Online Training on “Virtual Labs for Teaching and Learning”

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Online Training on
“Virtual Labs for Teaching and Learning”

Virtual Labs or Online Labs (OLABS) enabled schools to perform various experiments and activities without physical labs or limits. It proved to be efficient educational technology and gained popularity among teachers and students during the Covid 19 pandemic. CIET-NCERT in collaboration with CDAC, Mumbai has organized a five-day online training on “Virtual Labs for Teaching and Learning” from 27 to 31 December 2021 to enable teachers, students, and various stakeholders, perform experiments or practical lessons on different subjects on one platform at any-time, and at anywhere. CDAC, MeitY, Mumbai in collaboration with Amrita Vishwa Visyapeetham has developed OLabs based on the idea that lab experiments can be taught using the Internet, more efficiently and less expensively. Para 24.4 (f) of NEP 2020 states ‘Virtual Labs: Existing e-learning platforms such as DIKSHA, SWAYAM and SWAYAMPRABHA will also be leveraged for creating virtual labs so that all students have equal access to quality practical and hands-on experiment-based learning experiences. The possibility of providing adequate access to SEDG students and teachers through suitable digital devices, such as tablets with pre-loaded content, will be considered and developed’. As an effort to orient various stakeholders in the use of Olabs for virtual experimenting and exploring, a 5 days of online training starting from December 27 - 31, 2021 is being conducted on the topic ‘Virtual Labs for Teaching and Learning’ as part of the online training series.


The objective of this online training is to orient teachers, teacher-educators and students, and various stakeholders about the know-how of Virtual Labs with special reference to OLABS and its significance towards providing real-time experiments and practical learning outcomes.

Who Can Participate?

Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public, etc.

Program Schedule
Date Topic Resource Persons
Day-1 27/12/21(Mon) Virtual Labs - Pedagogical & Technology Affordances Dr. Sasikumar and Ms. Archana Rane
Day-2 28/12/21 (Tue) Learning Physics through Online labs (Virtual labs) Ms. Archana Rane and Suman Ninoriya
Day-3 29/12/21 (Wed) Learning Chemistry and biology through Online labs (Virtual labs)
Ms. Suman Ninoriya and Ms. Priyanka
Day-4 30/12/21 (Thur)
Learning Mathematics and English through Online labs (Virtual labs)
Ms. Suman Ninoriya and
Ms. Archana Rane and Mr. Vaibhav Singh
Day-5 31/12/21 (Friday)
Open Source Software Security – Virtual Labs Mr. Raakesh T. Principal Technical Officer, CDAC Mumbai
How To Participate?

Step 1: Registration : Participants have to register themselves by clicking the link - Or Scanning the QR code-

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Step 2: Watch live training sessions: Participants have to attend training sessions, which will be live-streamed on NCERT Official YouTube channel - from December 27 - 31, 2021 at 4:00- 5:00 pm (Monday to Friday). The session will also be telecast live on the following channels-

  • PM eVIDYA Channel number 6-12 meant for Classes VI to XII.
  • DD Free Dish Channel #28-34
  • DISH TV Channel #2027-2033
  • JIO TV Mobile App
  • TATA SKY Channel #756
  • AIRTEL Channel #437-440
  • Den channel #517-527

If you have missed the live Sessions, you can watch the recording at the given Link -

Step: 3 Participation in Post session Activity and Certification: Post session Activity will start from 10:00 pm, 31 December 2021 till 10:00 pm, 31 January 2022. The Post session Activity link will be given on this webpage. The Post session Activity can be accessed through the link given below.

Post session Activity Link-

Valid entries will receive a certificate. Qualifying participants will receive the certificate within 15 days.

Step 4: Submit Your Feedback: Participants are requested to submit their feedback using the link-

This feedback form is intended to know your experiences, learning, and suggestions regarding the online training on “Virtual Labs for Teaching and Learning” organized by CIET-NCERT in collaboration with CDAC, Mumbai.

Kindly share your experiences and suggestions with us. This will help us in further improvement of the virtual training process. Confidentiality of your responses will be ensured.

For any queries send us an email at

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