Online Training on “Innovative Pedagogies for Digital Education”

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Online Training on
“Innovative Pedagogies for Digital Education”

As a step towards knowledge sharing and capacity building of teachers, teacher educators and students on Educational Technology (ET) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). CIET-NCERT started organizing webinar and online training/workshops for students, teachers and teacher educators focusing on the use of ET and ICT in education. As NEP 2020 recommends for a blended approach, it is essential to orient all stakeholders on various innovations pedagogical for digital education. Hence a 4 days of online training starting from November 23 - 26, 2021 is being conducted on the topic “Innovative Pedagogies for Digital Education” as part of the online training series.


The objectives of this training is to orient teachers, teacher-educators, school administrators, and other stakeholders to understand the innovative pedagogies of digital education and it’s challenges and solutions while integrating technology for digital education.

Who Can Participate?

Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public etc

Program Schedule
Day Date and Time Session Title Name of Resource Person Video Link
Day – I
23-Nov-21 Flipped Learning
Dr. Biju K, Assistant Professor, Central University of Tamil Nadu. Video
Day- II
Blended Learning Karanpreet Kaur Dr Sonam Bansal, RLS College Of Education, Sidhrawali, Haryana. Video
Day -III
25-Nov-21 Active and Collaborative Learning Ms. Ajita Deshmukh, Assistant Professor, School of Education & Research, MIT-ADT University, Pune. Video
Day- IV
Safety Concerns in Online Education Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dean, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Ms. Chandni Agarwal, National ICT Awardee Ms. Vineeta Garg, National Teachers' Awardee
Moderator: Dr Angel Rathnabai
How To Participate?

Step 1: Registration : Participants have to register themselves by clicking the link - Or Scanning the QR code-

Step 2: Watch live training sessions: Participants have to attend training sessions, which will be live streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel - from November 23- 26, 2021 at 4:00- 5:00 pm (Tuesday to Friday). The session will also be telecast live on the following channels-

  • PM eVIDYA Channel number 6-12 meant for Classes VI to XII.
  • DD Free Dish Channel #28-34
  • DISH TV Channel #2027-2033
  • JIO TV Mobile App
  • TATA SKY Channel #756
  • AIRTEL Channel #437-440
  • Den channel #517-527

Step: 3 Participation in Quizzes and Certification: Course Assessment Quiz will start from 5:00 pm, 26 November 2021 till 11.55 pm, 28 November 2021. The Quiz link will also be sent through mail to the registered participants.Quiz can be accessed through the link given below.

    Quiz link-

    Participants scoring 70% and above will receive a certificate. Qualifying participants will receive the certificate within 15 days(Dec 15, 2021)

Step 4: Submit Your Feedback: Participants are requested to submit their feedback using the link-

This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning, and suggestions regarding the online training on “Innovative Pedagogies for Digital Education” organized by CIET-NCERT .

Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us in further improvement of the virtual training process. Confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.

For any queries send us an email to

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