Consult Workshop

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Our country is moving towards the second phase of this project from Diagnosis to implementation of interventions in which a situation analysis in the identified priority areas has to be focused. For this two states Madhya Pradesh and Meghalaya had conducted 2 workshops each to analyses the present situation among the priority areas and developed a plan of action for interventions which includes clear identification of priorities, outcomes to be achieved, indicators, baseline, benchmarks, resource requirements, approximate costs, time line, monitoring and evaluation system, and expected outcomes. In continuation with the Phase 2 of the project a National Consultation workshop has been organized to devise strategies for implementation in the 2 states, viz., Madhya Pradesh and Meghalaya according to the developed action plan.

Schedule of Workshop

Draft Report of GEQAF Phase-2 in Madhya Pradesh

Draft Report of GEQAF Phase-2 in Meghalaya

List of Resource Persons/Participants


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