Webinar on ‘Cyber Clubs’
(Activity as part of Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas)
The Ministry of Home Affairs is implementing the scheme “Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)” to deal with cybercrimes in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. In order to create awareness amongst students of schools & colleges, teachers, and parents, “Cyber Jaagrookta (Awareness) Diwas'' is proposed to be observed on the first Wednesday of every month commenced from 6th October 2021 in all Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/ Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) and Municipalities by involving District Magistrates Police Authorities, Officers of Education Department, etc. CIET-NCERT has planned a series of online sessions, quizzes, and online courses on cyber safety and security to raise awareness among Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.
CIET- NCERT is organising a series of activities for Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas every month. For the month of November, CIET-NCERT in collaboration with Cyber Peace Foundation is organising a webinar on ‘Cyber Clubs’ following which a post session activity on ‘Developing activities for Cyber club’ will be conducted.
Objective of Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas
- Orient all stakeholders on Cyber Jagrootka Diwas.
- Understand Cyber clubs and their functions.
- Inculcate cyber hygiene activities.
- Raise awareness on the importance of cyber parenting.
- Understand the various cyber crimes and safety.
- Understand the importance of digital wellness.
Objectives of the webinar on ‘ Cyber Clubs’
- To orient various stakeholders on Cyber Clubs
- To discuss the activities that can be conducted as part of Cyber Clubs
- To enable the schools to start cyber clubs to create awareness
Who all can participate?
Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.

Program Schedule
Date | Title | Resource Persons | Video Link |
3, November 2021
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas - Cyber Clubs |
Mr. Kumar Vikram Manager - Projects and Designs, CyberPeace Foundation | |
How to participate?
Step 1: Registration : Participants have to register themselves by clicking the link -https://forms.gle/rMTS5UFadvq2gQMY6 Or Scanning the QR code-

Step 2: Watch live training sessions: Participants have to attend training sessions, which will be live streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel - http://youtube.com/ncertofficial on November 03, 2021 at 4:00- 5:00 pm . The session will also be telecast live on the following channels-
- PM eVIDYA Channel number 6-12 meant for Classes VI to XII.
- DD Free Dish Channel #28-34
- DISH TV Channel #2027-2033
- JIO TV Mobile App
- TATA SKY Channel #756
- AIRTEL Channel #437-440
- Den channel #517-527
Step 3: Submit Your Feedback: Participants are requested to submit their feedback using the link - https://forms.gle/7THW385xrVJA3jb68
This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning, and suggestions regarding the online training on "Stay Safe in the Cyber World" organized by CIET-NCERT in collaboration with ISEA, CDAC..
Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us in further improvement of the virtual training process. Confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.
Step: 4 Participation in post session activity: Developing Activity for cyber Clubs
As a post session activity, a teacher / participant shall select any one topic with respect to cyber safety and security on which she/ he intends to create awareness among students through cyber clubs
Teacher/ participant should describe the activity with the following details
- Title of the activity
- Purpose of the Activity:
- Target Group
- How will the activity be conducted?
- Outcome of the activity
- Activity Link: Conduct the activity in the school/ or with a sample group and record the video. Upload the video on YouTube and submit the link.
Entries should be submitted before 30 November 2021 in the following link.
Link- https://forms.gle/uLqZvthXAhiVsd3B9
The post-session activity submission link will also be sent through the mail to the registered participants.
Step 5: Certification
Submitted entries will be evaluated and valid entries will receive a certificate within 15 days from the closing date of the event (certificate will be issues within Dec 15, 2021)