme Court of India
Dr. Balsingh Rajput, DCP, Cybercrime, Mumbai Police
775 31 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Uday Singh Beniwal, Senior Teacher (Science), Mahatma Gandhi Government School, Dhaban. Sangaria, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan
774 30 January 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - CBSE Dr. Antriksh Johri, Director (IT & Projects) & CISO, CBSE, MoE, Govt. of India
773 27 January 2023 Assessment and Certification on MOODLE Dr. A. R. Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala
Dr. P Ashkarali, Assistant Professor, Govt. Arts and Science College Tanur, Kerala
772 26 January 2023 Activities for Course Enrichment in MOODLE Dr. P Ashkarali, Assistant Professor, Govt. Arts and Science College Tanur, Kerala
771 25 January 2023 Resources for Course Enrichment in MOODLE Dr. A. R. Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala
770 24 January 2023 Introduction to MOODLE: Interface, Account Creation & Course Design Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
769 23 January 2023 Learning Management System: Policy Perspectives, Concept, Need and Scope Dr. R.C. Sharma, Director - Human Resource Development Centre, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi
Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
768 20 January 2023 Overview of Dark Web and Vulnerabilities in Current Environment Mr. Ayush Negi, Research Officer, IIPA
Dr. Surabhi Pandey, Assistant Professor, IIPA
767 19 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Prakash Lotan Chavan, Z.P.School Karanjwan, Karanjwan, Dindori, Nashik, Maharashtra
766 18 January 2023 Creating Mind Maps using WiseMapping Dr. Rizwan Fatima, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
765 17 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Gopal Veeranala, Gazetted Headmaster, ZPHS Arutla Boys, Manchal Mandal, Rangareddy, Telangana
764 16 January 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Delhi Dr. Sapna Yadav, Senior Lecturer, SCERT Delhi
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Lecturer, SCERT Delhi
763 13 January 2023 Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities Mr. Amit Dubey, Cyber Security Evangelist, Tech Mahindra
762 12 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Preeti Sharma, PGT (History), DAV Public School, Pushpanjali Enclave, Delhi
761 11 January 2023 Exploring Testportal for Teaching-Learning Ms. Aprajita Rai, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
760 10 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Pramila Kumari Sahoo, TGT (Mathematics), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha
759 09 January 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Gujarat Mr. Nitin Dalwadi. Research Associate, GCERT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Mr. Vishal Soni, DBA & SA (MIS), Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat
758 06 January 2023 Responsible & Safe Networking on Social Media Sites Ms. Ruma Purkayastha, Counsellor & Former Principal, Navy Children School, New Delhi
757 06 January 2023 Artificial Intelligence: Usability and Threats in Cyber World Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Additional Director/ Scientist 'E', Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Mr. Jaidip Kotak, Security Researcher, Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel
756 05 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Dr. Ravi Kumar Kola, ZPHS Shaipet, Dharmasagar, Warangal Urban, Telangana
755 04 January 2023 Overview of Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges in Current Scenario Dr. Surabhi Pandey, Assistant Professor, IIPA
754 03 January 2023 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ananda Balaji Anemwad, Zilla Parishad School Malyan Marathi, Dahanu, Palghar Maharashtra
753 02 January 2023 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Bihar Mr. Md. Mobssar Jawed, Lecturer, SCERT Patna
Dr. Ritesh Kumar, Lecturer, DIET Bikram
752 30 December 2022 Creating Animation using Wick Editor Mr.Thangaraja M, Secondary grade teacher, PUMS Parappatti, Salem,Tamil Nadu
751 29 December 2022 Creating Animation using Krita Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT (Biology), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
750 28 December 2022 Creating Comic Strip using Pixton Ms. Pratima Singh, Head Teacher, Primary School Dhusah L, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh
749 27 December 2022 Creating Stop Motion Animation Mr. S. Simon Peeter Paul, PST Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, Puducherry
748 26 December 2022 Animation in Teaching-Learning Process: Policy Perspective, Concept and Scope Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
747 23 December 2022 Phishing - Concept & Safety Measures Ms. Neena Nithin, Faculty Associate, Amrita Center for Cyber Security & Networks
Mr. Harish R, Senior Research Associate, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
746 22 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Sunita Gupta, Jawahar Navoday Vidyalaya, Basdei, Surajpur, Chhattisgarh
745 21 December 2022 Explore Tinkercad Ms. Anshul Nagpal, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
744 20 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Manjula Kirimanjeswara, Z.P. High School Palasamudram, Gorantla, Distt. – Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
743 19 December 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by NCERT - Online Orientation Programme on All India Children's Educational eContent Competition Ms. Tanisha Yadav, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
742 16 December 2022 Identity Theft: Concept and Safety Measures Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
741 15 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Sona O.K, Atomic Energy Central School, No-3, Tarapur, Distt-Palghar, Boisar (W), Maharashtra
740 14 December 2022 Creating Mind Maps using VUE Ms. Meenakshi Saroha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
739 13 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Kangkan Kishor Dutta, Bamunpukhuri High School, East Jorhat Kaliapani, Dist. – Jorhat, Assam
738 12 December 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Nagaland Dr. Bijano Murry, Joint MD, Samagra Shiksha Nagaland
Mr. B Nellayappan, Deputy Director, School Education Nagaland
Mr. Daniel Thong Seb, Associate Professor, SCERT Nagaland
737 09 December 2022 Cyber Bullying: Concept and Safety Measures Wing Commander K Venugopal (Retd), Global Head ISAC Aero, Aerospace and International Operations
Ms. Sharanya, Research Assistant, Amrita Virtual Labs, Center for cyber security systems and networks
736 08 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Suresh Kunati, School Assistant (Social Studies), Zilla Parishad High School, Urandur Village, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
735 07 December 2022 Panel Discussion on Cyber Threats: Policy Perspectives, Concept and Need for Awareness Mr. Ashok Kumar Mohan, Assistant Professor, TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Wing Commander K Venugopal (Retd), Global Head ISAC Aero, Aerospace and International Operations
Mrs. Lakshmi Mini, Head-Intervention Officer, ISAC India
734 06 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Hirenkumar Hasmukhbhai Sharma, Primary School Vavdi, Kheda, Gujarat
733 05 December 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Rajasthan Dr. Jaishree Mathur, Assistant Professor, RSCERT Udaipur
732 02 December 2022 Physical and Mental Wellness in Digital Space Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Additional Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Addictions Clinic, AIIMS, New Delhi.
731 01 December 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Srinivasan Sriram, Principal, The Mann School, Delhi
730 30 November 2022 Creating Notebook in Zoho Notebook Ms. Shaili Singh, HoD Computer Science, Army Public School, Noida
729 29 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Poonam Urmalia, Lecturer (Physics), GHSS Camp 1 Bhilai, Durg, Chhattisgarh
728 28 November 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - Jharkhand Ms. Preeti Mishra, Faculty Member, JCERT Ranchi
Mr. Bihar Gaurav, Faculty Member, JCERT Ranchi
727 25 November 2022 Developing Digital Resources for CWSN Mr Akashdeep, co-founder i-stem Research Scholar (PhD), Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
726 24 November 2022 Assistive Technology Mr. Som Krishan, Course Coordinator cum lecturer, Red Cross Hindu Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of Mentally Challenged Children, Haryana
725 23 November 2022 Universal Design for Learning Prof. Renu Malaviya Department of Education, Lady Irwin College, Delhi University
724 22 November 2022 Accessible Digital Resources Dr. Bharti Kaushik, Head, DICT&TD
723 21 November 2022 Accessible Digital Content - Policy Perspective and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Varsha Gathoo, Former HOD Education, AYJNISHD Mumbai
Dr. Bharti Kaushik, Head, DICT & TD
722 18 November 2022 Digital Wellbeing and Detox Ms. Pooja Tomar, Project Manager Cum Trainer, CyberPeace Foundation
Ms. Shimoni Prasad, Senior Manager, CyberPeace Foundation
721 17 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. S.Chitra, Panchayat Union Middle School, 17 Asthinapuram, KannivakkamPst, Nellikuppam Road
720 16 November 2022 Game Based Learning using Make It Mr. Rajesh Kouluri, Secondary Grade Teacher, MPUP School, Gurla, Andhra Pradesh
719 15 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Firoz Khan, Primary School Chidawak, Chidawak, Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh
718 14 November 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by NCERT - Vidya Amrit Mahotsav Mr. Arvind Gupta, National Team Lead, NDEAR DIKSHA PMU
Ms. Megha Kumar, Senior Consultant, NDEAR DIKSHA PMU
Ms. Mansi Nema, Lead, Program Design and Research, ShikshaLokam
717 11 November 2022 Social Media: Crimes Ms. Ruma Purkayastha, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
716 10 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Nahidkhan Nurkhan Ligari, Chandvana Pay Center Shala, Chandvana, Mangrol, Junagadh, Gujarat
715 09 November 2022 Creating MindMaps using Miro Dr. Parvesh Lata, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Education, GD Goenka University, Gurugram
714 08 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Shweta Sharma, M.S.Vivekanand, Deoghar, Jharkhand
713 07 November 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organizations - DNH DD Ms. Sadhana Tripathi, Lecturer, DIET, Daman
Dr. Namrata Kulkarni, Lecturer, DIET, Daman
712 04 November 2022 Social Media: The Impact Dr. Nitin Anand, Additional Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore
711 03 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Dr. Nirupama Kumari, TGT (Hindi), Ram Rudra Plus Two High School, Chas, Bokaro, Jharkhand
710 02 November 2022 Panel Discussion on World of Social Media Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation
Ms. Anindita Mishra, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
709 01 November 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Pratima Nayak, KVS, Fort William, Kolkata, West Bengal
708 31 October 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Uttar Pradesh Mr. Kamal Kishore, Research Lecturer, SCERT, Uttar Pradesh
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Srivastava, Lecturer, DIET, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
707 28 October 2022 Being a Mindful Internet User Ms. Nisha Dua, Principal Consultant, Cyber Safety Programmes, CyberPeace Foundation
Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation
706 27 October 2022 Cyber Crime and Redressal Ms. Anindita Mishra, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
705 26 October 2022 Psychological effect of Cyberspace Dr. Rajesh Sagar, Professor of Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi
Ms. Pooja Tomar, Project Manager Cum Trainer, CyberPeace Foundation
704 25 October 2022 The New Age Cybercrimes Shri Shailendra Vikram Singh Head - Cyber Policy and Diplomacy CyberPeace Foundation
Ms. Anindita Mishra Consultant CyberPeace Foundation
Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
703 21 October 2022 Device Security Mr. Sanjay Kumar, AC, I4C-MHA Mr. Amit Giri, Data Analyst, I4C-MHA
702 20 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Naveen Gupta, Head of ICT Department, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
701 19 October 2022 Creating Mind Map using E-Draw Dr. Meenakshi Rathi, Assistant Professor, HOD Commerce, Department of Higher Education, Madhya Pradesh
700 18 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Pranesh Bhushan Mishra, Upper Primary School, Patha, Mahroni, Dist. - Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh
699 17 October 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by NCERT - Vidya Amrit Mahotsav Mr. Arvind Gupta, National Team Lead, NDEAR DIKSHA PMU
Ms. Megha Kumar, Senior Consultant, NDEAR DIKSHA PMU
Ms. Charul Dhingra, Senior Lead, Programmes
698 14 October 2022 Online Financial Safety Mr. Robin Sabestian, Assistant Commandant, I4C-MHA
Mr. Rushi Mehta, Cyber Security Professional, I4C-MHA
697 14 October 2022 Online Interactive storytelling using TimelineJS (Hindi) Raghavendra Rao, National ICT Awardee, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kiltampalem, Andhra-Pradesh
696 13 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Vijay Kumar, Govt. High School Chuwarian Wali Chuwarian Wali, Fazilka, Fazilka Punjab
695 12 October 2022 Create Interactive Worksheets using TopWorksheets Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT (Science), Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
694 11 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Nagnath Shankar Vibhute, Zilla Parishad School Jambhuldara Bham, Santosh Nagar Bham, Khed, Pune, Maharashtra - 410501
693 10 October 2022 Spoken Tutorials in Local Languages as Teaching/Learning Resources for Science Education Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, Chair Professor, Erach and Meheroo Mehta Advanced Education Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Dr. Snehalatha Kaliappan, Senior Project Research Scientist, FOSSEE Project, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
692 07 October 2022 Malware Prevention Sh. Kandle Goutham Kumar, Deputy Commandant (I4C)
Dr. Deepak Dwivedi, Senior Consultant, I4C-MHA
691 06 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Sarita Tejwani, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh
690 05 October 2022 Orientation on Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Mr. Deepak Virmani, IAS, Deputy Secretary, Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India
Prof. Ranjana Arora, Head, Department of Teacher Education and I/C Head Curriculum Group, NCERT
689 05 October 2022 Orientation on Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Prof. Indu Kumar CIET-NCERT Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT (Moderator)
688 04 October 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Nilesh Raya Pai, ICT Computer Teacher, Don Bosco Higher Secondary School Panjim Goa, Taleigao, Panaji, Goa
687 03 October 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Chhattisgrah Dr. Dipankar Bhowmick, Assistant Professor, SCERT, Chhattisgrah
686 30 September 2022 Exploring Virtual Labs for Languages Dr. Sasikumar M, Executive Director, C-DAC, Mumbai
685 29 September 2022 Exploring Virtual Labs for Mathematics Mr. Vaibhav Singh, Project Manager, C-DAC Mumbai
684 28 September 2022 Exploring Virtual Labs for Sciences Ms. Reshma Bose, Research Coordinator, AmritaCREATE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
683 27 September 2022 Virtual Labs: Types & Exemplars Dr. Anand Arya, Associate Professor, RIE, Ajmer
682 26 September 2022 Virtual Labs: Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Sasikumar M, Executive Director, C-DAC, Mumbai
681 23 September 2022 Maximizing Benefits, Minimizing Risks in Digital World Mr. Abhishek Singh, Research Associate, CyberPeace Foundation
680 22 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Umesh Raghunath Khose, Assistant Teacher, Zilla Parishad Primary School Jagdambanagar, Kaddora, Osmanabad, Maharashtra
679 21 September 2022 Create Interactive Quiz using ClassPoint (Hindi) Mr. Naveen Gupta, Head of ICT Department, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
678 20 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Alpesh R. Bhatt, Principal, N L Patel High School, Sihol, Distt. - Anand, Gujarat
677 19 September 2022 Vidya Daan Mr. Arvind Gupta, Team Lead, NDEAR, DIKSHA PMU
Ms. Shreya Vyas, Project Consultant, DIKSHA PMU
676 16 September 2022 Digital Rights and Responsibilities Shri Harmeet Singh, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Guwahati
Ms. Bhawna Goswami,CyberPeace Foundation
675 15 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Abdurahman. P, Junior Arabic Language Teacher, Govt. Upper Primary School, Olavara Saketha, Kasaragod, Kerala
674 14 September 2022 Creating Interactive Presentations using Wooclap Ms. Neeta Bhaskar Arsule, Assistant Teacher, Z.P. Primary School Dodadgaon, Distt. - Jalna, Maharashtra
673 13 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT (Biology), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
672 12 September 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - CBSE Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director, Department of Skill Education, CBSE
Mr. R.P. Singh, Joint Secretary, Department of Skill Education, CBSE
671 09 September 2022 Elements of Digital Citizenship Ms. Anindita Mishra, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
670 08 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Keshav Ram Verma, Headmaster, Pancham Deewan Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Bhatapara, Distt – Balodabazar, Chhattisgarh
669 07 September 2022 Panel Discussion on Creating a Culture of Cyber Safety & Responsibility Shri Brijesh Singh, IPS, Additional Director General of Police, Government Of Maharashtra
Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Ms. Nisha Dua, Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
668 06 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Amritpal Singh, Lecturer (Commerce), GSSS Harsha Chinna, Amritsar, Punjab
667 05 September 2022 Reimagining Teaching and Learning using NDEAR Mr. Arvind Gupta, Team Lead, NDEAR, DIKSHA PMU
Mr. Sathyaraj Iyer, Lead, NDEAR, National PMU
666 02 September 2022 Being Safe and Responsible Netizen - An Intoduction Sh. Pankaj Kamboj, IPS, Inspector General of Police, Jharkhand
MAJOR Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation
665 01 September 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ramesh Prasad Badoni, Lecturer (Physics), Govt. Inter College, Misraspatti, Dehdradun, Uttarakhand
664 31 August 2022 Series: ET and ICT Tools Dr. Meenakshi Rathi, Assistant Professor, HOD Commerce, Department of Higher Education, Madhya Pradesh
663 30 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Sandeep, Primary Teacher, Government Model Sanskriti Primary School, Fatehpur, Sector 20, Panchkula, Haryana
662 29 August 2022 Virtual Labs on DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Nidhi Adlakha, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
661 26 August 2022 Developing Multimedia Resources using FOSS Dr. Mohd Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Training and Non-formal Education, IASE, Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
660 25 August 2022 Process of developing Multimedia Resources Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe, Professor of Practice (Design), Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
659 24 August 2022 Curation of Multimedia Resources for Education Dr. Mohd Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Training and Non-formal Education, IASE, Faculty of Education, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi
658 23 August 2022 Multimedia Resources for Education: Types & Exemplars Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
657 22 August 2022 Multimedia Resources for Education: Concept, Need & Scope Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT (Moderator)
Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe, Professor of Practice (Design), Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
656 19 August 2022 Digital Games: Physical and socio-emotional well being Dr. Yatan Pal Singh Balhara, Additional Professor of Psychiatry, Behavioral Addictions Clinic, AIIMS, New Delhi.
655 18 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Vikram Sonba Adsul, Primary School Teacher, ZillaParishad Primary School, KarjatTaluja, Ahmednagar
654 17 August 2022 Make learning interactive using Edform Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET- NCERT
653 16 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Manoj Kumar, Principal, Mahatma Gandhi Government (English Medium) School 25 JSN, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan
652 12 August 2022 Digital Games: Financial Vulnerability Karanpreet Kaur Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division CDAC, Mohali
651 11 August 2022 National ICT Awards: An Introduction (Hindi) Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Neeti Kumari, Project Manager, DIKSHA
650 10 August 2022 Explore SurveyHeart Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
649 09 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale, Assistant Teacher, Z.P. School Pimpalgaon Tarfe, Pune, Maharashtra
648 08 August 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - West Bengal Sh. Samit Basu, A.T. (Computer), DIET Murshidabad
Sh. Subhadeep Maiti, A.T. (Statistics), DIET Bankura
647 05 August 2022 Digital Games: Risks and ways to combat Dr. Surabhi Pandey, Assistant Professor, IIPA, New Delhi
646 04 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
645 03 August 2022 Panel Discussion on Digital Games: Need for Safety Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
Mr. Abhishek Singh, Research Associate, CyberPeace Foundation
Ms. Indraveni Ch Joint Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad
644 02 August 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Rasheed Odakkal, High School Teacher, Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School Kondotty, Malappuram, Kerala
643 01 August 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Uttarakhand Mr. Pradeep Kumar Rawat, HoD, Curriculum, Development and Research Department, SCERT Uttarakhand
Mr. Sunil Dutt Bhatt, Lecturer, Curriculum, Development and Research Department, SCERT Uttarakhand
642 29 July 2022 Empower Learners using Digital Assessments Ms. Renuka Rautela, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
Ms. Shreya Tiwari, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
641 28 July 2022 Design Digital Learning Experience Ms. Shraddha Rawat, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
Ms. Shreya Tiwari, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
640 27 July 2022 Navigate Responsibly Ms. Renuka Rautela, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
Ms. Shraddha Rawat, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
639 26 July 2022 Engage Learners Digitally Ms. Shraddha Rawat, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
Ms. Shreya Tiwari, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
638 25 July 2022 Digital Pedagogy: Concept, Scope and Policy Perspective Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, Senior National Project Officer, Science of Learning, UNESCO-MGIEP
Ms. Shraddha Rawat, Associate National Project Officer, Teacher Training, UNESCO-MGIEP
637 22 July 2022 Social Engineering Techniques and Preventive Measures Karanpreet Kaur, Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division, C-DAC, Mohali
636 21 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Smt. Kalpana N, English Graduate Teacher, Municipal Higher Secondary School, Kumar Nagar, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu
635 20 July 2022 Exploring QuizMaker for Teaching-Learning Mr. Ravi Raushan Kumar, Teacher, Govt. Upgraded Secondary School, Madhopatti, District-Darbhanga, Bihar
634 19 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ashutosh Anand, Assistant Teacher, Upper Primary School, Miyaganj, Distt- Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh
633 18 July 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Tripura Smt. Ambalika Datta, Deputy Director, SCERT Tripura
Sh. Debasish Roy, OSD, SCERT Tripura
Sh. Kalyan Kishre Saha, Technical Assistant, SCERT Tripura
632 15 July 2022 Data Security and Digital Footprint Karanpreet Kaur, Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division, C-DAC, Mohali
631 14 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Sushil Kumar, Head Master, Primary School, Gulriha Vikas Khand, Harak, Distt- Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh
630 13 July 2022 miMind for Teaching-Learning Dr. Monica Nagpal, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
629 12 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Somnath Walke Waman, Graduate Teacher, ZPCPS Pargaon Jogeshwari, Tal-Ashti, Distt. - Beed, Maharashtra
628 11 July 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Telangana Mr. M. Ramanjaneyulu, ICT Coordinator, SCERT Telangana
Mrs. A. Sharada, Lecturer, ET Department, SCERT Telangana
Mr. B. Ashok Reddy , Faculty, SCERT Telangana
627 08 July 2022 Cyber Hygiene practices for online learning Ms. Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee, Shaheed Rajpal DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar
626 07 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Madhavan V., Nirmala High School, Kabanigiri, Distt-Wayanad, Pulpally, Kerala
625 06 July 2022 Ensuring Cyber Security in Schools Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
624 05 July 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mohd. Shahid Ansari, Government Higher Secondary School, Khirsadoh, Distt – Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
623 01 July 2022 Cyber Safety in light of NEP 2020 Shri. Ch A S Murty, Associate Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad & National coordinator – ISEA PMU
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
622 30 June 2022 National ICT Awards - What? Why? How? Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
621 29 June 2022 SimPHY: A Physics Simulation Software Mr. Sumit Gupta, CPO, Sampy Softwares Private Limited, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Mr. Hitendra Singh, CMO, SimPHY Softwares Private Limited, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Ms. Shraddha Singh, COO, SimPHY Softwares Private Limited, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
620 28 June 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mrs. Suma Paul, Principal, Assisi Vidyaniketan Public School, Kakkanad, Kochi
619 27 June 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Sikkim Ms. Anugrah E Rai, Joint Director, Secondary School Education, Education Department, SCERT Sikkim
Mr. Rajiv Philip, Head, Department of Mathematics and ICT, SCERT Sikkim
618 24 June 2022 Development of Digital Games using Scratch Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Farhana Begum, Principal Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
617 23 June 2022 Development of Digital Games using Lumi Ms. Sushumna Rao Tadinada, Ed-Tech trainer - Mentor, Learning Management System Ethiraj College for Women
616 22 June 2022 Exploring Digital Games for Learning Ms. Nutan Bharati, Associate Professor & Consultant, eLearning Laughing Tree Learning Network
615 21 June 2022 Use of Digital Games in Teaching, Learning and Assessment Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
614 20 June 2022 Game Based Learning - Policy Perspectives, Need and Scope Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. R C Sharma, Associate Professor, Ambedkar University, New Delhi
Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
613 17 June 2022 Dos and Dont's of Financial Crimes Sh. Sinku Sharan Singh, Deputy Commandant, I4C
Dr. Deepak Kumar, Senior Cyber Intelligence, I4C
612 16 June 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Haryana Mr. Manoj Kaushik, Head, Educational Technology Department, SCERT Haryana, Gurgaon
Dr. Ruchika Rani, Sub. Specialist, Educational Technology Department, SCERT Haryana, Gurgaon
611 16 June 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. V. Lazar Ramesh, PGT (Computer Science), O.P.R Government Higher Secondary School, Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu
610 15 June 2022 Game-based learning through Bamboozle Dr. Varun Ashokan, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
609 14 June 2022 National ICT Awards: An Introduction (Hindi) Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
Ms. Neeti Kumari, Project Manager, DIKSHA
608 13 June 2022 National ICT Awards - What? Why? How? Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
607 10 June 2022 Emerging Frauds & Safe Practices in Banking Sh. Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Commandant, I4C Dr. Deepak Kumar, Digital Forensics Professional
606 09 June 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ramachandra G Deshpande, TGT (Social Science), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Haveri, Karnataka
605 08 June 2022 Create interactive videos using PlayPosit Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
604 07 June 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Ravindra Shahaji Bhapkar, Primary Teacher, Zilla Parishad Primary School, Saradwadi, Jamkhed, Maharashtra
603 06 June 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Punjab Dr. Maninder S. Sarkaria, Director, SCERT Punjab
Mr. Nitin Sharma, State Lead, Central Square Foundation
Mr. Sanjay Sharma, PMU Lead, Sanjhi Sikhiya
602 03 June 2022 Financial Frauds by misusing Social Media Platforms Dr. Deepak Kumar, Cyber Threat Intelligence Professional
Sh. Kandle Goutham Kumar, Deputy Commandant (I4C)
601 02 June 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Anni Kumar, Vikas Bharati Public School, North West Delhi, Delhi
600 01 June 2022 Live Interaction on Financial Safety in Cyberspace Sh. Kandle Goutham Kumar, Deputy Commandant (I4C)
Sh. Rushi Mehta, Cyber Security and Fintech Risk Professional
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
599 31 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Sunil Gangaram Aloorkar, Assistant Teacher, Z.P.P.S. Mungashi, Nanded, Maharashtra
598 30 May 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Puducherry Mr. S. Rajkumar, Faculty, State Training Centre, Puducherry
597 27 May 2022 Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning of Social Sciences Dr. Nidhi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
596 26 May 2022 Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning of English Dr. Shruti Tripathi, Assistant Professor, RIE, Bhopal
595 25 May 2022 Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning of Science Dr. Anand Arya, Associate Professor, RIE, Ajmer
594 24 May 2022 Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics Dr. Madhu B, Assistant Professor, RIE, Mysore
593 23 May 2022 Digital Tools for Specific Subjects: Concept, Need and Significance Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director, IT for Change
Dr. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
592 20 May 2022 Mobile based Social Engineering Attacks Mr. Sunil Kumar P, Project Leader, E-Sec, C-DAC, Hyderabad
591 19 May 2022 National ICT Awards - What? Why? How? Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET-NCERT
590 18 May 2022 Create Interactive Video Lessons using TED-Ed Mr. Rajesh Kouluri, Secondary Grade Teacher, MPUP School, Gurla, Andhra Pradesh
589 17 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. M.S. Kumar Swamy, TGT (Mathematics), Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli, Hyderabad
588 13 May 2022 Profiling the Target for Social Engineering Attacks Mr. Ajith M, Project Engineer, C-DAC, Hyderabad
587 12 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. G. Selvakumar, Secondary Grade Teacher, Panchayat Union Primary School, Thirupputkuzhi, Distt. Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu
586 11 May 2022 Creating Online Puzzles using Dr. Sayyada Aiman Hashmi, PGT of English, KV Pragati Vihar, New Delhi
585 10 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Sh. Lovkesh Singh Vermani, The Punjab Public School, Nabha, Near Patiala Gate, Punjab
584 09 May 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Mizoram Dr. Alice Lalchhandami Fanai, Joint Director, SCERT, Mizoram
Ms. Lalrinpuii, Deputy Director, SCERT, Mizoram
Dr. C. Lalrozami, Programme Co-ordinator, SCERT, Mizoram
583 08 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT (Biology), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
582 06 May 2022 Phishing, Vishing & Smishing: Concept & Safety Concerns Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
581 05 May 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Meghalaya Shri. Ashim Dey, Assistant Teacher, Shillong Jail Road Boy's Higher Secondary School, Meghalaya
Smt. Alienor Michelle Lyngwa, Assistant Lecturer, Mairang Presbyterian Higher Secondary School, Meghalaya
580 05 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. G. Selvakumar, Secondary Grade Teacher, Panchayat Union Primary School, Thirupputkuzhi, Distt. Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu
579 04 May 2022 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Panel Discussion on Social Engineering Attack Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Associate Director, C-DAC Bangalore
Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dean, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
578 03 May 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. Santosh Kumar Bisen, PGT (Biology), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh
577 02 May 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Meghalaya Shri. Ashim Dey, Assistant Teacher, Shillong Jail Road Boy's Higher Secondary School, Meghalaya
Smt. Alienor Michelle Lyngwa, Assistant Lecturer, Mairang Presbyterian Higher Secondary School, Meghalaya
576 29 April 2022 Identifying and Contributing Quality OERs Dr. Barnali Roy Choudhury, Assistant Professor L&ISc, Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
575 28 April 2022 Harnessing OER for achieving Educational goals Prof. E. Ramganesh, Director, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Career Development & DDU Kaushal Kendra, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
574 27 April 2022 Creative Commons Licenses for Open Educational Resources (OER) Prof. Mostafa Azad Kamal, Treasurer & Dean, School of Business, Bangladesh Open University (BOU), Bangladesh
573 26 April 2022 OERs - Concept, Need and Scope Dr Mary Vineetha Thomas, Assistant Professor at Department of Education, Central University of Kerala
572 25 April 2022 Open Educational Resources (OERs): Policy Perspectives Prof. Madhu Parhar, Director, CEMCA-COL
Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
571 22 April 2022 Mental Health and CyberTools Dr. Smita N. Deshpande, Professor of Psychiatry, St John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru
570 21 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Smt. Gulzar Ibrahim Dambal, Assistant Science Teacher, Karnataka Public School, Thyamagondlu, NelamangalaTaluk, Bangalore Rural district
569 20 April 2022 Blooket: Learning through Games Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
568 19 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Pratima Nayak, KVS, Fort William, Kolkata, West Bengal
567 18 April 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Manipur Ms. M. Indira Devi, Principal, DIET Senapati
Dr. Tinkhoneng, Lecturer, DIET Chandel
566 15 April 2022 Digital Detox - Overcoming Technology Addiction Ms. Nisha Dua, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
565 14 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Ms. Harminder Kaur Suri, Headmaster, Kendriya Vidyalaya Dappar, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab
564 13 April 2022 Create Interactive Learning Experiences using CurrikiStudio Mr. Rajesh Kouluri, Secondary Grade Teacher, MPUP School, Gurla, Andhra Pradesh
563 12 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Teacher Mr. S. Simon Peeter Paul, Primary School Teacher, Govt. Primary School, Pangur, Palli Thennal Post, Puducherry
562 11 April 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Maharashtra Shri. Vikas Garad, Deputy Director, SCERT Maharashtra, Pune
561 08 April 2022 Screen Time: Impact and Management Ashwini Tadpatrikar, Ph.D. Scholar, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS), Bangalore
560 07 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mrs. D. Kavita, Retired Principal, GSSS Marjeevi, Chittaurgarh, Rajasthan
559 06 April 2022 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in the era of Cyberspace Dr. Sushmita Chakraborty, Assistant Professor,DEPFE, NCERT, Delhi
Ms. Shweta Lakhera, Manodarpan Cell, NCERT, Delhi
558 06 April 2022 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Mental and Emotional Wellbeing in the era of Cyberspace Mr. Ateet Bhatt, PGT Computer Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya No 1, Faridabad
Dr. Preeti Raina, TGT Mathematics, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector 24, Noida
557 05 April 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Purandas Amardas Gondaliya, Teacher, Shree Dharmpur Primary School, Dharmpur, Taluk&Distt- Porbandar, Gujarat
556 04 April 2022 Digital Resources for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
555 01 April 2022 Cyber Safety and Security Initiatives by CIET-NCERT Prof. Indu Kumar, Professor, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
554 31 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Narender Singh Jambal, Principal, GSSS Khuhan, Siraj - 2, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
553 30 March 2022 Poll Everywhere Dr. Sayyada Aiman Hashmi, PGT of English,KV Andrews Ganj, New Delhi
552 29 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Rachael Irani, Teacher and Head - PR and Events, Lilavatibai Podar High School, Saraswati Road, Santa Cruz (West), Mumbai
551 28 March 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Madhya Pradesh Dr. Ashok Kumar Pareek, Deputy Director, SCERT, Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Bhopal
Dr. Subodh Sazena, Assistant Director, SCERT, Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Bhopal
550 25 March 2022 Safety and Security Concerns Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
549 24 March 2022 Bridging Divide through DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
Mr. Arvind Gupta, Program Lead, NCERT PMU
Dr. Suniti Sanwal, Head & Professor, Department of Elementary Education, NCERT
548 23 March 2022 Accessing Digital Resources on DIKSHA Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
Mr. Arvind Gupta, Program Lead, NCERT PMU
547 22 March 2022 Digital Resources on DIKSHA for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Prachi Sharma, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
546 21 March 2022 DIKSHA : Policy Perspectives and Scope in Education Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
545 17 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Benny Varghese, Post Graduate Teacher (Mathematics), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Vadavathur, Kottayam District, Kerala
544 16 March 2022 Interactive Learning through Flippity Dr. Meenakshi Narula, Principal, Shemford Futuristic K-12 School, Auraiya, UP
543 15 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Prashantha. G, Assistant Teacher, Govt Higher Primary School, Bidadi, Ramanagara Taluk and Dist
542 14 March 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Ladakh Mr. Rinchan Sharap, State Technical Coordinator, DIET Leh-Ladakh
Ms. Tsering Yangdol, HOD, DIET Leh-Ladakh
541 11 March 2022 Blogging and Blog Security Mr. Ajith M, Project Engineer, C-DAC Hyderabad
540 10 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Kaustubh Chandra Joshi, Principal, S.K.S.G.I.C., Pattharkhani, P.O. - Bilai, Block-Munakot, Dist. - Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand – 262520
539 09 March 2022 Interactive Presentations using Slido Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
538 08 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Murlidhar Shingri, National ICT Awardee 2016, Assistant Science Master, Govt High School, Koppal, Karnataka
537 07 March 2022 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Kerala Mr. Renjith Subhash, Research Officer in Vocational Education and Career guidance, SCERT Kerala
536 03 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Raj Kumar Arya, Lecturer in History, Govt Senior Secondary School Kot, Distt. Panchkula, Haryana
535 02 March 2022 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - CyberPeace Corps and Ambassadros Maj. Vineet Kumar, Founder and President, CyberPeace Foundation
534 01 March 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Syamkrishna M. S., Head of ICT Department, Post Graduate Teacher - Engineering Graphics, Shantiniketan Indian School, Doha, Qatar
533 28 February 2022 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Karnataka Sh. Suryaprakash Murthy. V., Deputy Director, DSERT, Bangalore, Karnataka
532 25 February 2022 Cyber Safety - Connect with Care Dr Rakshit Tandon, Head Training’s CyberPeace Foundation, Director HackerShala
531 24 February 2022 Integration of YouTube in Education Dr. Alka Singh, Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
530 23 February 2022 Integration of Twitter in Education Ms. Manu Gulati, Mentor Teacher, T.G.T. (English), Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi
529 22 February 2022 Integration of Facebook in Education Dr. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
528 21 February 2022 Social Media - Can they support learning? Prof. R C Sharma, Associate Professor, Ambedkar University, New Delhi
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor, RIE Bhopal
Dr. Gaurav Singh, Assistant Professor, IGNOU, New Delhi
527 18 February 2022 System Security and Safe Downloads Sanjay Adiwal, Joint Director, C-DAC Bangalore
526 17 February 2022 Let's explore Whiteboard.fi (Hindi) Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
525 16 February 2022 Creating Interactive Content with H5P Ms. Sushumna Rao Tadinada, Ed-Tech trainer - Mentor, Learning Management System Ethiraj College for Women
524 15 February 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Imran Khan, National ICT Awardee, Teacher, Govt. Varisth Upadhyay Sanskrit School, Alwar, Rajasthan
523 14 February 2022 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Ms. Piya Thakur, Joint Commissioner (Academic), Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
522 11 February 2022 Remote Learning Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
521 10 February 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. Rakesh Kumar Chandrakant Patel
520 09 February 2022 Explore App. Diagram Mr. Naveen Gupta, PGT, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
519 08 February 2022 Gaming: Together for a Safer Environment Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
518 07 February 2022 Learning Questt App Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
517 04 February 2022 Internet and Cyber Security Ethics Sanjay Adiwal, Joint Director, C-DAC Bangalore
516 03 February 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee- Neeraj Punia, TGT Chemistry, D.A.V. Public School, Sector - 14, Gurugram
515 02 February 2022 Offences by Children and on Children in the Cyber Space- Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Prof (Dr.) Debarati Halder, Parul Institute of Law, Founder & Honorary managing, Director of Centre for Cyber Victim Counselling
514 01 February 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Suchetha. S.S, Govt High School T.Dasarahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka
513 31 January 2022 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Jammu and Kashmir Dr. Rabia Naseem, Academic Officer, SCERT-J&K
Mr. Sajad Akar Rather, Teacher, BHSS Bomai
512 28 January 2022 LMS: Security & Safety Concerns Dr P Ashkarali, Assistant Professor Govt. Arts and Science College Tanur, Kerala
Dr Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
Dr. Rejaul Karim, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
511 27 January 2022 Activities for Course Enrichment in MOODLE Dr P Ashkarali,Assistant Professor Govt. Arts and Science College Tanur, Kerala
510 26 January 2022 Resources for Course Enrichment in MOODLE Dr A R Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Govt. Victoria College, Palakkad,Kerala
509 25 January 2022 Introduction to MOODLE: Interface, Account Creation & Course Design Dr Biju K,Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
508 24 January 2022 Learning Management System : Policy Perspectives, Concept, Need and Scope Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT Dr Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
507 21 January 2022 Email and Browser Safety Karanpreet Kaur Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division CDAC, Mohali
506 20 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Nagaraju Devanapalli, National ICT Awardee-2017, School Assistant (Bio Science) Govt Upper Primary Sschool, Nawabpet, Medak Distt – Medak, Telangana – 502110
505 19 January 2022 Teach Online with TEACHMINT Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
504 18 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr S. L. Faisal, National ICT Awardee, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pattom Pattom Palace, P.O – Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
503 17 January 2022 NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) - An Integrated Training Program for Teachers and School Heads Dr.Suniti Sanwal, Head & Professor Department of Elementary Education, NCERT Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
502 14 January 2022 Mobile Phone Safety and Security Amol Suroshe, Joint Diractor, CDAC Mumbai
501 13 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Venkatesu kambham ICT awardee 2016, School Assistant (Mathematics), Kadapa Singarappa and sons Zilla Parishad High school Andhra Pradesh
500 12 January 2022 Explore Seesaw Ms. Swati Verma, Core Mentor, PRT North Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi
499 11 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Taruna Mongia, National ICT Awardee, Summer Fields School, Gurugram
498 10 January 2022 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Arunachal Pradesh Shambhu Singh, Assit. Director & DIKSHA State Coordinator Mudang Omo, Lecturer (Science) &NISHTHA State Coordinator
497 07 January 2022 Online Financial Transactions Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Associate Director, C-DAC Bangalore
496 06 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Manodhar Kumar Nainwal, GPS Kaljikhal, Post – Kaljikhal, Distt.- Pauri (Garhwal), Uttarakhand – 246143
495 05 January 2022 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Cyber Parenting Maj. Vineet Kumar, Cyber Peace Foundation Shri Purnendu Singh, Director -Operations and Strategy, CyberPeace Foundation
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
494 04 January 2022 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Kabita Kar, National ICT Awardee, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Khordha, Odisha
493 03 January 2022 Digital Initiatives in Education Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
492 31 December 2021 Open Source Software Security – Virtual Labs Mr. Raakesh T. Principal Technical Officer, CDAC Mumbai
491 30 December 2021 Learning Mathematics and English through Online labs (Virtual labs) Ms. Suman Ninoriya Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
490 29 December 2021 Learning Chemistry and biology through Online labs (Virtual labs) Ms. Suman Ninoriya Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
489 28 December 2021 Learning Physics through Online labs (Virtual labs) Ms. Archana Rane, Joint Director CDAC Mumbai
488 27 December 2021 Virtual Labs - Pedagogical & Technology Affordances Dr. Sasikumar M, Executive Director, CDAC, Mumbai
487 24 December 2021 Identity Theft and Online Predators Kajal Kashyap, Project Engineer, CDAC Noida
486 23 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Pradeep Negi, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar. National ICT Awardee
485 22 December 2021 Explore Jamovi Dr. KS Sajan, Faculty, Research Centre in education, NSS Training College Ottapalam, Kerala
484 21 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Rashmi Kathuria, National ICT Awardee, Supervisory Head, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, New Delhi
483 20 December 2021 Concerns of NEP 2020: OER Repository Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
482 17 December 2021 Cyber offences against Children and Women Ms. Simi P, Member ISEA, CDAC, Hyderabad
481 16 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Amit Kumar, PGT (Computer Science) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Shimla (HP)
480 15 December 2021 Explore Grammarly Mr. Parveen Kumar, Educator, Wisdom World School, Kurukshetra, Haryana
479 14 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Sh. P. Karunaidoss, B.T Assistant, Government High School, Naranapuram, Sivakasi Taluk, , Distt – Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu
478 13 December 2021 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Delhi Sh.K.Murugan, Joint Director (IT), Education Department Govt. NCT of Delhi
Sh. Pulkit Rathi, IT Incharge, Education Department Govt. NCT of Delhi
477 10 December 2021 Cyber offences against Children and Women Ms. Simi P, Member ISEA, CDAC, Hyderabad
476 09 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mridu P Saxena, Vice Principal, Sagar Public School, Gandhi Nagar, Bhopal
475 08 December 2021 Create Interactive Quiz using ClassPoint Mr. Naveen Gupta, PGT, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
474 07 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Mriginder Singh, National ICT Awardee, Sainik school, kapurthala, Punjab
473 06 December 2021 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Assam Sanjib Kakoti, Joint Director SCERT, Assam
Raju Baruah, Lecturer, DIET, Jorhat, Assam
472 03 December 2021 Privacy and Cyber Security in the Digital Space Prof (Dr.) Debarati Halder, Parul Institute of Law, Founder & Honorary managing Director of Centre for Cyber Victim Counselling
471 02 December 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
470 01 December 2021 Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Cyber Hygeine Practices Ms. Nisha Dua, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
469 30 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Hari Krishna Arya, National ICT Awardee and Director (Academics), GIS
468 29 November 2021 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Andaman and Nicobar Islands Adal Arasan, Graduate Trained Teacher (Science), Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
S.L.VINJIT, C.I.(Computer Applications), State Institute of Education, Port Blair
467 26 November 2021 Safety Concerns in Online Education Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dean, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee
Ms. Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee
Moderator: Dr Angel Rathnabai
466 25 November 2021 Active and Collaborative Learning Ms. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
465 24 November 2021 Blended Learning Dr. Sonam Bansal RLS College Of Education, Sidhrawali, Haryana
464 23 November 2021 Flipped Learning Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
463 22 November 2021 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Chandigarh Mrs. Pooja Sharma, Lecturer, SCERT UT Chandigarh
Dr. Deepika Gupta, Assistant Professor, SCERT UT Chandigarh
462 19 November 2021 Social Engineering and Cyber Security Threats Dr. Sunil B. Mane, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering Pune
461 18 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Alpa Nigam, National ICT Awardee 2016, Head Teacher, Primary School Tilauli, Gorakhpur
460 17 November 2021 Creating Animations Using Biteable Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee
459 16 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Jainus Jacob, National ICT Awardee 2010, KV Thrissur, Kerala
458 15 November 2021 MOOCS on SWAYAM for School Education Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
457 12 November 2021 Online Gaming Safety and password Management Karanpreet Kaur, Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division, CDAC, Mohali
456 11 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. S Dilip, National ICT Awardee, Tamil Nadu
455 10 November 2021 Explore Educational Games using Educaplay Ms. Sonia Wadhwa, HOD (ICT), Head of Technology Integration, Nirmal Bhartia School, Dwarka, New Delhi
454 09 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. Om Prakash Patidar, National ICT Awardee, Senior Teacher Government Higher Secondary School, Berchha Mandi, Distt – Shahjapur, Madhya Pradesh
453 08 November 2021 Digital Resources for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
452 05 November 2021 Internet Fundamentals: Analysis of Threats and Risks Dr. Sunil B. Mane, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering Pune
451 04 November 2021 NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) - An Integrated Training Program for Teachers and School Heads Dr. Suniti Sanwal, Head & Professor Department of Elementary Education, NCERT
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
450 03 November 2021 Cyber Jagrookta Diwas - Cyber Clubs Mr. Kumar Vikram, Manager - Projects and Designs, CyberPeace Foundation
449 02 November 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Ramya Sriram, National ICT Awardee, Meridian School, Kukatpally, Telangana
448 01 November 2021 Concerns Of NEP 2020: OER Repository Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
447 29 October 2021 Cyber Hygiene practices for online learning Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
446 28 October 2021 Social Engineering Techniques and its Preventive measures Prof. Vallikumari Vatsavayi, Co-Chief Investigator, ISEA Project, MEITY, GoI
445 27 October 2021 Data Security and Digital Footprint Karanpreet Kaur Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division CDAC, Mohali
444 26 October 2021 Ensuring Cyber Security in Schools Ms. Kajal Kashyap, Project Engineer, CDAC Noida
443 25 October 2021 Cyber Safety in lights of NEP 2020 Shri. Ch A S Murty, Associate Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad & National coordinator – ISEA PMU
Dr. Angel Rathnabai, CIET- NCERT
442 22 October 2021 Importance of Data Protection and Online Security Kajal Kashyap, Project Engineer, CDAC Noida
441 21 October 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
440 20 October 2021 Ceating Assessment using oodlu Dr. Deepika Kohli, Assistant Professor, Khalsa College of Education, Amritsar
439 19 October 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School, New Delhi
438 18 October 2021 Digital Initiatives by States/ UTs and Autonomous Organisations- Andhra Pradesh Ch. V.S.Ramesh Kumar, HOD Digital Education SCERT Andhra Pradesh
Mr. Pokuri Srinivasa Rao, DIKSHA coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh
437 15 October 2021 Cyber Pandemic: Looking into Cyber Safety in Post Covid19 Era Dr. Mohammed Misbahuddin, Joint Director at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bangalore
436 14 October 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. M. Vijayakumar, English Graduate Teacher, ICT National Awardee 2015 Tamilnadu
435 13 October 2021 Exploring Fliphtml5 & Flipsnack Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
434 12 October 2021 Journey of National ICT Awardee Mr. S. L. Faisal, National ICT Awardee, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pattom, Pattom Palace, P.O – Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
433 11 October 2021 NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) - An Integrated Training Program for Teachers and School Heads Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
Dr. Suniti Sanwal, Head & Professor Department of Elementary Education, NCERT
432 08 October 2021 Financial Safety and Security in the Cyber World Karanpreet Kaur, Project Engineer, Applied Information Security Division, CDAC, Mohali
431 07 October 2021 ICT Awardee Success story Ms. Pratima Singh, National ICT Awardee, Primary School Dhusah l, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh
430 06 October 2021 Orientation on Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Deepak Virmani, IAS, Deputy Secretary, Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India
Prof. Ranjana Arora, Head, Department of Teacher Education and I/C Head Curriculum Group, NCERT
429 06 October 2021 Orientation on Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas Prof Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
Moderator: Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assitant Professor, CIET-NCERT
428 05 October 2021 Creating Quizz using Quizalize Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee
427 04 October 2021 Evaluating OMR Sheets using Evalbee Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
426 01 October 2021 Social Networking and safety Measures Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
425 30 September 2021 Creating Digital Interactive Notebooks using Slidemania Jainus Jacob, ICT Awardee 2010, KV Thrissur, Kerala
424 29 September 2021 Creating Collaborative works using ideaboardz Dr. Deepika Kohli, Assistant Professor, Khalsa College of Education, Amritsar
423 28 September 2021 Creating Digital content using Blendspace Mamta Narula, PGT(Commerce), DPS Vasant Kunj
422 27 September 2021 Explore Homework App Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
421 24 September 2021 AI in Cyber Security Ashish Adhikari, Principal Program Manager, Microsoft
420 23 September 2021 How does a teacher make use of AI Ms. Meenakshi Uberoi, CEO De Pedagogics and Microsoft Fellow
419 22 September 2021 Artificial Intelligence in Education Dr. Vinnie Jauhari, Director Education Advocacy and Skills Lead
418 21 September 2021 Introduction to Artificial intelligence and its use cases Sandeep Alur, Director, Microsoft Technology Center
417 20 September 2021 Artificial Intelligence for Education: Policy Perspective Prof. Amarendra Behera, Joint Director, CIET - NCERT
Dr. Nagarjuna, Former Prof. at HBCSE, TIFR-Mumbai
Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director, IT for Change
Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
416 17 September 2021 Understanding Internet of things (IOT) Vulnerabilities Ms. Mohini Arora, HOD, Computer Science, AFGJI
415 16 September 2021 Explore Teachermade Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
414 15 September 2021 Creating Quiz using myquiz.org Ravi Raushan Kumar, Teacher, Upgraded Secondary School, Darbhanga, Bihar
413 14 September 2021 Collabrative Learning Using Parlay ideas Mr. Kaushal Sen, TGT Mathematics, Presentation Convent Senior Secondary School, Delhi
412 13 September 2021 Concerns Of NEP 2020: OER Repository Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
411 10 September 2021 Understanding Brushing Scams and ways to Combat Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
410 09 September 2021 Explore Chalk Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
409 08 September 2021 Exploring Voki Dr. Deepika Kohli, Assistant Professor, Khalsa College of Education, Amritsar
408 07 September 2021 Exploring PearDeck Arti Chopra, Principal, Amity International School, Sector-46,Gurgaon
407 06 September 2021 Digital Initiatives in Education Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
406 03 September 2021 Social Engineering Attacks and Security Mr. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
405 02 September 2021 Create online collaborations with PBworks Dr. Sayyada Aiman hashmi, PGT of English, KV Pragati Vihar, New Delhi
404 01 September 2021 Create Podcast using Hubhopper Mr. Parveen Kumar, Educator, Wisdom World School, Kurukshetra, Haryana
403 31 August 2021 Learning through Digital Games: Eduactive8 & Gcompris Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
402 30 August 2021 Explore Telegram as an Educational Tool Vijay Gupta, National ICT Awardee, Govt. High Smart School, Fazilka, Punjab
401 27 August 2021 Understanding Doxing and Ways to Combat Ms. Nisha Dua, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
400 26 August 2021 Finding location using NAVIC Dr. Nidhi Singh, Academic Consultant, CIET, NCERT
399 25 August 2021 Create Worksheets using Wizer M Pavithra, SA Bioscience, ZPHS Gaddipally, Suryapet Dist, Telangana
398 24 August 2021 Creating Assessment using Edcite Pradip Deore, Z.P.School Bokaddare Tal. Niphad Maharashtra
397 23 August 2021 Artificial intelligence for Education Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director, Central Board of Secondary Education of India
396 20 August 2021 Digital Payments Safety for Children and Parents Shri Purnendu Singh, Director -Operations and Strategy, Cyber Peace Foundation
395 19 August 2021 Learning Languages with Duolingo Mr. Tanmay Kulshrestha, Junior Project Fellow, CIET, NCERT
394 18 August 2021 Creating Animations using Animaker Sarika Kaushal, Sr. PGT, Computer Sc. Deptt., DPS R K Puram
393 17 August 2021 Creating stories using Inklewriter Ms. Sonia Wadhwa, HOD (ICT), The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal
392 16 August 2021 Interactive Digital Worksheets - Topworksheets Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
391 13 August 2021 Safety and Security concerns in use and integration of Technology. Implementation of NEP 2020: Way Forward Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, Central Institute of Education Technology, NCERT
Shri. Ch A S Murty, Associate Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad & National coordinator – ISEA PMU
390 13 August 2021 Safety and Security concerns in use and integration of Technology. Implementation of NEP 2020: Way Forward Capt. Vineet Kumar, Founder and Director, Cyber Peace Foundation
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Professor & Coordinator of SHUT Clinic, NIMHANS, Bangalore
389 12 August 2021 Resilience and Coherence in Use of Technology: Reaching the unreached Dr. R. Sreedhar, Former Director, CEMCA
Prof. Mangala Sunder Krishnan, IIT Chennai
Mr. Dipender Manocha President & Founder Managing Trustee Saksham Trust Daisy Forum Of India
388 11 August 2021 Use and Integration of Technology: Tools and Techniques ( Disruptive technologies, AI, Virtual Labs, etc ) Dr. Kaushal Kumar Bhagat, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Dr. Sasikumar M, Executive Director, CDAC, Mumbai
387 11 August 2021 Use and Integration of Technology: Tools and Techniques ( Disruptive technologies, AI, Virtual Labs, etc ) Dr. Chintan Vaishnav, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog
Moderator- Dr. Rejaul Karim, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
386 10 August 2021 Content, Pedagogy and Technology Integration Dr. Jayashree Shinde, Director, Teaching Learning Centre, Dept. of ET, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai
Prof. Indu Kumar, Central Institute of Educational Technology- NCERT
385 10 August 2021 Content, Pedagogy and Technology Integration Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, Central Institute of Education Technology, NCERT
Moderator- Dr. Bharti, Head DICT, Central Institute of Educational Technology- NCERT
384 09 August 2021 Recommendation of NEP 2020: Use and Integration of Technology Sh. Rajnish Kumar, IAS Director, Digital Education Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSE&L), Ministry of Education, Government of India
383 09 August 2021 Recommendation of NEP 2020: Use and Integration of Technology Prof. (Dr) Shahid Rasool Professor & Dean, School of Media Studies, Director, Media and Public Relation Centre Central University of Kashmir Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, Central Institute of Education Technology, NCERT
382 09 August 2021 Recommendation of NEP 2020: Use and Integration of Technology Prof. Ranjana Arora, Head, Department of Teacher Education and I/C Head Curriculum Group, NCERT
Moderator: Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET- NCERT
381 06 August 2021 Cybersecurity in Online Games for Children Dr. Abhilasha Vyas, Senior Manager - Academic Initiatives, CyberPeace Foundation
380 05 August 2021 Get Started with Image Editing with Pixlr Ms. Bhavna Chibber, Vice Principal, Gurugram Global Heights School, Gurugram
379 04 August 2021 Creating Notebook in OneNote Ms. Arti Chopra, Principal, Amity International School, Sector-46, Gurgaon
378 03 August 2021 Creating Interactive Educational games using Educandy Ms. Anni Kumar, PGT Computer Science, Vikas Bharati Public School, Delhi
377 02 August 2021 Digital Portfolio with Bulbapp Jainus Jacob, ICT Awardee 2010, KV Thrissur, Kerala
376 30 July 2021 Understanding Digital Hygiene Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma, Professor & Coordinator of SHUT Clinic, NIMHANS, Bangalore
375 29 July 2021 Assessment made easy with Bakpax Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
374 28 July 2021 Explore the Power of Gmail Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
373 27 July 2021 Creating Visual Stories with Adobe Spark Ms. Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale, Assistant Teacher, ZP School, Pimpalgaon, Pune, Maharashtra
372 26 July 2021 Creating Concept Map using VUE (Hindi) Dr. Gulshan Mufeed, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
371 23 July 2021 Social Media crimes and Cyber Law Mr Rahul Verma, Advocate, Legal Consultant of Delhi Police.
370 22 July 2021 Create assessment using Plickers Ms. Bhavna Chibber, Vice Principal, Gurugram Global Heights School, Gurugram
369 21 July 2021 Explore Chemistry with Chemtube3D Dr. Yogendra Kumar Kothari, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Govt. Excellence H.S.School, Madhav Nagar, Ujjain (M.P.)
368 20 July 2021 Explore with augmented-classroom Ms Anni Kumar, PGT Computer Science, Vikas Bharati Public School, Delhi
367 19 July 2021 Creating Assessment using Hot Potatoes (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
366 16 July 2021 Panel Discussion on Developing Game based eContent Dr. Chintan Vaishnav, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog
Dr. Amarendra P Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT
Shri. Ch A S Murty, Associate Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad & National coordinator – ISEA PMU
365 15 July 2021 Creating a animation and Introduction to ATL Game Development Platform Mr. Jitender Kumar, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Supriya Kadam, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
364 14 July 2021 Controlling the Sprites Mr. Jitender Kumar, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Supriya Kadam, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
363 13 July 2021 Adding Sprites & Behaviors Mr. Jitender Kumar, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Supriya Kadam, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
362 12 July 2021 Introduction to Construct - 2 Mr. Jitender Kumar, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Supriya Kadam, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
361 09 July 2021 Cyber Safety concerns while using digital games Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation Ms. Chithra NJ, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
360 08 July 2021 Developing STEM Animations/Games in Scratch Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Chithra NJ, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
359 07 July 2021 Programming Blocks in Scratch Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Chithra NJ, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
358 06 July 2021 Working with Sprites in Scratch Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Chithra NJ, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
357 05 July 2021 Introduction to Game Based STEM Resources & Getting started with Scratch Mr. Neeraj, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
Ms. Chithra NJ, Lead Consultant, Learning Links Foundation
356 02 July 2021 Online Safety For Children Dr. Abhilasha Vyas, Senior Manager - Academic Initiatives, CyberPeace Foundation
355 01 July 2021 Formative Assessment Apps at spiral.ac Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya Vikaspuri, New Delhi
354 30 June 2021 Creating Interactive Presentation using Sozi (Hindi) Ms. Leena Pravinkumar Jain, TGT for Science & Mathematics, Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir, Borivali
353 29 June 2021 Creating Digital Story using Openshot Video Editor (Hindi) Mr. Tanmay Kulshrestha, Junior Project Fellow, CIET, NCERT
352 28 June 2021 Evaluation in Mathematics using Edulastic (Hindi) Ms. Leena Lakhanpal, HOD Computer Science/IT Head, St. Thomas' School, Dwarka, New Delhi
351 25 June 2021 Basics of Online Safety Ms. Janice Verghese, Manager, Communications and Training , Cyber peace foundation
350 24 June 2021 PM eVidya: A step forward in digital education Dr. Nidhi Singh, Academic Consultant , CIET-NCERT
349 23 June 2021 Explore Whiteboard.fi Ms. Rekha Choudhary, TGT Science, KVS, Vikaspuri, New Delhi
348 22 June 2021 WhatsApp for Teaching Learning Ms. Swati Verma, Core Mentor, PRT North Delhi Municipal Corporation, New Delhi
347 21 June 2021 Creating Concept Map using Cmap (Hindi) Ms. Bhavna Chibber, Vice Principal, Gurugram Global Heights School, Gurugram
346 18 June 2021 Promoting Cyber safety in online classroom Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
345 17 June 2021 Explore Bhuvan (Hindi) Dr. Arpita Panda, , Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
344 16 June 2021 Explore Erudex: Offline to Online Mr. Srinivasraj, PGT English, Telangana
343 15 June 2021 Developing Mobile Apps (Hindi) Mr. Imran Khan, Teacher & App Developer National ICT Awardee, Govt. Varisth Upadhyay Sanskrit School, Alwar, Rajasthan
342 14 June 2021 Recording a video lesson and presentation in Prezi Ms. Leena Lakhanpal, HOD Computer Science/IT Head, St. Thomas' School, Dwarka, New Delhi
341 11 June 2021 Types of Cyber Crime Mr Rahul Verma, Advocate, Legal Consultant of Delhi Police.
340 10 June 2021 Creating Digital Story using VideoPad Mr. Rohit Sharma, Lecture, DIET Daman (DNH&DD)
339 09 June 2021 Engage and Interact the learners with Gimkit Mr. K.Thangavel, Assistant Professor of Education, Thiagarajar College of Preceptors, (Govt. Aided) Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
338 08 June 2021 Creating Assessment using Quizlet (Hindi) Ms. Bhavi Ahuja, Primary Teacher, Bluebells School International, New Delhi
337 07 June 2021 Creating Posters and Newsletters with Microsoft Publisher Prof. Ganesh Channa, ITT Incharge, Solapur Branch of WIRC of ICAI, Maharashtra.
336 04 June 2021 Safe Practices while using Mobile Phones Mr. M K Chaithanya, Joint Direct, C-DAC
335 03 June 2021 Creating Quiz using Quizizz (Hindi) Ms. Taruna Mongia, ICT Awardee, Indraprastha International School, New Delhi
334 02 June 2021 Create digital story using Story Weaver (Hindi) Ms. S. Chandana, Govt. High School, Gajwel, Dist: Siddipet, Telangana
333 01 June 2021 Dynamic Mathematics using Geogebra - 3D (Hindi) Ms. Vandana Gupta, HOD Computer Science, S D Public School, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
332 31 May 2021 Learner Collaboration through Google Drawing and Jamboard (Hindi) Ms. Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale, Assistant Teacher, ZP School, Pimpalgaon, Pune, Maharashtra
331 28 May 2021 Creating Quiz using Kahoot (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
330 27 May 2021 Building community for Remote Learning on ClassDojo (Hindi) Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee, Atomic Energy Central School No.3, Tarapur
329 26 May 2021 Explore H5P tool - Course Presentation (Hindi) Mr. Pradeep Negi, National ICT Awardee, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar.
328 25 May 2021 Creating Animation using Wick Editor (Hindi) Neeru Mittal, PGT, SRDAV Public School, Delhi
327 24 May 2021 Screencast-o- Matic :A Tool for Creating Educational video Dr Ramesh Sharma, Lecturer, GSSS Kandraur, Bilaspur HP
326 21 May 2021 Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment using Classkick (Hindi) Dr. Pratibha Kohli, Principal, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Delhi
325 20 May 2021 Interactive Mathematics using Online GeoBoard Ms. Rashmi kathuria, National ICT Awardee, Supervisory Head, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, New Delhi
324 19 May 2021 Educational eContent: Concept & Forms Prof. Indu Kumar, CIET-NCERT
323 18 May 2021 Graspable Math with Geogebra (Hindi) Vandana Gupta, HOD Computer Science, S D Public School, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi
322 17 May 2021 Animation with Opentoonz (Hindi) P.Jagadeeshwar Reddy, Secondary grade teacher, MPPS Veerashettipally, Mahabubnagar, Telangana
321 14 May 2021 Learing with https://gurushala.co Mr. Pradeep Negi, National ICT Awardee, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar.
320 13 May 2021 Creating Interactive Slide Presentation (Hindi) Ms. Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
319 12 May 2021 Creating interactive worksheets using Liveworksheets (Hindi) Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee
318 11 May 2021 Online Assessment tool: thatquiz.org (Hindi) Meenu Kumar, PGT Computer Science, Venkateshwar International School
317 10 May 2021 Creating Animation using Synfig Studio (Hindi) Ms. Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee, Shaheed Rajpal DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar
316 07 May 2021 Creating Interactive games Using learningapps.org (Hindi) Ms. Chiluka Umarani, National ICT Awardee, Government Primary School, lalaguda No., Hyderabad, Telangana
315 06 May 2021 Creating Infographic Using Piktochart (Hindi) Mr. Amit Kumar, National ICT Awardee
314 05 May 2021 Active Presenter (Hindi) Mr. Pradeep Negi, National ICT Awardee, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar.
313 04 May 2021 Collaboration in Digital spaces using Wakelet Ms. Sonia Wadhwa,HOD (ICT), The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal
312 03 May 2021 Creating Interactive Content using Genially (Hindi) Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
311 30 April 2021 Creating Digital Lessons using Tes Teach (Hindi) Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee
310 29 April 2021 Creating Mind Map using InfoRapid Knowledge base Builder (HIndi) Mrinal Nandkishor Ganjale, Assistant Teacher, ZP School, Pimpalgaon, Pune, Maharashtra
309 28 April 2021 Creating Blog using WordPress (Hindi) Sunil Gangaram Aloorkar, National ICT Awardee, Z.P.P.S Mungashi, Maharashtra
308 27 April 2021 Dynamic Mathematics using Geogebra - 2D (Hindi) Ms. Rashmi kathuria, National ICT Awardee, Supervisory Head, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, New Delhi
307 26 April 2021 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA (Hindi) Hari Krishna Arya, National ICT Awardee and Director (Academics), GIS
306 23 April 2021 Creating Educational Videos using Loom (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
305 22 April 2021 Collaboration through Padlet (Hindi) Ms. V Padma Priya, School Assistant-Mathematics, Government Nehru Memorial High School, Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana
304 21 April 2021 Creating Graphics using Autodesk SketchBook (Hindi) Mr. Pradeep Negi, National ICT Awardee, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar.
303 20 April 2021 Creating Website using Google Sites (Hindi) Ms. Chiluka Umarani, National ICT Awardee, Government Primary School, lalaguda No., Hyderabad, Telangana
302 19 April 2021 Amplifying Student Voice with Flipgrid (Hindi) Ms. Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
301 16 April 2021 Creating Audio Resource using Audacity (Hindi) Mr. Mriginder Singh, National ICT Awardee, Sainik school, kapurthala, Punjab
300 15 April 2021 Google Forms: A tool for generating custom e-certificates (Hindi) Dr. Sarwesh Pareek, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyashram, Jaipur
299 14 April 2021 Creating Online Charts using Meta-Chart.com (Hindi) Mr. Pradeep Negi, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar. National ICT Awardee
298 13 April 2021 Practice maths with freemathapp.org (Hindi) Jai Ram, Senior Teacher, Department of Education, Rajasthan
297 12 April 2021 Web Tools for Teaching English (Hindi) Tanisha Yadav, Academic Consultant, CIET, NCERT
296 09 April 2021 Creating and Consuming Courses on DIKSHA Rakesh Thakar, DIKSHA PMU Team- Supporting states on Teacher Courses
295 08 April 2021 Creating and contributing digital activities through Vidyadaan Aishwarya Nigam, DIKSHA PMU Team- Supporting states on Vidyadaan
294 07 April 2021 Creating and contributing eContent through Vidyadaan Aishwarya Nigam, DIKSHA PMU Team- Supporting states on Vidyadaan
293 06 April 2021 Accessing eContent in DIKSHA Rishika Taneja, DIKSHA PMU Team- Supporting states on DIKSHA adoption
292 05 April 2021 DIKSHA- A digital platform for education Chinmay Chaitanya, DIKSHA PMU Team- Supporting states on DIKSHA adoption
291 02 April 2021 Kami as Online Assessment Tool (Hindi) Rohit Tomar, Assistant Physics Teacher, Omkar Cambridge International School, Mumbai
290 01 April 2021 Using TeamLink for live classes (Hindi) Dr.Gulshan Mufeed, Assitant Proffesor, CIET- NCERT
289 31 March 2021 Creating Educational Gif using ezgif.com and Powerpoint (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
288 30 March 2021 Illumination: Isometric Drawing Tool (Hindi) Ms. Rashmi kathuria, National ICT Awardee, Supervisory Head, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, New Delhi
287 26 March 2021 24x7 Classroom: Google Classroom Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
286 25 March 2021 Assessment for Learning with Google Forms Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
285 24 March 2021 Power of Google Slides: Presentation and more Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
284 23 March 2021 Create and Collaborate with Google Docs Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
283 22 March 2021 Getting Started with Google Workspace for Education Ms. Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
282 19 March 2021 Explore Google Earth (Hindi) Dr. Karar Ahmad, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
281 18 March 2021 Visual Collaboration using Concept Board (Hindi) Dr. Jyoti Saini, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
280 17 March 2021 An augmentative inquiry through flowchart (diagrams.net) Dr Giri Rahula, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
279 16 March 2021 Exploring with AR (Hindi) Dr. Bichitra Choudhuri, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
278 15 March 2021 Creating Assessment using PaperShala (Hindi) Dr Amar Srivastava, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department DAV (PG) College, Kanpur
277 12 March 2021 OLABS, Online Laboratory - An Introduction (Hindi) ओलैब्स , ऑनलाइन प्रयोगशाला - एक परिचय Mr. Vaibhav Singh , Project Engineer CDAC Mumbai
Ms. Suman Ninoriya Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
276 11 March 2021 Learning Biology through Online Labs Ms. Suman Ninoriya Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai Ms, Priyanka Monde, Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
275 10 March 2021 Learning Maths through Online Labs Mr. Vaibhav Singh Project Engineer CDAC Mumbai
Mr. Prashant Chaubey, Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
274 09 March 2021 Learning Chemistry through Online Labs Ms. Archana Rane, Joint Director CDAC Mumbai
Ms. Suman Ninoriya, Project Engineer, CDAC Mumbai
273 08 March 2021 Learning Physics through Online Labs. Dr. M. Sasikumar Executive Director CDAC Mumbai
Mr. Vaibhav Singh Project Engineer CDAC Mumbai
272 05 March 2021 Jitsi : An Open Source Software For Video Conferencing (hindi) Dr. Mehraj Ali, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
271 04 March 2021 Learning through Twitter (Hindi) Dr. Arpita Panda, , Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
270 03 March 2021 Epathshala Apps for Education (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
269 02 March 2021 Online Assessment using ProProfs Quiz Maker (Hindi) Ms. Taruna Mongia, ICT Awardee, Indraprastha International School, New Delhi
268 01 March 2021 Creating interactive Games using learningapps.org (Hindi) Dr. Sarwesh Pareek, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyashram, Jaipur
267 26 February 2021 Discussion- Cyber स्वास्थ्य - A Discussion on Digital Wellbeing and Cyber Hygiene Dr. Abhilasha Vyas, Consultant , CyberPeace Foundation,
Ms. Anindita Mishra, Mission CyberSafety
Prof. Gowramma I.P, HOD, Dept of education, RIE, Bhubaneswar
266 25 February 2021 Cyber Ergonomics and Wellbeing Dr. Rajesh Sagar , Professor of Psychiatry , AIIMS, New Delhi
265 24 February 2021 Emotional Wellbeing in Digital Space Ms. Ruma Purkayastha , Wellbeing Coach, Educationist and Trainer
264 23 February 2021 Digital Wellbeing for better Mental Health Dr. Sujatha D. Sharma, Clinical Psychologist, Founder and Director Mind Specialists and Better Minds
263 22 February 2021 Cyber Hygiene - Benefits and Best Practices Ms. Nisha Dua, Senior Consultant, CyberPeace Foundation
262 19 February 2021 Internet Addiction Dr Thamilselvan P, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
261 18 February 2021 Phishing Mr. M. Vijayakumar, National ICT Awardee
260 17 February 2021 Internet trolling Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
259 16 February 2021 WhatsApp Safety and security Ms. Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
258 15 February 2021 E-waste management and Role of Schools on e-waste management Priyanka Porwal, Consultant, Frametrics consulting Pvt. ltd
257 12 February 2021 Facebook Safety and security Ms. Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee, Shaheed Rajpal DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar
256 11 February 2021 Digital Resilience : Healthy use of Cyberspace Dr. Thamilselvan P, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, PSG College of Arts and Science, Tamil Nadu
255 10 February 2021 Cyberbullying & Safety Dr. Anjuman Bains, Counselling Psychologist
254 09 February 2021 Panel Discussion on Cyber safety and security Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT, Prof. Amarendra P. Behera, Joint Director, CIET-NCERT, Smt. P R Lakshmi Eswari, Director , C-DAC, Hyderabad, Shri. Ch A S Murty, Associate Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad & National coordinator – ISEA PMU
253 08 February 2021 Cyber Parenting Nisha Dua , Mentor and Coach, Cyber safety & Security, Cyber peace Foundation
252 05 February 2021 Protecting Privacy in cyber space Dr. Karnika Seth, Cyberlaw expert &Advocate, Supreme Court of India
251 04 February 2021 Desktop Security and Secure usage of the YouTube B.Tyeb Naushad, Senior Technical Officer, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
250 03 February 2021 Secure way of using Smartphones and Safety on Social Media M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, ISEA, Centre For Development of Advanced Computing
249 02 February 2021 Browser Safely , Responsible Online Behavior and Protecting Online Account Dr. Neha Bajpai, Principal Technical Officer, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)
248 01 February 2021 Don't Fall for Scams, Protecting your Online Reputation Chetan Soni, Project Engineer , C-DAC, Mohali
247 29 January 2021 Social Media for Education (Hindi) Ms. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
246 28 January 2021 Exploring and creating crossword puzzle using Crossword Labs Varun Ashokan, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
245 27 January 2021 Creating Assessment using Socrative (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
244 25 January 2021 Explore Chemistry with Kalzium (Hindi) Dr. Pratibha Kohli, Principal, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Delhi
243 22 January 2021 Creating activities in MOODLE (Hindi) Ms. Surbhi, ICT Consultant, CIET, NCERT
242 21 January 2021 Creating 360 Degree Virtual Tour using H5P Dr. Yash Paul Sharma, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
241 20 January 2021 Video Conferencing through Webex Dr. Suresh Isave, Associate Professor, Tilak College of Education, Pune
240 19 January 2021 Basics of Creating Audio Resources Mr. Ajit Kumar Horo, Retired Audio Radio Producer - grade I, CIET-NCERT
239 18 January 2021 Creating Quiz using Google Forms (Hindi) Dr. Mehraj Ali, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
238 15 January 2021 Explore Desmos (Hindi) Dr. Jyoti Saini, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
237 14 January 2021 Creating Presentation using Prezi (Hindi) Dr. Amit Kagra, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
236 13 January 2021 Creating Stop Motion Animation (Hindi) Dr. Prachi Sharma, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
235 12 January 2021 Creation and Presentation using Buncee (Hindi) Ms. Pawan Dubey, PGT Computer Science, International Public School, Bhopal
234 11 January 2021 Go-Lab Ecosystem for Online Teaching (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
233 07 January 2021 Explore Google Maps (Hindi) Dr. Arpita Panda, , Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT
232 06 January 2021 Making Mathematical Games using TARSIA (Hindi) Ms. Himani Asija, National ICT Awardee, Delhi Public School, Sec- C, Pkt- 5, VasantKunj, New Delhi
231 05 January 2021 Formative Assessment using Goformative (Hindi) Ms. Sona O K, National ICT Awardee
230 04 January 2021 Explore QGIS (Hindi) Ms. Nidhi Gusain, ICT Consultant, CIET- NCERT
229 01 January 2021 Creating interactive books using Book Creator (Hindi) Kamal Preet, TGT, Dept of Science, Delhi Public School, Banglaore
228 31 December 2020 Robocompass : A Mathematics Construction Tool (Hindi) Mr. Ashutosh Anand, National ICT Awardee
227 30 December 2020 Google Classroom : An online LMS (Hindi) Ms. Sanchita Ghosh, HOD (History), Sanskriti School, New Delhi
226 29 December 2020 Creating Graphics using Canva (Hindi) Ms. Heman, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
225 28 December 2020 Creating Animation using Powtoon (Hindi) Dr. Praveen Kumar T D, Assistant Professor, Vijaya Teachers College, Jayanagar, Bengaluru.
224 25 December 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
223 24 December 2020 Creating Interactive Presentation using Zeetings (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
222 23 December 2020 Creating Mindmaps using Venngage. (Hindi) Ms. Sucharita Mohapatra, Student Teacher, S.N.D.T. College of Education, Pune
221 22 December 2020 Collaborative Wall using LINO (Hindi) Ms. Leena Pravinkumar Jain, Graduate Teacher (Secondary), Madhusudan Global School, Mumbai
220 21 December 2020 Creating mindmap using Mindmeister (Hindi) Dr Sonam Bansal RLS College Of Education, Sidhrawali, Haryana
219 18 December 2020 Creating charts using live.amcharts (Hindi) Dr. Deepa Bisht, Assistant Professor, Sivanthi College of Education, Chennai (Tamilnadu)
218 17 December 2020 Creating Animations using Render Forest (Hindi) Dr. Praveen Kumar T D, Assistant Professor, Vijaya Teachers College, Jayanagar, Bengaluru.
217 16 December 2020 Coggle- A Mind Mapping Tool (Hindi) Dr.Ravi Kumar Kola, School Assistant (English), ZPHS Shaipet, Dharmasagar, Warangal Urban, Telangana
216 15 December 2020 Creating Learning Resource using Smore (Hindi) Ms. Surbhi, ICT Consultant, DICT& TD, CIET, NCERT
215 14 December 2020 Creating course in MOODLE (Hindi) Dr. Ashish Mishra Assistant Professor, Jagat Taran Girls' Degree College, University of Allahabad
214 11 December 2020 Creating Digital Story using Olive (Hindi) Mr. Muralidhar Shingri, National ICT Awardee, Assistant Teacher-Science, Govt High School. Karkihalli, Taluq&Distt-Koppal, Karnataka
213 10 December 2020 Explore JMOL (Hindi) Dr. Deepty Gupta, Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
212 09 December 2020 Creating Interactive using H5P (Hindi) Surbhi, ICT Consultant, CIET, NCERT
211 08 December 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
210 07 December 2020 Interactive Open Board (Hindi) Mr. A.Rajendra Prasad, School Assistant- Mathematics ZPHS Thangad Pally, Telangana
209 04 December 2020 Creating Assessments using Microsoft Forms (Hindi) Ms. Rachita Khurana, PGT- Computer Science, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula, Haryana
208 03 December 2020 Creating Assessment using Testmoz (Hindi) Mr. Pramod Kumar Malik, Lecturer, SCERT Delhi
207 02 December 2020 Assessment through Exam.net (Hindi) Ms. Suman Purohit Das, Principal, The Iconic School, Bishen Khedi, Bhopal
206 01 December 2020 Visualising Maths using KmPlot (Hindi) Mr.Ramesh Badoni, National ICT Awardee, Govt Inter College, Chhabra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
205 30 November 2020 Integrated Notebook using OneNote (Hindi) Ritu Ranjan, HOD CS (PGT CS), Indraprastha World School
204 27 November 2020 Quizzes on WordWall (Hindi) Ms. P. Deepti , HOD (Computer Science), M.L.Khanna DAV Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi
203 26 November 2020 Molecular Workbench- Interactive Simulations for teaching & learning science (Hindi) Ms. Sarita Tejwani, National ICT Awardee, TGT Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ujjain
202 25 November 2020 Creating Presentation using Sway (Hindi) Mr. Kaushal Sen, TGT Mathematics, Presentation Convent Senior Secondary School, Delhi
201 24 November 2020 Explore Chemsketch (Hindi) Ms. Anjali Khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
200 23 November 2020 Explore Physics with Algodoo (Hindi) Mr. Om Prakash Patidar, National ICT Awardee
199 20 November 2020 Explore Science with PhET (Hindi) Ms. Kabita Kar, National ICT Awardee
198 19 November 2020 Creating Animation using Vectorian Giotto Sanjay Lalwani, UDT, State Awardee Teacher, Madhya Pradesh
197 18 November 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Dr. Astha Saxena, Consultant, CIET-NCERT
196 17 November 2020 Explore Marble (Hindi) Dr. Nidhi Singh, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
195 16 November 2020 CK12- A Content Hub (Hindi) Mr. Amaravaju Laxminatham, School Assistant Physical Sciences, Education Department, , ZPHS Indalwai, Indalwai Mandal, Nizamabad, Telangana
194 13 November 2020 Explore Chemistry with Avagadro (Hindi) Dr. Anand Arya, Associate Professor, RIE, Ajmer
193 12 November 2020 Explore Periodic Table using Ptable (Hindi) Leena Pravinkumar Jain, Graduate Teacher (Secondary), Madhusudan Global School, Mumbai
192 11 November 2020 Creating Animated Story using Scratch (Hindi) Shubham Pandey, Lead Consultant (Technology & Innovation), Learning Links Foundation
191 10 November 2020 Creating Mindmap using Popplet (Hindi) Chitra Sehgal, ICT Teacher, Genesis Global School, Noida
190 09 November 2020 Creating Animation using mysimpleshow (Hindi) Dr. Shruti Tripathi, Assistant Professor, RIE, Bhopal
189 06 November 2020 Creating Comic Strip using Pixton (Hindi) Pratima Singh, National ICT Awardee, Primary School Dhusah l, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh
188 05 November 2020 Creating Animations in Slide Presentation (Hindi) Ms. Bhavna Chibber, Vice Principal, Gurugram Global Heights School, Gurugram
187 04 November 2020 Creating Wiki Resources (Hindi) Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor, RIE Bhopal
186 03 November 2020 Creating Interactive Videos with EdPuzzle (Hindi) Mohini Arora, HOD, Computer Science, AFGJI
185 02 November 2020 Creating Quiz using Google Forms (Hindi) Lovkesh Singh Vermani, National ICT Awardee
184 30 October 2020 Creating Video Resource using Flipgrid (Hindi) Amit Kumar, National ICT Awardee
183 29 October 2020 Creating EduPodcasts using Anchor (Hindi) Parveen Kumar, EdTech Expert UniSkills, Kurukshetra, Haryana
182 28 October 2020 Creating Interactive Lesson using Nearpod (Hindi) Sonia Wadhwa,HOD (ICT), The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal
181 27 October 2020 Creating Interactive using Mentimeter (Hindi) Naveen Gupta, PGT, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
180 26 October 2020 OBS Studio: A Tool for Live Streaming and Recording (Hindi) Mr. Rupraj Dey, Graduate Teacher (Science), Adarsh Vidyalaya, Mandia, Assam
179 23 October 2020 Creating Mind map using Freemind (Hindi) Dr. Astha Saxena, Consultant, CIET-NCERT
178 22 October 2020 Creating Video with Slide Presentation Dr. Nidhi Singh, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
177 21 October 2020 Creating Infographic using Easelly (Hindi) Dr. Deepty Gupta, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
176 20 October 2020 Creating Interactives Using Thinglink (Hindi) Ms. Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
175 19 October 2020 Video Development using Kdenlive (Hindi) Nagaraju Devanapalli, School Assistant (Bio-Science), Government High School, Telangana
174 16 October 2020 Learning through Edmodo (Hindi) Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee, Shaheed Rajpal DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar
173 15 October 2020 Online Interactive storytelling using StorymapJS & StorylineJS (Hindi) Raghavendra Rao, National ICT Awardee, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kiltampalem, Andhra-Pradesh
172 14 October 2020 Online Interactive storytelling using TimelineJS (Hindi) Raghavendra Rao, National ICT Awardee, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kiltampalem, Andhra-Pradesh
171 13 October 2020 Classroom Without Boundaries Through skype (Hindi) Neeru Mittal, PGT, SRDAV Public School, Delhi
170 12 October 2020 Google Hangouts Meet for Education (Hindi) Roopali Arora, PGT, Sanskriti School, Delhi
169 09 October 2020 Do More With Slides (Hindi) Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
168 08 October 2020 Going Live on YouTube (Hindi) Ganesh Pai. Founder, Don't Memorise
167 07 October 2020 Open Educational Resources (Hindi) Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Senior Programme Officer, CEMCA
166 06 October 2020 Assistive Technology in Education (Hindi) Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor, RIE Bhopal
165 05 October 2020 Online teaching tool- Big Blue Button Vijaykumar Kanigiri, ZP High school, Jajapur, Telangana
164 02 October 2020 Collaborative e-Classroom via Teams (Hindi) Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, National ICT Awardee, Udgam School for Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,
163 01 October 2020 Organising Digital Resources using Wakelet (Hindi) Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Pitampura Delhi
162 30 September 2020 Getting Started with Google App (Hindi) Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
161 30 September 2020 Getting Started with Google App (Hindi) Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee, Sanskriti School
160 29 September 2020 Canvas - A Learning Management System (Hindi) Dr. Banti Ganguly, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bir Bikram Memorial College, Agartala, Tripura
159 29 September 2020 Canvas - A Learning Management System (Hindi) Dr. Banti Ganguly, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Bir Bikram Memorial College, Agartala, Tripura
158 28 September 2020 Explore Periodic Table using Ptable Leena Pravinkumar Jain, Graduate Teacher (Secondary), Madhusudan Global School, Mumbai
157 28 September 2020 Explore Periodic Table using Ptable Leena Pravinkumar Jain, Graduate Teacher (Secondary), Madhusudan Global School, Mumbai
156 25 September 2020 Creating Educational Gif using ezgif.com and Powerpoint G. Chandiraleka, PST Govt. Primary School, Sorapet, Puducherry
155 25 September 2020 Creating Educational Gif using ezgif.com and Powerpoint G. Chandiraleka, PST Govt. Primary School, Sorapet, Puducherry
154 24 September 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
153 24 September 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
152 23 September 2020 Practise maths with freemathapp.org Jai Ram, Senior Teacher, Department of Education, Rajasthan
151 22 September 2020 Creating interactive books using Book Creator Kamal Preet, TGT, Dept of Science, Delhi Public School, Banglaore
150 21 September 2020 Creating Mindmap using Popplet Chitra Sehgal, ICT Teacher, Genesis Global School, Noida
149 18 September 2020 Creating Animation using Vectorian Giotto Sanjay Lalwani, UDT, State Awardee Teacher, Madhya Pradesh
148 17 September 2020 Creating Assignment and Documents via MATHTYPE Dr. Vandana Bansal, Head of Mathematics Department and Associate Professor
147 15 September 2020 Creating Mind Map using InfoRapid Knowledge base Builder Elavarasan R,Graduate Teacher, Panchayat Union Middle School - Vedapatti, Salem, Tamilnadu.
146 14 September 2020 Creating Graphics using Autodesk SketchBook Pradeep Negi, National ICT Awardee, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar.
145 09 September 2020 Creating mindmap using Mindmeister Dr Sonam Bansal, Assistant Professor, Rao Lal Singh College Of Education, Sidhrawali, Haryana
144 08 September 2020 Creating charts using live.amcharts Dr. Deepa Bisht, Assistant Professor, Sivanthi College of Education, Chennai (Tamilnadu)
143 07 September 2020 Building community for Remote Learning on ClassDojo Manohar S, Panchayat Union Primary School, Velliyanai, Tamilnadu
142 04 September 2020 Creating Animation using Powtoon Dr. Praveen Kumar T D, Assistant Professor, Vijaya Teachers College, Jayanagar, Bengaluru.
141 03 September 2020 Creating Infographic Using Piktochart S. RAJA KUMAR, Assistant Professor of Education Thiagarajar College of Preceptors, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
140 02 September 2020 Exploring with AR Dr. Yash Paul Sharma, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
139 01 September 2020 Coggle- A Mind Mapping Tool Dr.Ravi Kumar Kola, School Assistant- English, ZPHS Shaipet, Dharmasagar, Warangal Urban,Telangana
138 24 August 2020 Creating Interactive Games using Learningapps.org R. Jaganthan, Secondary Grade Teacher, PUMS Ganesapuram, Polur , Tiruvannamalai
137 23 August 2020 Creating Assessment using Quizlet Sunita Singh, PGT Computer Science, G D Goenka Public School, Gurugram
136 22 August 2020 Interactive Open Board A.Rajendra Prasad, School Assistant- Mathematics, ZPHS Thangad Pally, Telangana
135 21 August 2020 Creating Assessments using Microsoft Forms Rachita Khurana, PGT- Computer Science, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Bhavan Vidyalaya, Panchkula, Haryana
134 20 August 2020 Creating Interactive Content using Genially K Manjula, School Assistant-Biology, ZPHS Palasamudram, Anantapur(D), Andhra Pradesh
133 19 August 2020 Creating Assessment using Testmoz Pramod Kumar Malik, Lecturer, SCERT Delhi
132 18 August 2020 Creating Animations using Render Forest Dr. Praveen Kumar T D, Assistant Professor, Vijaya Teachers College, Jayanagar, Bengaluru
131 17 August 2020 Collaborative Wall using LINO Leena Pravinkumar Jain, Graduate Teacher (Secondary), Madhusudan Global School, Mumbai
130 16 August 2020 Creating Digital Lessons using Tes Teach Dr. E.Sujith Gladwin, Graduate Teacher (English), S.N(Junior) Government High School, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu
129 15 August 2020 Evaluation in Mathematics using Edulastic R. Adhikesavan, Post-Graduate Assistant (Mathematics), Government Higher Secondary School, Cuddalore, TamilNadu
128 14 August 2020 Creating Interactive Presentation using Sozi K. Srinivasan, Headmaster Hindu aided primary school, Ambur, Tirupatur TamilNadu
127 13 August 2020 Creating Graphic Organisers using Draw.io Arun Pratap Singh Kushwah, PGT- Computer Science, Kendriya Vidyalaya No- 3 Bhopal
126 12 August 2020 Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment using Classkick Narasimha Murthy H. K., Head- ICT Department, Daffodils English School (KA072), Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru
125 11 August 2020 Creating Online Charts using Meta-Chart.com Pradeep Negi, Lecturer- Economics, Model Government Inter College Bhel Haridwar
124 10 August 2020 Creating Educational Videos using Loom L.Rajeshwari, PGT Computer Science, SNDJA Vivekananda Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School, Chennai
123 09 August 2020 Creation and Presentation using Buncee Pawan Dubey, PGT Computer Science, International Public School, Bhopal
122 08 August 2020 Collaboration through Padlet V Padma Priya, School Assistant-Mathematics,Government Nehru Memorial High School, Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana
121 07 August 2020 Visual Collaboration using Concept Board Vandana M, Research Scholar, NCERT Doctoral Fellow, Department of Education, Bangalore University, Bangalore
120 06 August 2020 Twitter for Teaching and Learning Manu Gulati, National ICT Awardee
119 05 August 2020 OBS Studio: A Tool for Live Streaming and Recording Rupraj Dey, Graduate Teacher (Science), Adarsh Vidyalaya, Mandia, Assam
118 04 August 2020 Assessment through Exam.net Suman Purohit Das, Principal, The Iconic School, Bishen Khedi, Bhopal
117 03 August 2020 Go-Lab Ecosystem for Online Teaching V. Lazar Ramesh, National ICT Awardee
116 02 August 2020 Making Mathematical Games using TARSIA Himani Asija, National ICT Awardee
115 01 August 2020 Visualising Maths using KmPlot Ramesh Badoni, National ICT Awardee
114 31 July 2020 Integrated Notebook using OneNote Ritu Ranjan, HOD (Computer Science), Indraprastha World School, Delhi
113 30 July 2020 Online Assessment tool: thatquiz.org Maram Pavithra, School Assistant Bioscience, ZPHS, Gaddipally, Suryapet, Telangana
112 29 July 2020 Quizzes on WordWall P.Deepti, HOD (Computer Science), M.L.Khanna DAV Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi
111 28 July 2020 Creating Mindmap using Mindomo R.Gopinath, Secondary Grade Teacher, Panchayat Union Primary School, Ondikuppam, Tiruvallur
110 26 July 2020 Creating Presentation using Sway Kaushal Sen, TGT Mathematics, Presentation Convent Senior Secondary School, Delhi
109 26 July 2020 Creating Presentation using Prezi G. Karthikeyan, Secondary Grade Teacher, Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu
108 25 July 2020 Active Presenter Soma Sekhar, Secondary Teacher-Mathematics, Municipal High School, Kadiri, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
107 24 July 2020 Beaker Karunaidoss P, National ICT Awardee
106 23 July 2020 Molecular Workbench- Interactive Simulations for Teaching & Learning Science Sarita Tejwani, National ICT Awardee
105 22 July 2020 Explore Chemsketch Anjali khurana, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
104 21 July 2020 Explore Physics through Vascak Sakthivel Murugan, National ICT Awardee
103 20 July 2020 Explore Physics with Algodoo (Hindi) Om Prakash Patidar, National ICT Awardee
102 19 July 2020 Explore Science with PhET Kabita Kar, National ICT Awardee
101 18 July 2020 Explore Science with Stellarium Shambulingaiah K, National ICT Awardee
100 17 July 2020 Explore Chemistry with Avagadro Dr. Anand Arya, Associate Professor, RIE, Ajmer
99 14 July 2020 Explore Chemistry with Kalzium Dr. Pratibha Kohli, Principal, Maharaja Agrasen Model School, Delhi
98 13 July 2020 Explore JMOL Dr. Deepty Gupta, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
97 12 July 2020 Application of Geogebra in Other Branches Prof Sukesh A, Assistant Professor, Government College of Engineering, Kannur, Kerala
96 11 July 2020 Illumination: Drawing Tool in Mathematics Rashmi kathuria, Supervisory Head, Kulachi Hansraj Model School, New Delhi
95 10 July 2020 Explore Desmos Himanshi Bhatia, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
94 09 July 2020 Robocompass : A Mathematics Construction Tool (Hindi) Ashutosh Anand, National ICT Awardee
93 08 July 2020 Graspable Math with Geogebra S Ganesh, BT Teacher, PUM School, Kilariyam, Tamil Nadu
92 07 July 2020 Dynamic Mathematics using Geogebra - 3D R Ramanujam, PGT, MNKM Govt HSS, Pulapatta, Kerala
91 06 July 2020 Dynamic Mathematics using Geogebra - 2D Madhu B, Assistant Professor, RIE, Mysore
90 05 July 2020 Explore Google Earth Hoshiar Singh Vats, HOD (Social Science), Pragati Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi
89 04 July 2020 Explore Marble Dr. Nidhi Singh, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
88 03 July 2020 Explore QGIS Nidhi Gusain, ICT Consultant, CIET- NCERT
87 02 July 2020 Explore Bhuvan Suryaveer Singh, National ICT Awardee
86 01 July 2020 Explore Google Maps Ms.Chitra S, National ICT Awardee
85 30 June 2020 Creating Animation using Wick Editor Thangaraja M, Secondary grade teacher, PUMS Parappatti, Salem,Tamil Nadu
84 29 June 2020 Creating Animation using Krita Santosh Kumar Bisen, National ICT Awardee
83 28 June 2020 Creation Animation using TupiTube (Hindi) Devkaran Singh, National ICT Awardee
82 27 June 2020 Creating Animation using mysimpleshow Dr. Shruti Tripathi, Assistant Professor, RIE, Bhopal
81 26 June 2020 Creating Animated Story using Scratch Prathibha, Lead Consultant (Technology & Innovation), Learning Links Foundation
80 25 June 2020 Creating Animation using OpenToonz Sureshbabu P P, HST Mathematics, Master Trainer, KITE, Kozhikode, Kerala
79 24 June 2020 Creating Animation using Synfig Studio Nidhin Jose, HST(Master Trainer, KITE), Kottayam, Kerala
78 23 June 2020 Creating Animation using Synfig Studio Nidhin Jose, HST(Master Trainer, KITE), Kottayam, Kerala
77 22 June 2020 Creating Stop Motion Animation S. Simon Peeter Paul, National ICT Awardee
76 21 June 2020 Creating Animations in Slide Presentation Bhavna Chibber, Vice Principal, Gurugram Global Heights School, Gurugram
75 20 June 2020 Creating Glass Screen Video using PowerPoint J Senthil Selvan, Graduate Teacher, Govt Hr. Sec. School, Mangudi, Tamil Nadu
74 19 June 2020 Creating Interactive Videos with Edpuzzle Mohini Arora, HoD (Comp. Sci), Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, New Delhi
73 18 June 2020 Video Conferencing through Webex Dr. Suresh Isave, Associate Professor, Tilak College of Education, Pune
72 17 June 2020 Creating Blog using WordPress S. L. Faizal, National ICT Awardee
71 16 June 2020 Creating Wiki Resources Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor, RIE Bhopal
70 15 June 2020 A step by step guide to setting up Community Radio Ramakrishnan Nagarajan, Executive Director, Ideosync Media Combine, Delhi
69 14 June 2020 Creating Digital Story using Filmora Taruna Mongia, ICT Awardee
68 13 June 2020 Creating Video Resource using Flipgrid Amit Kumar, National ICT Awardee
67 12 June 2020 Creating Digital Story using Openshot Video Editor Bergin G, National ICT Awardee
66 11 June 2020 Basics of Creating Video Resources Prof. Dharam Parkash, Rtd Professor, NCERT
65 10 June 2020 Creating EduPodcasts using Anchor Parveen Kumar, Assistant Professor, MMDU, Mullana, Haryana
64 09 June 2020 Creating Audio Resource using Audacity Mriginder Singh, ICT Awardee, Sainik school, kapurthala, Punjab
63 08 June 2020 Basics of Creating Audio Resources Ajit Kumar Horo, Audio Radio Producer - grade I, CIET-NCERT
62 07 June 2020 Creating Blog using Blogger Lovkesh Singh Vermani, National ICT Awardee
61 05 June 2020 Creating Interactive using Mentimeter Naveen Gupta, PGT, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, New Delhi
60 04 June 2020 Creating Interactive Lesson using Nearpod Sonia Wadhwa,HOD (ICT), The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal
59 03 June 2020 Creating Assessment using PaperShala Amarnath Venkatagiri, TGT, Space Central School, SDSC-ISRO
58 02 June 2020 Creating Assessment using Socrative Dr. Thiyagu K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Kerala
57 01 June 2020 Creating Quiz using Kahoot M. Vijayakumar, National ICT Awardee
56 31 May 2020 Creating Quiz using Google Forms Ajith Kumar C, Assistant Professor, IGNOU
55 30 May 2020 Formative Assessment using Goformative Sona O K, ICT Awardee
54 29 May 2020 Creating Quiz using Quizizz Mohan K R, ICT Awardee
53 28 May 2020 Creating Assessment using Hot Potatoes Dr. Nisha Singh, Deputy Director, Centre for Online Education, IGNOU
52 27 May 2020 Creating 360 Degree Virtual Tour using H5P Dr. Yash Paul Sharma, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
51 26 May 2020 Creating Website using Google Sites Chiluka Umarani, ICT Awardee
50 25 May 2020 Creating Graphics using Canva Heman, ICT Consultant, CIET-NCERT
49 24 May 2020 Creating Mind map using Freemind Dr. Astha Saxena, Consultant, CIET-NCERT
48 23 May 2020 Creating Concept Map using Cmap Dr. Monica Nagpal, Project Associate, CEMCA
47 22 May 2020 Creating Interactive video using H5P Dr. Mohd Mamur Ali, Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
46 21 May 2020 Creating Interactive using H5P - Drag and Drop Surbhi, ICT Consultant, CIET, NCERT
45 20 May 2020 Creating Infographic using Easelly Dr. Deepty Gupta, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
44 19 May 2020 Creating Concept Map using VUE Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
43 19 May 2020 Creating Concept Map using VUE Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu
42 18 May 2020 Creating Interactive Slide Presentation Dr. R. Asir Julius, Assistant Professor, SCERT, Tamil Nadu
41 17 May 2020 Creating Video with Slide Presentation Dr. Nidhi Singh, Assistant Professor, CIET-NCERT
40 16 May 2020 Educational eContent: Concept & Forms Prof. Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
39 15 May 2020 Social Media for Education Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune
38 14 May 2020 Epathshala Apps for Education Dr. Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya, Assistant Professor, CIET- NCERT
37 12 May 2020 Responsible Online Behaviour Janice Verghese, Lead-Training and Content Development, Cyber peace foundation
36 11 May 2020 Safety on Social Media Purnendu Singh, Director , Strategy & Operations, Cyber Peace Foundation
35 10 May 2020 Don't Fall for Scams, Protecting your Online Reputation Lucian Teo, Education and Outreach Manager, Google
34 09 May 2020 Browser Safely and Protecting Online Account Lucian Teo, Education and Outreach Manager, Google
33 08 May 2020 Using YouTube Safely & Securely Akshata Udiaver, Family & Learning Content Partnerships Manager, YouTube
32 07 May 2020 Desktop Security B.Nandeeshwar, Project engineer, C-DAC Hyderabad
31 06 May 2020 Secure way of using Smartphones K Indraveni, Joint Director, C-DAC , Hyderabad
30 05 May 2020 Going Live on YouTube Ganesh Pai. Founder, Don't Memorise
29 04 May 2020 Fighting Misinformation, Disinformation and Fake News Prof. Anubhuti Yadav, Head, Department of New Media, Indian Institute of Mass Communication
28 03 May 2020 Video Development using Kdenlive Nagaraju Devanapalli, Assistant Teacher, Government High School, Telangana
27 02 May 2020 Using Teamlinks for live classes Dr. Gaurav Singh, Assistant Professor, IGNOU, New Delhi
26 01 May 2020 Classroom Without Boundaries Through skype Neeru Mittal, PGT, SRDAV Public School, Delhi
25 30 April 2020 Learning Through Olabs Dr. Sasikumar M, Executive Director, CDAC, Mumbai Archana Rane Sharma, Joint Director, CDAC, Mumbai
24 29 April 2020 metastudio.org: Learning through STEM Projects Prof. Nagarjuna G, Gnowledge lab, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai
23 28 April 2020 Google Hangouts Meet for Education Roopali Arora, PGT, Sanskriti School, Delhi
22 27 April 2020 Jitsi : An Open Source Software For Video Conferencing Dr. Felix Bast, Associate Professor, Central University of Punjab
21 26 April 2020 Collaborative e-Classroom via Teams Krupali Rathin Sanghvi, ICT Awardee
20 25 April 2020 Amplifying Student Voice with Flipgrid Ramya Sriram, National ICT Awardee
19 24 April 2020 Learning through Edmodo Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee
18 23 April 2020 Google Classroom : An online LMS Sanchita Ghosh, HOD (History), Sanskriti School, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
17 22 April 2020 Online Interactive storytelling using StorymapJS & StorylineJS Raghavendra Rao, National ICT Awardee
16 21 April 2020 Online Interactive storytelling using TimelineJS Raghavendra Rao, National ICT Awardee
15 20 April 2020 Creating activities in MOODLE Dr Binu Thomas, Associate Professor, Marian College, Kerala
14 19 April 2020 Creating course in MOODLE Prof. R C Sharma, Professor, Dr Ambedkar University, New Delhi
13 18 April 2020 Assistive Technology in Education Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandagale, Associate Professor, RIE Bhopal
12 17 April 2020 Developing Mobile Apps - II Imran Khan, National ICT Awardee
11 16 April 2020 Developing Mobile Apps - I Imran Khan, National ICT Awardee
10 15 April 2020 OER with special reference to NROER & DIKSHA Prof Indu Kumar, Head, DICT& TD, CIET-NCERT
9 14 April 2020 Open Educational Resources Dr. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Senior Programme Officer, CEMCA
8 13 April 2020 Organising Digital Resources using Wakelet Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee
7 12 April 2020 Presentation of Data - Using Spreadsheets Chanchal Dass, FIE
6 11 April 2020 Learner Collaboration through Google Drawing and Jamboard Dr. Jayashree Shinde, Director, Teaching Learning Centre, Dept. of ET, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai
5 10 April 2020 Web Tools for Teaching English S. Dhilip, National ICT Awardee
4 09 April 2020 Online Assessment using Pro Profs Quiz Maker Suma Paul, National ICT Awardee
3 08 April 2020 Do More with Slides Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee
2 07 April 2020 Getting started with Google Apps Sangeeta Gulati, National ICT Awardee
1 08 January 2020 Creating Mindmap using Mindomo (Hindi) Dr. Bichitra Choudhuri, Academic Consultant, CIET - NCERT

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